
1. gd_t : global data数据结构定义,位于文件 include/asm-arm/global_data.h。其成员主要是一些全局的系统初始化参数。需要用到时用宏定义: DECLARE_GLOBAL_DATA_PTR,指定占用寄存器R8。


* The following data structure is placed in some memory wich is

* available very early after boot (like DPRAM on MPC8xx/MPC82xx, or

* some locked parts of the data cache) to allow for a minimum set of

* global variables during system initialization (until we have set

* up the memory controller so that we can use RAM).


* Keep it *SMALL* and remember to set CFG_GBL_DATA_SIZE > sizeof(gd_t)

* CFG_GBL_DATA_SIZE在config文件中定义,start.S中会根据这个值分配栈空间给global_data


typedef    struct    global_data {

bd_t        *bd;                                   // struct board_info指针,保存板子信息

unsigned long    flags;                    // 指示标志,如设备已经初始化标志等

unsigned long    baudrate;            // 串口波特率

unsigned long    have_console;    // 串口初始化标志

unsigned long    reloc_off;             // ?? 重定位偏移,即实际定向位置与连接指定之差

unsigned long    env_addr;      // Address of Environment struct ,环境参数地址

unsigned long    env_valid;            // 环境参数CRC检验有效标志

unsigned long    fb_base;              // frame buffer的基址


unsigned char    vfd_type;    /* display type */


#if 0

unsigned long    cpu_clk;    /* CPU clock in Hz!        */

unsigned long    bus_clk;

unsigned long    ram_size;    /* RAM size */

unsigned long    reset_status;    /* reset status register at boot */


void        **jt;        /* jump table */

} gd_t;


* Global Data Flags


#define    GD_FLG_RELOC    0x00001        /* Code was relocated to RAM        */

#define    GD_FLG_DEVINIT    0x00002       /* Devices have been initialized    */

#define    GD_FLG_SILENT    0x00004        /* Silent mode                */

#define DECLARE_GLOBAL_DATA_PTR     register volatile gd_t *gd asm ("r8")

2. bd_t : board info数据结构定义,位于文件 include/asm-arm/u-boot.h。保存板子参数。

typedef struct bd_info {

int            bi_baudrate;                         // 串口波特率

unsigned long    bi_ip_addr;                // IP地址

unsigned char    bi_enetaddr[6];        // MAC地址

struct environment_s           *bi_env;

ulong            bi_arch_number;             // 板子ID号

ulong            bi_boot_params;             // 启动参数

struct                                                    // DRAM BANKS配置,起始地址与长度


ulong start;

ulong size;

}             bi_dram[CONFIG_NR_DRAM_BANKS];


unsigned char   bi_enet1addr[6];         // 如果有第二块网卡,指定MAC地址


} bd_t;

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