using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using ServiceStack.Redis; namespace ZhengXin.Tools
public class RedisUtils
/// <summary>
/// 默认过期时间 为秒
/// </summary>
private static int secondsTimeOut = 30 * 60; #region @Royal改进部分,能操作16个库 private static readonly Dictionary<int, PooledRedisClientManager> pools = new Dictionary<int, PooledRedisClientManager>(); static RedisUtils()
string path = ConfigHelper.GetConfigKeyValue("RedisPath");
string[] readWriteHosts = new string[] { path };
string[] readOnlyHosts = new string[] { path };
for (int i = 0; i <= 15; i++)
var model = new PooledRedisClientManager(readWriteHosts, readOnlyHosts, new RedisClientManagerConfig
MaxWritePoolSize = 50, // “写”链接池链接数
MaxReadPoolSize = 50, // “读”链接池链接数
AutoStart = true,
}, i, 100, 20);
pools.Add(i, model);
} public static PooledRedisClientManager ChooseRedisInstance(int database)
if (database > 16) return pools[0]; return pools[database];
} public static void Lpush(string key, string value, int database = 0)
using (IRedisClient redis = ChooseRedisInstance(database).GetClient())
redis.PushItemToList(key, value);
} public static string Lpop(string key, int database = 0)
using (IRedisClient redis = ChooseRedisInstance(database).GetClient())
return redis.PopItemFromList(key);
} public static List<string> List(string key, int database = 0)
using (IRedisClient redis = ChooseRedisInstance(database).GetClient())
return redis.GetAllItemsFromList(key);
} public static bool ItemSet<T>(string key, T t, int timeout = 0, int db = 2)
using (IRedisClient RClient = ChooseRedisInstance(db).GetClient())
if (timeout >= 0)
if (timeout > 0)
secondsTimeOut = timeout;
return RClient.Add<T>(key, t, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(secondsTimeOut));
} } public static T ItemGet<T>(string key, int db = 2) where T : class
using (IRedisClient redis = ChooseRedisInstance(db).GetClient())
return redis.Get<T>(key);
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