




In future versions of Windows, Microsoft might remove the Netsh functionality
for TCP/IP.

Microsoft recommends that you transition to Windows PowerShell if you currently
use netsh to configure and manage TCP/IP.

Type Get-Command -Module NetTCPIP at the Windows PowerShell prompt to view
a list of commands to manage TCP/IP.

Visit http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=217627 for additional information
about PowerShell commands for TCP/IP.
netsh interface>ip
netsh interface ipv4>set address
One or more essential parameters were not entered.
Verify the required parameters, and reenter them.
The syntax supplied for this command is not valid. Check help for the correct syntax.

Usage: set address [name=]<string>
[[address=]<IPv4 address>[/<integer>] [[mask=]<IPv4 mask>]
[[gateway=]<IPv4 address>|none [gwmetric=]<integer>]


Tag Value
name - Interface name or index.
source - One of the following values:
dhcp: Enables DHCP for configuring IP addresses for
the specified interface.
static: Disables DHCP for configuring IP addresses for
the specified interface. This value must be
specified if an address or a gateway is being
address - IPv4 address to add or modify, optionally followed by
the subnet prefix length.
mask - The IP subnet mask for the specified IP address.
gateway - One of the following values:
<IPv4 address>: A specific default gateway for the
static IP address you are setting.
none: No default gateways are set. This is the default.
gwmetric - The metric for the default gateway. This field should
be set only if gateway is specified.
type - One of the following values:
unicast: Marks the address as a unicast address.
This is the default.
anycast: Marks the address as an anycast address.
subinterface - LUID of the subinterface on which the default gateway
exists. This parameter is only needed on interfaces
with multiple subinterfaces.
store - One of the following values:
active: Set only lasts until next boot.
persistent: Set is persistent. This is the default.

Remarks: Used to enable or disable DHCP for IP address configuration.
Also removes any previous static IP addresses and default gateways,
and can add a new static IP address and default gateway.


set address name="Wired Ethernet Connection" source=dhcp
set address "Wired Ethernet Connection" static 1

netsh interface ipv4>set dns
One or more essential parameters were not entered.
Verify the required parameters, and reenter them.
The syntax supplied for this command is not valid. Check help for the correct syntax.

Usage: set dnsservers [name=]<string> [source=]dhcp|static
[[address=]<IP address>|none]


Tag Value
name - The name or index of the interface.
source - One of the following values:
dhcp: Sets DHCP as the source for configuring DNS
servers for the specific interface.
static: Sets the source for configuring DNS servers
to local static configuration.
address - One of the following values:
<IP address>: An IP address for a DNS server.
none: Clears the list of DNS servers.
register - One of the following values:
none: Disables Dynamic DNS registration.
primary: Register under the primary DNS suffix only.
both: Register under both the primary DNS suffix, as
well as under the connection-specific suffix.
validate - Specifies whether validation of the DNS server setting
will be performed. The value is yes by default.

Remarks: Sets DNS server configuration to either DHCP or static mode. Only
when source is 'static', is the 'addr' option also available for
configuring a static list of DNS server IP addresses for the
specified interface. If Validate switch is yes, then
the newly set DNS server is validated.


set dnsservers name="Wired Ethernet Connection" source=dhcp
set dnsservers "Wired Ethernet Connection" static primary

netsh interface ipv4>


set address name="Wired Ethernet Connection" source=dhcp  (自动获取IP)
  set address "Wired Ethernet Connection" static 1 (静态设置)

set dnsservers name="Wired Ethernet Connection" source=dhcp (自动获取DNS)
  set dnsservers "Wired Ethernet Connection" static primary (静态设置)




netsh interface ip set address "Ethernet" source=dhcp
netsh interface ip set dns "Ethernet" source=dhcp



netsh interface ip set dnsservers "Ethernet" static





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