1. from collections import Iterator
    from collections import Iterabl
  3. dic = {'a':"a","91a":"c"}
  1. print(max(dic)) # 可迭代对象为字典时,取的是键
  3. print(max("cd","ft"))
  5. def sum1(n):
  6. sum1 = 0
  7. for i in range(n,0,-1):
  8. print(i)
  9. sum1 +=i
  10. return sum1
  11. print(sum1(8))
  13. # range() # 是内置函数,产生一个定制的数字范围的整数序列,返回的是一个迭代对象,不能直接取值,通过for循环。
  14. print(range(5),type(range(5)))
  15. print(isinstance(range(5),Iterable)) # True
  16. print(isinstance(range(5),Iterator)) # False
  17. print("__iter__" in dir(range(5))) # True
  18. print("__next__" in dir(range(5))) # False
  20. range_iterator = range(5).__iter__() # 将可迭代对象 转换成为 迭代器
  21. # print(range_iterator.__next__())
  22. # print(range_iterator.__next__())
  23. # print(range_iterator.__next__())
  25. while True:
  26. try:
  27. item = range_iterator.__next__()
  28. print(item)
  29. except StopIteration:
  30. break
  1. li = [1,3,5,10]
  3. print(isinstance(li,Iterable)) # True

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