Merry 被设计为了能将日常重复性操作简化为一个快捷键或者命令。Merry 采用完全开放的体系, 可以使用 Lua 或者外部程序来扩展
Merry 的功能。


addCommand{ key = 'A-R', func = toggleMerry } --最大化/还原当前窗口
addCommand{ key = 'A-M', func = function()
local window = getForegroundWindow()
if isWindowMax(window) then
showWindow(window, 'restore')
showWindow(window, 'max')
end } --关闭当前窗口
addCommand{ key = 'A-Q', func = function()
end } --隐藏/显示当前窗口
local curHideWindow
addCommand{ key = 'A-H', func = function()
if not curHideWindow then
curHideWindow = getForegroundWindow()
showWindow(curHideWindow, 'hide')
showWindow(curHideWindow, 'normal')
curHideWindow = nil
end } if WINDOWS then
for i = string.byte('a'), string.byte('z') do
local disk = string.char(i)
local isOk, errMsg = .. ':')
if isOk or errMsg:find('Permission denied') then
addCommand{ command = disk, func = function() shellExecute(disk .. ':', '', '', 'normal') end }
end --打开我的电脑
addCommand{ command = 'computer', func = function() shellExecute('::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}', '', '', 'normal') end } --打开merry根目录
addCommand{ command = 'merry', func = function() shellExecute('explorer', '.', '', 'normal') end } --打开t00ls根目录
addCommand{ command = 'tools', func = function() shellExecute('explorer', TOOLS_PATH, '', 'normal') end } --打开ha4k目录
addCommand{ command = 'hack', func = function() shellExecute('explorer', 'F:\\H4ck', '', 'normal') end } --打开cmd
addCommand{ command = 'cmd', key = 'A-T', func = function(arg)
local window = getForegroundWindow()
local dir = getWindowText(window)
shellExecute('cmd', '', dir)
end } -- 增加命令 say
-- 在 merry 的命令窗口输入的 say 命令的参数将以字符串的形式传递给 arg
addCommand{ command = 'say', func = function(arg)
end } --调整音量(依赖nircmdc)
addCommand{ key = 'A-Up', func = function() shellExecute('nircmdc', 'changesysvolume 65535', '', 'hide') end }
addCommand{ key = 'A-Down', func = function() shellExecute('nircmdc', 'changesysvolume -65535', '', 'hide') end }
addCommand{ key = 'A-Left', func = function() shellExecute('nircmdc', 'changesysvolume -4000', '', 'hide') end }
addCommand{ key = 'A-Right', func = function() shellExecute('nircmdc', 'changesysvolume 4000', '', 'hide') end } --应用软件
addCommand{ command = 'qq', func = function() shellExecute('QQScLauncher.exe', '', 'D:\\Program Files (x86)\\Tencent\\QQLite\\Bin', 'normal') end }
addCommand{ command = 'music', func = function() shellExecute('cloudmusic.exe', '', 'D:\\Program Files (x86)\\Netease\\CloudMusic', 'normal') end }
addCommand{ command = 'itools', func = function() shellExecute('iTools.exe', '', 'D:\\Program Files (x86)\\iTools', 'normal') end }
addCommand{ command = 'chrome', func = function() shellExecute('chrome.exe', '', 'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Google\\Chrome\\Application', 'normal') end }
addCommand{ command = 'Everything', func = function(arg)
if arg == "" then
shellExecute('Everything.exe', '', 'C:\\Program Files\\Everything', 'normal')
shellExecute('Everything.exe', '-search ' .. arg, 'C:\\Program Files\\Everything', 'normal')
end }
addCommand{ command = 'notepad++', func = function() shellExecute('notepad++.exe', '-multiInst', 'F:\\notepaid++', 'normal') end }
addCommand{ command = 'PotPlayer', func = function(arg)
if arg == "" then
shellExecute('PotPlayerMini64.exe', '', 'F:\\PotPlayer', 'normal')
shellExecute('PotPlayerMini64.exe', arg, 'F:\\PotPlayer', 'normal')
end } --系统软件
addCommand{ command = 'ie', func = function() shellExecute('iexplore.exe', '', 'C:\\Program Files\\Internet Explorer', 'normal') end }
addCommand{ command = 'calc', func = function() shellExecute('calc.exe', '', '%windir%\\system32', 'normal') end }
addCommand{ command = 'paint', func = function() shellExecute('mspaint.exe', '', '%windir%\\system32', 'normal') end } --工具包
addCommand{ command = 'snapshot', key = 'A-C-S', func = function() shellExecute('SnapShot.exe', '', TOOLS_PATH .. '\\Merry\\plugins', 'normal') end }
addCommand{ command = 'stikynot', func = function() shellExecute('StikyNot.exe', '', TOOLS_PATH .. '\\Merry\\plugins', 'normal') end }
addCommand{ command = 'ipmsg', func = function() shellExecute('ipmsg.exe', '', TOOLS_PATH .. '\\Merry\\plugins', 'normal') end }
addCommand{ command = 'gif', func = function() shellExecute('GifCam.exe', '', TOOLS_PATH .. '\\Merry\\plugins', 'normal') end }
addCommand{ command = 'apimonitor', func = function() shellExecute('apimonitor-x64.exe', '', TOOLS_PATH .. '\\ApiMonitor\\API Monitor', 'normal') end }
addCommand{ command = 'baiduyun', func = function() shellExecute('BaiduYunGuanjia.exe', '', TOOLS_PATH .. '\\BaiduYun\\yun', 'normal') end }
addCommand{ command = 'compare', func = function() shellExecute('BCompare.exe', '', TOOLS_PATH .. '\\Beyond Compare 4', 'normal') end }
addCommand{ command = 'c32', func = function() shellExecute('C32Asm.exe', '', TOOLS_PATH .. '\\C32Asm', 'normal') end }
addCommand{ command = 'ccleaner', func = function() shellExecute('CCleaner64.exe', '', TOOLS_PATH .. '\\CCleaner', 'normal') end }
addCommand{ command = 'cmder', func = function() shellExecute('Cmder.exe', '', TOOLS_PATH .. '\\cmder', 'normal') end }
addCommand{ command = 'ditto', func = function() shellExecute('Ditto.exe', '', TOOLS_PATH .. '\\Ditto', 'normal') end }
addCommand{ command = 'fiddler', func = function() shellExecute('Fiddler.exe', '', TOOLS_PATH .. '\\Fiddler', 'normal') end }
addCommand{ command = 'fscapture', func = function() shellExecute('FSCapture.exe', '', TOOLS_PATH .. '\\FSCapture', 'normal') end }
addCommand{ command = 'hosts', func = function() shellExecute('explorer.exe', TOOLS_PATH .. '\\HostsTool', '', 'normal') end }
addCommand{ command = 'pass', func = function() shellExecute('KeePass.exe', '', TOOLS_PATH .. '\\KeePass', 'normal') end }
addCommand{ command = 'listary', func = function() shellExecute('Listary.exe', '', TOOLS_PATH .. '\\Listary', 'normal') end }
addCommand{ command = 'logview', func = function() shellExecute('LogView.exe', '', TOOLS_PATH .. '\\LogViewerPro', 'normal') end }
addCommand{ command = 'mdict', func = function() shellExecute('MDict.exe', '', TOOLS_PATH .. '\\MDict', 'normal') end }
addCommand{ command = 'mstsc', func = function() shellExecute('mstsc.exe', '', TOOLS_PATH .. '\\mstsc\\mstsccopy', 'normal') end }
addCommand{ command = 'pdf', func = function() shellExecute('SumatraPDF.exe', '', TOOLS_PATH .. '\\mstsc\\pdf', 'normal') end }
addCommand{ command = 'picpick', func = function() shellExecute('picpick.exe', '', TOOLS_PATH .. '\\PicPick', 'normal') end }
addCommand{ command = 'xxnet', func = function() shellExecute('start.bat', '', TOOLS_PATH .. '\\XX-Net', 'normal') end }
addCommand{ command = 'sublime_text', func = function() shellExecute('sublime_text.exe', '', TOOLS_PATH .. '\\SublimeText', 'normal') end }
addCommand{ command = 'proxifier', func = function() shellExecute('Proxifier.exe', '', TOOLS_PATH .. '\\Proxifier', 'normal') end }
addCommand{ command = 'kmplayer', func = function() shellExecute('KMPlayer.exe', '', TOOLS_PATH, 'normal') end }
addCommand{ command = 'virtuawin', func = function() shellExecute('VirtuaWin.exe', '', TOOLS_PATH .. '\\VirtuaWin', 'normal') end }
addCommand{ command = 'hash', func = function() shellExecute('Hash.exe', '', TOOLS_PATH .. '\\others\\hash', 'normal') end }
addCommand{ command = 'filetypesman', func = function() shellExecute('FileTypesMan.exe', '', TOOLS_PATH .. '\\others\\filetypesman-x64', 'normal') end }
addCommand{ command = 'pchunter', func = function() shellExecute('PCHunter64.exe', '', TOOLS_PATH .. '\\others\\PCHunter', 'normal') end }
addCommand{ command = 'winscp', func = function() shellExecute('WinSCP.exe', '', TOOLS_PATH .. '\\others\\WinScp', 'normal') end }
addCommand{ command = 'putty', func = function() shellExecute('putty.exe', '', TOOLS_PATH .. '\\others\\WinScp', 'normal') end } elseif MAC then
addCommand{ command = 'terminal', key = 'A-T', func = function() shellExecute('/Applications/Utilities/') end }
end --google搜索
addCommand{ command = 'google', func = function(arg) shellExecute('' .. arg) end } --百度搜索
addCommand{ command = 'baidu', func = function(arg) shellExecute('' .. arg) end } -- Events
local histroy = .. 'histroy.lua', 'a')
addEventHandler('onUndefinedCommand', function(commandName, commandArg)
local commandNameArray = { commandName }
if MAC then
table.insert(commandNameArray, "/Applications/" .. commandName .. ".app")
table.insert(commandNameArray, "/Applications/Utilities/" .. commandName .. ".app")
end for _, commandNameFull in ipairs(commandNameArray) do
if shellExecute(commandNameFull, commandArg) then
addCommand{ command = commandName, func = function() shellExecute(commandNameFull) end }
local strCommandName = string.gsub(commandName, '\\', '\\\\')
local strCommandNameFull = string.gsub(commandNameFull, '\\', '\\\\')
histroy:write(string.format("addCommand{ command = '%s', func = function() shellExecute('%s') end }\n",
strCommandName, strCommandNameFull))
end) addEventHandler('onClose', function()
showWindow(curHideWindow, 'normal')
end) --[[
shellExecute shellExecute(commandName, commandArg, workingDir, show)
用于执行一个 shell 命令
commandName 为 shell 命令名
commandArg 为 shell 命令需要的参数
workingDir 为 shell 命令的工作路径
show 表示显示的方式,包括 'normal'、'max'、'min'、'hide'(常规显示、最大化、最小化、隐藏)
函数返回 true / false 表示是否执行是否成功 范例,打开 cmd 窗口并且最大化
shellExecute('cmd', '', '', 'max') ]]


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