In this example, you will use Spring’s Scheduler API to schedule a task.

1. Scheduler Task

Create a scheduler task…

  1. package com.mkyong.common;
  3. public class RunMeTask
  4. {
  5. public void printMe() {
  6. System.out.println("Run Me ~");
  7. }
  8. }
  1. <bean id="runMeTask" class="com.mkyong.common.RunMeTask" />

Spring comes with a MethodInvokingTimerTaskFactoryBean as a replacement for the JDK TimerTask. You can define your target scheduler object and method to call here.

  1. <bean id="schedulerTask"
  2. class="org.springframework.scheduling.timer.MethodInvokingTimerTaskFactoryBean">
  3. <property name="targetObject" ref="runMeTask" />
  4. <property name="targetMethod" value="printMe" />
  5. </bean>

Spring comes with a ScheduledTimerTask as a replacement for the JDK Timer. You can pass your scheduler name, delay and period here.

  1. <bean id="timerTask"
  2. class="org.springframework.scheduling.timer.ScheduledTimerTask">
  3. <property name="timerTask" ref="schedulerTask" />
  4. <property name="delay" value="1000" />
  5. <property name="period" value="60000" />
  6. </bean>

2. TimerFactoryBean

In last, you can configure a TimerFactoryBean bean to start your scheduler task.

  1. <bean class="org.springframework.scheduling.timer.TimerFactoryBean">
  2. <property name="scheduledTimerTasks">
  3. <list>
  4. <ref local="timerTask" />
  5. </list>
  6. </property>
  7. </bean>

File : Spring-Scheduler.xml

  1. <beans xmlns=""
  2. xmlns:xsi=""
  3. xsi:schemaLocation="
  6. <bean id="schedulerTask"
  7. class="org.springframework.scheduling.timer.MethodInvokingTimerTaskFactoryBean">
  8. <property name="targetObject" ref="runMeTask" />
  9. <property name="targetMethod" value="printMe" />
  10. </bean>
  12. <bean id="runMeTask" class="com.mkyong.common.RunMeTask" />
  14. <bean id="timerTask"
  15. class="org.springframework.scheduling.timer.ScheduledTimerTask">
  16. <property name="timerTask" ref="schedulerTask" />
  17. <property name="delay" value="1000" />
  18. <property name="period" value="60000" />
  19. </bean>
  21. <bean class="org.springframework.scheduling.timer.TimerFactoryBean">
  22. <property name="scheduledTimerTasks">
  23. <list>
  24. <ref local="timerTask" />
  25. </list>
  26. </property>
  27. </bean>
  29. </beans>

Run it

  1. package com.mkyong.common;
  3. import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
  4. import;
  6. public class App
  7. {
  8. public static void main( String[] args )
  9. {
  10. ApplicationContext context =
  11. new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("Spring-Scheduler.xml");
  12. }
  13. }

No code need to call the scheduler task, the TimerFactoryBean will run your schedule task during start up. As result, Spring scheduler will run the printMe() method every 60 seconds, with a 1 second delay for the first time of execution.


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