
#include "base/CCPlatformMacros.h"
#include <string>
#include "base/CCData.h" NS_CC_BEGIN /**
* @addtogroup data_storage
* @{
*/ /**
* UserDefault acts as a tiny database. You can save and get base type values by it.
* For example, setBoolForKey("played", true) will add a bool value true into the database.
* Its key is "played". You can get the value of the key by getBoolForKey("played").
* It supports the following base types:
* bool, int, float, double, string
class CC_DLL UserDefault
// get value methods /**
@brief Get bool value by key, if the key doesn't exist, a default value will return.
You can set the default value, or it is false.
* @js NA
bool getBoolForKey(const char* pKey);
* @js NA
bool getBoolForKey(const char* pKey, bool defaultValue);
@brief Get integer value by key, if the key doesn't exist, a default value will return.
You can set the default value, or it is 0.
* @js NA
int getIntegerForKey(const char* pKey);
* @js NA
int getIntegerForKey(const char* pKey, int defaultValue);
@brief Get float value by key, if the key doesn't exist, a default value will return.
You can set the default value, or it is 0.0f.
* @js NA
float getFloatForKey(const char* pKey);
* @js NA
float getFloatForKey(const char* pKey, float defaultValue);
@brief Get double value by key, if the key doesn't exist, a default value will return.
You can set the default value, or it is 0.0.
* @js NA
double getDoubleForKey(const char* pKey);
* @js NA
double getDoubleForKey(const char* pKey, double defaultValue);
@brief Get string value by key, if the key doesn't exist, a default value will return.
You can set the default value, or it is "".
* @js NA
std::string getStringForKey(const char* pKey);
* @js NA
std::string getStringForKey(const char* pKey, const std::string & defaultValue);
@brief Get binary data value by key, if the key doesn't exist, a default value will return.
You can set the default value, or it is null.
* @js NA
* @lua NA
Data getDataForKey(const char* pKey);
* @js NA
* @lua NA
Data getDataForKey(const char* pKey, const Data& defaultValue); // set value methods /**
@brief Set bool value by key.
* @js NA
void setBoolForKey(const char* pKey, bool value);
@brief Set integer value by key.
* @js NA
void setIntegerForKey(const char* pKey, int value);
@brief Set float value by key.
* @js NA
void setFloatForKey(const char* pKey, float value);
@brief Set double value by key.
* @js NA
void setDoubleForKey(const char* pKey, double value);
@brief Set string value by key.
* @js NA
void setStringForKey(const char* pKey, const std::string & value);
@brief Set binary data value by key.
* @js NA
* @lua NA
void setDataForKey(const char* pKey, const Data& value);
@brief Save content to xml file
* @js NA
void flush(); /** returns the singleton
* @js NA
* @lua NA
static UserDefault* getInstance();
* @js NA
static void destroyInstance(); /** deprecated. Use getInstace() instead
* @js NA
* @lua NA
CC_DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTE static UserDefault* sharedUserDefault();
* @js NA
CC_DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTE static void purgeSharedUserDefault();
* @js NA
const static std::string& getXMLFilePath();
* @js NA
static bool isXMLFileExist(); private:
~UserDefault(); static bool createXMLFile();
static void initXMLFilePath(); static UserDefault* _userDefault;
static std::string _filePath;
static bool _isFilePathInitialized;
}; // end of data_storage group
/// @} NS_CC_END


#include "base/CCUserDefault.h UserDefault::getInstance()->setStringForKey("key", "value");
auto value = UserDefault::getInstance()->getStringForKey("key","Default value");
log("key = %s",value.c_str());

执行结果例如以下图:控制台打印出 key = value;


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