初探async await 实现多线程处理


这是await :http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh156528.aspx



private async void StartButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
// ExampleMethodAsync returns a Task<int>, which means that the method
// eventually produces an int result. However, ExampleMethodAsync returns
// the Task<int> value as soon as it reaches an await.
ResultsTextBox.Text += "\n";
int length = await ExampleMethodAsync();
// Note that you could put "await ExampleMethodAsync()" in the next line where
// "length" is, but due to when '+=' fetches the value of ResultsTextBox, you
// would not see the global side effect of ExampleMethodAsync setting the text.
ResultsTextBox.Text += String.Format("Length: {0}\n", length);
catch (Exception)
// Process the exception if one occurs.
} public async Task<int> ExampleMethodAsync()
var httpClient = new HttpClient();
int exampleInt = (await httpClient.GetStringAsync("http://msdn.microsoft.com")).Length;
ResultsTextBox.Text += "Preparing to finish ExampleMethodAsync.\n";
// After the following return statement, any method that's awaiting
// ExampleMethodAsync (in this case, StartButton_Click) can get the
// integer result.
return exampleInt;
// Output:
// Preparing to finish ExampleMethodAsync.
// Length: 53292

上面是微软给的写法,给按钮的响应方法加上async,然后await ExampleMethodAsync,让一个Length变量来接收返回值。


        private async void button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
TB_Result.Text = await exampleAsync();
        private async Task<string> exampleAsync()
return await Task.Run(() =>
WebClient w = new WebClient();
w.DownloadFile("http://provissy.com", "webPage1");
w.DownloadFile("http://microsoft.com", "webPage2");
string a = w.DownloadString("http://microsoft.com");
return a;

Task.Run 和 Lambda表达式,用起来其实更加简单。

在 => { }范围内写任何代码都是异步执行的,因此不用担心某几个语句是否会长时间堵住UI线程。



        private async Task exampleAsync()
// 用 await exampleAsync(); 来调用即可,会立即返回。
await Task.Run(() =>
WebClient w = new WebClient();
w.DownloadFile("http://provissy.com", "webPage1");
w.DownloadFile("http://microsoft.com", "webPage2");

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