UVa11995  I Can Guess the Data Structure!



using namespace std; int main(){
queue<int> q;
priority_queue<int> pri_q;
stack<int> sta;
int n;
while(!q.empty()) q.pop(); //清空data
while(!pri_q.empty()) pri_q.pop();
while(!sta.empty()) sta.pop(); int a,b,c; a=b=c=;
while(n--) {
int op,x;
if(op == ){
if(a) q.push(x);
if(b) pri_q.push(x);
if(c) sta.push(x);
else {
if(a) if(q.empty()) a=; else {a= q.front()==x; q.pop();}
if(b) if(pri_q.empty()) b=; else{b= pri_q.top()==x; pri_q.pop();}
if(c) if(sta.empty()) c=; else{c= sta.top()==x; sta.pop();}
if(!a && !b &&!c) cout<<"impossible";
if((a&&b) || (a&&c) ||(b&&c)) cout<<"not sure";
if(a) cout<<"queue";
else if(b) cout<<"priority queue";
else cout<<"stack";
return ;

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