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Insanely fast, headless full-stack testing using Node.js

Zombie.js Getting Started The API CSS Selectors Troubleshooting The Guts Download PDF   Google Group IRC: #zombie.js Github/Issues Changelog Annotated Source Code Coverage More Magic! Insanely fast, headless full-stack testing using Node.js The Bite If you're going to write an insanely fast, headless browser, how can you not call it Zombie? Zombie it is. Zombie.js is a lightweight framework for testing client-side JavaScript code in a simulated environment. No browser required. Let's try to sign up to a page and see what happens: var Browser = require("zombie"); var assert = require("assert"); // Load the page from localhost browser = new Browser() browser.visit("http://localhost:3000/", function () { // Fill email, password and submit form browser. fill("email", "zombie@underworld.dead"). fill("password", "eat-the-living"). pressButton("Sign Me Up!", function() { // Form submitted, new page loaded. assert.ok(browser.success);

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