Models  are very important, here model means role model, is kind of like a hero. It's  someone that has success, the same kind of success that you want.

Why it's  important? Because you can learn from them. You can learn much faster if you discover what they did to succeed. You don't have to make all the mistakes ,you can copy them in a way.

How ?They must have many strategies, you can take all the great ones that they were using, that they discovered their life, maybe with many many years. You can use them in months or weeks. Cool!

Well you can do the same thing with your English learning. You can find role models, people who are total masters. You speed up the learning process.  You 'll  become a master too, quite simple.

Focus on what they focus on, learn what they learn and read what they read… You can find your own way to learn English.


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