1. kubernetes concepts overview
  2. Pod overview
  3. Replication Controller
  4. Pod Liftcycle
  5. Termination Of Pod
  6. ReplicaSet
  7. Labels and Selectors
  8. Static Pods
  9. Pod Security Policies
  10. Job
  11. DaemonSet
  12. StatefullSets
  13. Deployment
  14. Client Libraries
  15. Storage Classes
  16. Resource Quotas
  17. DNS for services and pods
  18. Force delete StatefulSet Pods
  19. Persistent Volumes
  20. Perfom a Rolling update on a DaemonSet
  21. Perform a Rolling updates on a Replication Controller
  22. Taints and Tolerations
  23. Nodes
  24. kubernetes object management
  25. Assign Pods to Nodes
  26. Spark Example
  27. API Conventions
  28. The Distributed System Toolkit: Patterns for Composite Containers
  29. Container Design Pattern
  30. annotations

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  3. kubernetes concepts (一)

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  5. kubernetes排错系列:(二)、运行很久的kubernetes集群,创建出来的pod都是pending状态

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  7. kubernetes concepts -- Termination Of Pod

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  8. kubernetes concepts -- Pod Lifecycle

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