private void fileChannelCopy(File source, File target) throws IOException {
FileInputStream fi = null;
FileOutputStream fo = null;
FileChannel in = null;
FileChannel out = null; try {
fi = new FileInputStream(source);
fo = new FileOutputStream(target);
in = fi.getChannel();
out = fo.getChannel();
in.transferTo(, in.size(), out);
} catch (IOException e) {
} finally {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
LOGGER.error("File copy failed.", e);
2. restApi 显示图片
@Produces("image/*")public StreamingOutput getImage(final @QueryParam("path") String path) throws IOException { LOGGER.debug("source:" + path); return new StreamingOutput() { @Override
public void write(OutputStream output) throws IOException,
WebApplicationException {
try (
InputStream in = storage.getDocument(path)) {
} catch (final FileNotFoundException ex) {
LOGGER.error("file is not founded.", ex);
throw new NotFoundException();
} }
public class StorageUtil {
private final File folder = new File("/macc/img"); public StorageUtil() throws IOException {
if (!folder.exists() && !folder.mkdirs()) {
throw new IOException("Unable to initialize FS storage:" + folder.getAbsolutePath());
} if (!folder.isDirectory() || !folder.canWrite() || !folder.canRead()) {
throw new IOException("Unable to access FS storage:" + folder.getAbsolutePath());
} public void addDocument(final String name, final byte[] content) throws IOException {
try (InputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(content)) {
addDocument(name, in);
} public void addDocument(final String name, final InputStream in) throws IOException {
final File f = new File(folder, name); if (f.exists() && !f.delete()) {
throw new IOException("Unable to delete FS file:" + f.getAbsolutePath());
} try (OutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(f))) {
out.write(IOUtils.readBytesFromStream(in)); f.deleteOnExit();
} public InputStream getDocument(final String name) throws IOException {
String path = folder + "/" + name;
final File f = new File(path); if (!f.exists() || !f.isFile()) {
throw new FileNotFoundException("Unable to access FS file:" + f.getAbsolutePath());
} return new FileInputStream(f);
} public void deleteAll() throws IOException {
for (final File f: folder.listFiles()) {
if (!f.delete()) {
throw new IOException("Unable to delete FS file:" + f.getAbsolutePath());
public Response uploadFileByForm(@Context
HttpServletRequest imgRequest,
@Multipart(value="name",type="text/plain")String name,
@Multipart(value="file")Attachment image) { DataHandler dh = image.getDataHandler(); try {
InputStream ins = dh.getInputStream();
writeToFile(ins, "/macc/img/" + dh.getName());
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.error("upload failed.", e);
} return Response.ok().entity("ok").build();
@ModuleSecurityAuth(moduleId=ModuleId.PLAN ,privilegeOperation=PrivilegeOperation.WRITE)
public UploadFileRsp uploadFile(@Context
HttpServletRequest imgRequest) {
UploadFileRsp response =new UploadFileRsp();
try {
InputStream ins = imgRequest.getInputStream();
Integer groupId = Integer.parseInt(imgRequest.getParameter("group_id"));
String name = imgRequest.getParameter("name");
BufferedImage bi;
int height = bi.getHeight();
int width = bi.getWidth();
String storeName = getStoreName(groupId);
String path = tenantId() + "/" + storeName;
File out = new File(PLAN_PICTURE_PATH + path); //没有文件夹则创建
out.getParentFile().mkdirs(); ImageIO.write(bi, getSuffix(name), out);
pictureService.bindPicture2Floor(path, name, tenantId(), userId(), groupId, width, height);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.error("upload failed.", e);
} return response;
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