Rather than envy others, it is better to speed up their own pace.


The envy of others' success or happy life is not always a bad thing.

Negative emotions, like envy, loneliness, and guilt, also have an important role to play in a happy life.

Just as those bugs in my program, only when the exceptions resulted from them have emerged, we can have the chance to find them and correct them.

They are big and flashing signs that notice you there are something in your life need to be changed.

Now that you know what you want to be, don't sit and complain about your unluckless, stand up and run, speed up your own pace to catch up with them.

Even you may never stand with them shoulder by shoulder, at least you will be better than the previous self.

The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity.


From Dorothy Parker.

Curiostiy can keep leading us down the new paths.

If you are curious, you can keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, that all will bring us unlimited opportunities.

If you are curious, you create opportunities, and then if you can open the doors, you create the possibilities.

After several years of work in the current field, always do the similar things, I feel boring, it seems there is nothing that can attract me to put all my strength in.

Maybe this is so-called job burnout, obviously, such feeling have reduced my job satisfication.

How to revive? How to become energetic again?

There are still considerable things I don't know or I am good at.

Lacking of curiosity is a big problem.

I hope I can be curious again, every single day I can be curious about every thing, and then I can find the answers to them.

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