Setting IE11 with Group Policy Preferences
一、Setting Home Page with Group Policy Preferences
1、Open the Group Policy Management Console and create a new GPO.
2、Browse to User Configuration -> Preferences -> Control Panel Settings -> Internet Settings. Right click and choose New -> Internet Explorer 10.
3、Enter the URL of the Home page you wish to set, and select start with home page. Notice the red dots underlining the home page entry.
4、You must press F5 (or F6), to confirm the entry. If you do not the setting will not be applied. Once you have done so, the entry turns green.
5、Function keys:
F5 – Enable all settings on the current tab.
F6 – Enable the currently selected setting.
F7 – Disable the currently selected setting.
F8 – Disable all settings on the current tab.
二、Setting a Proxy with Group Policy Preferences
Create or modify an existing Internet Settings policy as explained above, this time head over the connection tab -> Lan Settings.
- Internet Explorer Maintenance will NOT apply to to Internet Explorer 10 or above
- You will not be able to modify existing IEM GPOs from machines with IE10 or above installed
- Press F5 to confirm entries made to Group Policy Preferences Internet Settings, basically- made sure you’re green!
三、Where is the option to add an Internet Explorer 11 Group Policy Preference Internet Settings Policy?
1、There is no option. The Internet Explorer 10 option actually covers Internet Explorer from version 10 to … 99! That’s right 99. To prove this and to visually confirm this is the case, create a policy by using Internet Explorer 10 Internet Settings and find the unique ID of the GPO.
2、Browse to \\DC\SYSVOL\Domain\Policies\uniqueID\User\Preferences\InternetSettings and open the InternetSettings XML document in notepad. Note the 5th line which states version ->
The problem is due to fact that GPP editor incorrectly saves proxy/port values into XML file (it ignores checkbox "Use the same proxy server for all protocols" in Advanced window).
这个问题是因为GPP 将proxy/prot的值保存到XML文件中,忽略了高级中的“use the same proxy server for all protocols”这个复选框。
On client computers, proxy address and port are stored in registry value "ProxyServer" under "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings".
If you have "Use the same proxy ..." checkbox on, then this registry value keeps proxy parameters in form "<address>:<port>".
你勘察注册表的值,可以看到proxy parameters是以地址:端口的形式。
However, if checkbox is off, then this value stores list of addresses and ports for different protocols:
name="ProxyServer" "http=<address>:<port>;https=<address>:<port>;ftp=<address>:<port>".
name="ProxyServer" value="<address>:<port>"
GPP "Internet Settings" component stores its data in GPO object directory, in XML file "User\Preferences\Internet Settings\Internet Settings.xml".
IE的设置保存在Internet Settings.xml中。
This file has lots of "Reg" elements which contain values for IE registry keys. The one responsible for proxy address(es) and port(s) is this:
<Reg id="ProxyServerAndPort" type="REG_SZ" hive="HKEY_CURRENT_USER" key="Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings" name="ProxyServer" value="..." />
The value of "value" attribute is, obviously, what goes into "ProxyServer" registry value.
If you open InternetSettings.xml after you've faced the problem described in the post, you'll notice that you have a list of proxy addresses and ports, despite the fact that "Use the same proxy..." checkbox was set when you edited the GPO.
Solution is obvious: manually edit XML file and replace address/port list with single address/port pair, without specifying protocol (http/https/ftp).
Then you'll see your settings again, and it will be applied on clients as expected... until you edit and save it via
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