August 13th 2016 Week 33rd Saturday
What makes life dreary is the want of motive.
Without dreams and hope, there will be no motive, and life will be no future.
I always feel that my life is dreary and depressed unsuccessful, just because there is no motive in my life.
Dreams? I think I have.
Can I give some precise and specific descriptions about my dreams?
Do I know how and what to make them true?
I can't and I don't.
That is where the tragedy lies.
Rather than complaining about the failures and unfairness, I'd better to think a little bit more about how and what to do to get some changes.
The ability to conquer oneself is no doubt the most precious of all things sports bestow.
Swifter, higher, stronger.
That is the very meaning of conquering and living beyond ourselves.
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