Entity Framewor 学习笔记 (include + where)
IEnumerable<Product> products = db.products.Include(p => p.colors.Where(c => c.id == )).ToList();
product - color , 1-n
可能你以为是这样,但是结果是 error : "The Include path expression must refer to a navigation property defined on the type. Use dotted paths for reference navigation properties and the Select operator for collection navigation properties."
var products = db.products.Include(p => p.colors).Select(p => new
id = p.id,
colors = p.colors.Where(c => c.id == )
这个方法虽然可以但是缺点很多,比如要写一堆属性=value, 而且出来是IEnumerable<匿名对象> 而不是 IEnumerable<Product>
IEnumerable<Product> products = db.products.Include(p => p.colors).Select(p => new
Product = p,
colors = p.colors.Where(c => c.id == )
}).ToList().Select(p => p.Product).ToList();
参考 : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/25276978/ef-6-add-where-clause-to-an-include-with-navigation-property
var product = db.products.ToList();
var colors = db.colors.ToList();
Color c = product.First().colors.First();
上面的第3句是可以拿到 color 的, 原理就是当 colors 被请求回来后,它会自动填入 product.colors 值,base on 他的 foreign key 做链接 。
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