hbase-site.xml 参数设置
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="configuration.xsl"?>
* Copyright 2009 The Apache Software Foundation
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
<description>The directory shared by region servers and into
which HBase persists. The URL should be 'fully-qualified'
to include the filesystem scheme. For example, to specify the
HDFS directory '/hbase' where the HDFS instance's namenode is
running at namenode.example.org on port 9000, set this value to:
hdfs://namenode.example.org:9000/hbase. By default HBase writes
into /tmp. Change this configuration else all data will be lost
on machine restart.
<description>The port the HBase Master should bind to.</description>
<description>The mode the cluster will be in. Possible values are
false for standalone mode and true for distributed mode. If
false, startup will run all HBase and ZooKeeper daemons together
in the one JVM.
<description>Temporary directory on the local filesystem.
Change this setting to point to a location more permanent
than '/tmp' (The '/tmp' directory is often cleared on
machine restart).
<description>The port for the HBase Master web UI.
Set to -1 if you do not want a UI instance run.
<description>The bind address for the HBase Master web UI
<description>Default size of the HTable clien write buffer in bytes.
A bigger buffer takes more memory -- on both the client and server
side since server instantiates the passed write buffer to process
it -- but a larger buffer size reduces the number of RPCs made.
For an estimate of server-side memory-used, evaluate
hbase.client.write.buffer * hbase.regionserver.handler.count
<description>The port the HBase RegionServer binds to.
<description>The port for the HBase RegionServer web UI
Set to -1 if you do not want the RegionServer UI to run.
<description>Whether or not the Master or RegionServer
UI should search for a port to bind to. Enables automatic port
search if hbase.regionserver.info.port is already in use.
Useful for testing, turned off by default.
<description>The address for the HBase RegionServer web UI
<description>The RegionServer interface to use.
Used by the client opening proxy to remote region server.
<description>General client pause value. Used mostly as value to wait
before running a retry of a failed get, region lookup, etc.</description>
<description>Maximum retries. Used as maximum for all retryable
operations such as fetching of the root region from root region
server, getting a cell's value, starting a row update, etc.
Default: 10.
<description>Number of rows that will be fetched when calling next
on a scanner if it is not served from (local, client) memory. Higher
caching values will enable faster scanners but will eat up more memory
and some calls of next may take longer and longer times when the cache is empty.
Do not set this value such that the time between invocations is greater
than the scanner timeout; i.e. hbase.regionserver.lease.period
<description>Specifies the combined maximum allowed size of a KeyValue
instance. This is to set an upper boundary for a single entry saved in a
storage file. Since they cannot be split it helps avoiding that a region
cannot be split any further because the data is too large. It seems wise
to set this to a fraction of the maximum region size. Setting it to zero
or less disables the check.
<description>HRegion server lease period in milliseconds. Default is
60 seconds. Clients must report in within this period else they are
considered dead.</description>
<description>Count of RPC Server instances spun up on RegionServers
Same property is used by the Master for count of master handlers.
Default is 10.
<description>Interval between messages from the RegionServer to Master
in milliseconds.
<description>Sync the HLog to HDFS when it has accumulated this many
entries. Default 1. Value is checked on every HLog.hflush
<description>Sync the HLog to the HDFS after this interval if it has not
accumulated enough entries to trigger a sync. Default 1 second. Units:
<description>Limit for the number of regions after which no more region
splitting should take place. This is not a hard limit for the number of
regions but acts as a guideline for the regionserver to stop splitting after
a certain limit. Default is set to MAX_INT; i.e. do not block splitting.
<description>Period at which we will roll the commit log regardless
of how many edits it has.</description>
<description>The HLog file reader implementation.</description>
<description>The HLog file writer implementation.</description>
<description>How often a region server runs the split/compaction check.
<description>The number of resevoir blocks of memory release on
OOME so we can cleanup properly before server shutdown.
<description>The name of the Network Interface from which a ZooKeeper server
should report its IP address.
<description>The host name or IP address of the name server (DNS)
which a ZooKeeper server should use to determine the host name used by the
master for communication and display purposes.
<description>The name of the Network Interface from which a region server
should report its IP address.
<description>The host name or IP address of the name server (DNS)
which a region server should use to determine the host name used by the
master for communication and display purposes.
<description>The name of the Network Interface from which a master
should report its IP address.
<description>The host name or IP address of the name server (DNS)
which a master should use to determine the host name used
for communication and display purposes.
<description>Period at which the region balancer runs in the Master.
<description>Maximum time a HLog can stay in the .oldlogdir directory,
after which it will be cleaned by a Master thread.
<description>A comma-separated list of LogCleanerDelegate invoked by
the LogsCleaner service. These WAL/HLog cleaners are called in order,
so put the HLog cleaner that prunes the most HLog files in front. To
implement your own LogCleanerDelegate, just put it in HBase's classpath
and add the fully qualified class name here. Always add the above
default log cleaners in the list.
<description>Maximum size of all memstores in a region server before new
updates are blocked and flushes are forced. Defaults to 40% of heap
<description>When memstores are being forced to flush to make room in
memory, keep flushing until we hit this mark. Defaults to 35% of heap.
This value equal to hbase.regionserver.global.memstore.upperLimit causes
the minimum possible flushing to occur when updates are blocked due to
memstore limiting.
<description>Time to sleep in between searches for work (in milliseconds).
Used as sleep interval by service threads such as log roller.
Memstore will be flushed to disk if size of the memstore
exceeds this number of bytes. Value is checked by a thread that runs
every hbase.server.thread.wakefrequency.
If the memstores in a region are this size or larger when we go
to close, run a "pre-flush" to clear out memstores before we put up
the region closed flag and take the region offline. On close,
a flush is run under the close flag to empty memory. During
this time the region is offline and we are not taking on any writes.
If the memstore content is large, this flush could take a long time to
complete. The preflush is meant to clean out the bulk of the memstore
before putting up the close flag and taking the region offline so the
flush that runs under the close flag has little to do.
Block updates if memstore has hbase.hregion.block.memstore
time hbase.hregion.flush.size bytes. Useful preventing
runaway memstore during spikes in update traffic. Without an
upper-bound, memstore fills such that when it flushes the
resultant flush files take a long time to compact or split, or
worse, we OOME.
Maximum HStoreFile size. If any one of a column families' HStoreFiles has
grown to exceed this value, the hosting HRegion is split in two.
Default: 256M.
If more than this number of HStoreFiles in any one HStore
(one HStoreFile is written per flush of memstore) then a compaction
is run to rewrite all HStoreFiles files as one. Larger numbers
put off compaction but when it runs, it takes longer to complete.
If more than this number of StoreFiles in any one Store
(one StoreFile is written per flush of MemStore) then updates are
blocked for this HRegion until a compaction is completed, or
until hbase.hstore.blockingWaitTime has been exceeded.
The time an HRegion will block updates for after hitting the StoreFile
limit defined by hbase.hstore.blockingStoreFiles.
After this time has elapsed, the HRegion will stop blocking updates even
if a compaction has not been completed. Default: 90 seconds.
<description>Max number of HStoreFiles to compact per 'minor' compaction.
<description>The time (in miliseconds) between 'major' compactions of all
HStoreFiles in a region. Default: 1 day.
Set to 0 to disable automated major compactions.
<description>The mapreduce HFileOutputFormat writes storefiles/hfiles.
This is the minimum hfile blocksize to emit. Usually in hbase, writing
hfiles, the blocksize is gotten from the table schema (HColumnDescriptor)
but in the mapreduce outputformat context, we don't have access to the
schema so get blocksize from Configuation. The smaller you make
the blocksize, the bigger your index and the less you fetch on a
random-access. Set the blocksize down if you have small cells and want
faster random-access of individual cells.
Percentage of maximum heap (-Xmx setting) to allocate to block cache
used by HFile/StoreFile. Default of 0.2 means allocate 20%.
Set to 0 to disable.
<description>The hashing algorithm for use in HashFunction. Two values are
supported now: murmur (MurmurHash) and jenkins (JenkinsHash).
Used by bloom filters.
<description>ZooKeeper session timeout.
HBase passes this to the zk quorum as suggested maximum time for a
session. See http://hadoop.apache.org/zookeeper/docs/current/zookeeperProgrammers.html#ch_zkSessions
"The client sends a requested timeout, the server responds with the
timeout that it can give the client. "
In milliseconds.
<description>Root ZNode for HBase in ZooKeeper. All of HBase's ZooKeeper
files that are configured with a relative path will go under this node.
By default, all of HBase's ZooKeeper file path are configured with a
relative path, so they will all go under this directory unless changed.
<description>Path to ZNode holding root region location. This is written by
the master and read by clients and region servers. If a relative path is
given, the parent folder will be ${zookeeper.znode.parent}. By default,
this means the root location is stored at /hbase/root-region-server.
The following three properties are used together to create the list of
host:peer_port:leader_port quorum servers for ZooKeeper.
<description>Comma separated list of servers in the ZooKeeper Quorum.
For example, "host1.mydomain.com,host2.mydomain.com,host3.mydomain.com".
By default this is set to localhost for local and pseudo-distributed modes
of operation. For a fully-distributed setup, this should be set to a full
list of ZooKeeper quorum servers. If HBASE_MANAGES_ZK is set in hbase-env.sh
this is the list of servers which we will start/stop ZooKeeper on.
<description>Port used by ZooKeeper peers to talk to each other.
See http://hadoop.apache.org/zookeeper/docs/r3.1.1/zookeeperStarted.html#sc_RunningReplicatedZooKeeper
for more information.
<description>Port used by ZooKeeper for leader election.
See http://hadoop.apache.org/zookeeper/docs/r3.1.1/zookeeperStarted.html#sc_RunningReplicatedZooKeeper
for more information.
<!-- End of properties used to generate ZooKeeper host:port quorum list. -->
Beginning of properties that are directly mapped from ZooKeeper's zoo.cfg.
All properties with an "hbase.zookeeper.property." prefix are converted for
ZooKeeper's configuration. Hence, if you want to add an option from zoo.cfg,
e.g. "initLimit=10" you would append the following to your configuration:
<description>Property from ZooKeeper's config zoo.cfg.
The number of ticks that the initial synchronization phase can take.
<description>Property from ZooKeeper's config zoo.cfg.
The number of ticks that can pass between sending a request and getting an
<description>Property from ZooKeeper's config zoo.cfg.
The directory where the snapshot is stored.
<description>Property from ZooKeeper's config zoo.cfg.
The port at which the clients will connect.
<description>Property from ZooKeeper's config zoo.cfg.
Limit on number of concurrent connections (at the socket level) that a
single client, identified by IP address, may make to a single member of
the ZooKeeper ensemble. Set high to avoid zk connection issues running
standalone and pseudo-distributed.
<!-- End of properties that are directly mapped from ZooKeeper's zoo.cfg -->
<description>The port for the HBase REST server.</description>
Defines the mode the REST server will be started in. Possible values are:
false: All HTTP methods are permitted - GET/PUT/POST/DELETE.
true: Only the GET method is permitted.
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