

word order:Refers to the sorting in language units at all levels in the portfolio

(1) We are trying our best to win success.陈述句

(2) Who invented the telescope? 特殊疑问句

(3) What a fine day it is ! 感叹句

(4) Water is an important liquid.

(5) That is something we really need today .

(6) We will try to get a ticket in every way possible.

(7) This is the best food available.

(8) All the people nearby gathered on the street to watch the spacecraft.

(9) The department concerned is taking measures to solve air pollution.(

(10) The most important example of an Internet is referred to simple as Internet.

(11) Many people think that man’s social practice alone is the criterion of the truth of his
knowledge of the external world.

(12) Intranet is a corporate Internet that provides the key Internet applications.

(13) He is especially good at learning languages.

(14) The rocket must go fast enough round the earth to balance the force of gravity.

(15) She foolishly asked the question.

(16) She asked the question foolishly.

(17) You shouldn’t stay up too late.

(18) You, too, shouldn’t stay up late.

(19) Also, heating can make metals lose some of their strength.

(20) Evidently he was more than tired.

(21) He is always telling a lie.

(22) The climate remains the same, independent of the season of the year.

(23) Air enters the engine through a divergent inlet duct, in which its pressure is raised to
some extent.

(24) China successfully launched its spacecraft in October 2005.

(25) There still seems to be plenty of room in the bomb shelter for all his neighbours. 倒装语序

(26) Never had he had heard the name.

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