
函数名: freopen 
功  能: 替换一个流 
用  法: FILE *freopen(char *filename, char *type, FILE *stream);

 FILE * __cdecl _tfreopen (
const _TSCHAR *filename,
const _TSCHAR *mode,
FILE *str
REG1 FILE *stream;
FILE *retval; _ASSERTE(filename != NULL);
_ASSERTE(*filename != _T('\0'));
_ASSERTE(mode != NULL);
_ASSERTE(str != NULL); /* Init stream pointer */
stream = str; _lock_str(stream); /* If the stream is in use, try to close it. Ignore possible
* error (ANSI */
if ( inuse(stream) )
_fclose_lk(stream); stream->_ptr = stream->_base = NULL;
stream->_cnt = stream->_flag = ;
retval = _openfile(filename,mode,_SH_DENYNO,stream); _unlock_str(stream);


函数名: fclose()
功 能: 关闭一个流。
用 法: int fclose(FILE *stream);
 int __cdecl fclose (
FILE *str
REG1 FILE *stream;
REG2 int result = EOF; /* Init near stream pointer */
stream = str; if (stream->_flag & _IOSTRG) {
stream->_flag = ;
} #endif /* _MT */ _ASSERTE(str != NULL); if (inuse(stream)) { /* Stream is in use:
(1) flush stream
(2) free the buffer
(3) close the file
(4) delete the file if temporary
*/ result = _flush(stream);
_freebuf(stream); if (_close(_fileno(stream)) < )
result = EOF; else if ( stream->_tmpfname != NULL ) {
* temporary file (i.e., one created by tmpfile()
* call). delete, if necessary (don't have to on
* Windows NT because it was done by the system when
* the handle was closed). also, free up the heap
* block holding the pathname.
stream->_tmpfname = NULL;
} } stream->_flag = ;


函数名: feof 
功  能: 检测流上的文件结束符 
用  法: int feof(FILE *stream);

 int __cdecl feof (
FILE *stream
return( ((stream)->_flag & _IOEOF) );


函数名: ferror 
功  能: 检测流上的错误 
用  法: int ferror(FILE *stream);

 int __cdecl ferror (
FILE *stream
return( ((stream)->_flag & _IOERR) );


函数名: fflush 
功 能: 清除文件缓冲区,文件以写方式打开时将缓冲区内容写入文件
用  法: int fflush(FILE *stream);

 int __cdecl fflush (
REG1 FILE *str
{ /* if stream is NULL, flush all streams */
if ( str == NULL ) {
} if (_flush(str) != ) {
/* _flush failed, don't attempt to commit */
} /* lowio commit to ensure data is written to disk */
if (str->_flag & _IOCOMMIT) {
return (_commit(_fileno(str)) ? EOF : );
return ();



* FFLUSHNULL functionality: fflush the write
* stream and kept track of the error, if one
* occurs


stream->_ptr = stream->_base;
stream->_cnt = 0;


如果stream仅具有写标记且buffer已成功分配(if ((stream->_flag & (_IOREAD | _IOWRT)) == _IOWRT && bigbuf(stream) && (nchar = stream->_ptr - stream >_base) > 0))的话,则调用_write将缓冲区里的内容写到相关的文件句柄中。




函数名: fgetpos 
功  能:取得当前文件的指针所指的位置,并把该指针所指的位置数存放到pos所指的对象中。pos值以内部格式存储,仅由fgetpos和fsetpos使用。其中fsetpos的功能与fgetpos相反,为了详细介绍,将在后节给与说明。


用  法: int fgetpos(FILE *stream);

 int __cdecl fgetpos (
FILE *stream,
fpos_t *pos
#ifdef _MAC
int posl = ftell(stream); *pos = (fpos_t) posl; if ( posl != -1L )


函数名: fsetpos 
功  能:将文件指针定位在pos指定的位置上。该函数的功能与前面提到的fgetpos相反,是将文件指针fp按照pos指定的位置在文件中定位。pos值以内部格式存储,仅由fgetpos和fsetpos使用。


用  法: int fsetpos(FILE *stream, const fpos_t *pos);

int __cdecl fsetpos (
FILE *stream,
const fpos_t *pos
return( fseek(stream, (long) *pos, SEEK_SET) );


函数名: fread 
功  能: 从一个文件流中读数据,最多读取count个元素,每个元素size字节,如果调用成功返回实际读取到的元素个数,如果不成功返回 0 
用  法: int fread(void *ptr, int size, int nitems, FILE *stream);

 size_t __cdecl fread (
void *buffer,
size_t size,
size_t num,
FILE *stream
char *data; /* point to where should be read next */
unsigned total; /* total bytes to read */
unsigned count; /* num bytes left to read */
unsigned bufsize; /* size of stream buffer */
unsigned nbytes; /* how much to read now */
unsigned nread; /* how much we did read */
int c; /* a temp char */ /* initialize local vars */
data = buffer; if ( (count = total = size * num) == )
return ; if (anybuf(stream))
/* already has buffer, use its size */
bufsize = stream->_bufsiz;
bufsize = BUFSIZ;
/* here is the main loop -- we go through here until we're done */
while (count != ) {
/* if the buffer exists and has characters, copy them to user
buffer */
if (anybuf(stream) && stream->_cnt != ) {
/* how much do we want? */
nbytes = (count < (unsigned)stream->_cnt) ? count : stream->_cnt;
memcpy(data, stream->_ptr, nbytes); /* update stream and amt of data read */
count -= nbytes;
stream->_cnt -= nbytes;
stream->_ptr += nbytes;
data += nbytes;
else if (count >= bufsize) {
/* If we have more than bufsize chars to read, get data
by calling read with an integral number of bufsiz
blocks. Note that if the stream is text mode, read
will return less chars than we ordered. */ /* calc chars to read -- (count/bufsize) * bufsize */
nbytes = ( bufsize ? (count - count % bufsize) :
count ); nread = _read(_fileno(stream), data, nbytes);
if (nread == ) {
/* end of file -- out of here */
stream->_flag |= _IOEOF;
return (total - count) / size;
else if (nread == (unsigned)-) {
/* error -- out of here */
stream->_flag |= _IOERR;
return (total - count) / size;
} /* update count and data to reflect read */
count -= nread;
data += nread;
else {
/* less than bufsize chars to read, so call _filbuf to
fill buffer */
if ((c = _filbuf(stream)) == EOF) {
/* error or eof, stream flags set by _filbuf */
return (total - count) / size;
} /* _filbuf returned a char -- store it */
*data++ = (char) c;
--count; /* update buffer size */
bufsize = stream->_bufsiz;
} /* we finished successfully, so just return num */
return num;

在fread中处理3种情况:I/O控制块缓冲区中有剩余数据,则直接从中拿出需要的数据(如果剩余数据不够,则只拿缓冲区里有的);无剩余数据且仍需要的数据数目大于等于缓冲区中已有的数据数目,通过调用_read直接从stream对应的文件中读取需要的数据(需要注意的是,在这种情况下,get data by calling read with an integral number of bufsiz blocks);无剩余数据且需要的数据数目小于缓冲区,则调用_filbuf新建缓冲区,同时接受_filbuf返回的一个char保证数据正确。



函数名: fseek 
功  能: 重定位流上的文件指针 
用  法: int fseek(FILE *stream, long offset, int fromwhere);


函数名: ftell 
功  能: 返回当前文件指针 
用  法: long ftell(FILE *stream);


函数名: fwrite 
功  能: 写内容到流中 
用  法: int fwrite(void *ptr, int size, int nitems, FILE *stream);


原型:extern void printf(const char *format,...);

用法:#include <stdio.h>




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