
using namespace std; void find_replace(string s, string oldValue, string newValue)
if (s.empty() || oldValue.empty() || newValue.empty())
cout << "Error" << endl;
if (s.size() < newValue.size())
cout << "Error" << endl;
} string word;
vector<string>vec; //分割string
istringstream stream(s);
while(stream >> word)
} vector<string>::iterator it1 = vec.begin(); while (it1 != vec.end())
if (*it1 == oldValue)
string::iterator it2 = (*it1).begin();
it2 = (*it1).erase(it2, it2+oldValue.size());
(*it1).insert(it2, newValue.begin(), newValue.end());
string::iterator it3 = (*it1).begin();
string::iterator it4 = oldValue.begin();
while (it3 != (*it1).end())
if ((*it3) == (*it4))
string sub = (*it1).substr(it3-(*it1).begin(), oldValue.size());
if (sub == newValue)
unsigned offset = it3 - (*it1).begin();
it3 = (*it1).erase(it3, it3+oldValue.size());
(*it1).insert(it3, newValue.begin(), newValue.end());
it3 = (*it1).begin() + offset + newValue.size() - 1;
} for (auto i = vec.begin(); i != vec.end(); i++)
cout << *i << endl; } int main()
//略 return 0;


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