export [-k keychain] [-t type] [-f format] [-w] [-p format] [-P passphrase] [-o outfile]
Export one or more items from a keychain to one of a number of external representations. If
keychain isn't provided, items will be exported from the user's default keychain. import inputfile [-k keychain] [-t type] [-f format] [-w] [-P passphrase] [options...]
Import one or more items from inputfile into a keychain. If keychain isn't provided, items will
be imported into the user's default keychain. Options:
-k keychain Specify keychain into which item(s) will be imported/exported.
-t type Specify the type of items to import/export. Import types are: cert, pub, priv, session,
cert, and agg. Pub, priv, and session refer to keys; agg is one of the
aggregate types (pkcs12 and PEM sequence). The command can often figure out what
item_type an item contains based in the filename and/or item_format. Export types are: certs, allKeys, pubKeys, privKeys, identities, and all.
The default is all. An identity consists of both
a certificate and the corresponding provate key. -f format Specify the format of the exported data. Possible formats are openssl, bsafe,
raw, pkcs7, pkcs8, pkcs12, x509, openssh1, openssh2, and pemseq. The command can
often figure out what format an item is in based in the filename and/or
item_type. The default is openssl if one key
is being exported. The default is x509 if one certificate is being exported. -w Specify that private keys are wrapped and must be unwrapped on import/export.
-x Specify that private keys are non-extractable after being imported.
-p Specifies that PEM armour is to be applied to the exports output data.
-P passphrase Specify the unwrapping passphrase immediately. The default is to obtain a secure
passphrase via GUI.
-o outfile Write the output data to outfile. Default is to write data to stdout.
-a attrName attrValue
Specify optional extended attribute name and value. Can be used multiple times.
This is only valid when importing keys.
-A Allow any application to access the imported key without warning (insecure, not
-T appPath Specify an application which may access the imported key (multiple -T options
are allowed) Examples security> import /tmp/certs.pem -k security> import /tmp/mycerts.p12 -t agg -k newcert.keychain security> import /tmp/mycerts.p12 -f pkcs12 -k newcert.keychain security> export -k login.keychain -t certs -o /tmp/certs.pem security> export -k newcert.keychain -t identities -f pkcs12 -o /tmp/mycerts.p12

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