
package log
import com.adobe.air.logging.FileTarget; import flash.filesystem.File;
import flash.filesystem.FileMode;
import flash.filesystem.FileStream; import mx.logging.ILogger;
import mx.logging.Log;
import mx.logging.LogEventLevel; /**
* AIR程序中记录日志的工具类 (对as3corelib官方类库中类com.adobe.air.logging.FileTarget的封装)
* @author Sakura
* 博客地址:http://www.cnblogs.com/god_bless_you
public final class LogUtil
private static var _fileTarget:FileTarget; private static var _level:int = LogEventLevel.ALL; /**
* Provides access to the level this target is currently set at.
* Value values are:
* <ul>
* <li><code>LogEventLevel.FATAL (1000)</code> designates events that are very
* harmful and will eventually lead to application failure</li>
* <li><code>LogEventLevel.ERROR (8)</code> designates error events that might
* still allow the application to continue running.</li>
* <li><code>LogEventLevel.WARN (6)</code> designates events that could be
* harmful to the application operation</li>
* <li><code>LogEventLevel.INFO (4)</code> designates informational messages
* that highlight the progress of the application at
* coarse-grained level.</li>
* <li><code>LogEventLevel.DEBUG (2)</code> designates informational
* level messages that are fine grained and most helpful when
* debugging an application.</li>
* <li><code>LogEventLevel.ALL (0)</code> intended to force a target to
* process all messages.</li>
* </ul>
public static function get level():int
return _level;
} public static function set level(value:int):void
// A change of level may impact the target level for Log.
if (checkFileTarget())
_fileTarget = null;
_level = value;
} private static var _logFilePath:String = File.applicationDirectory.resolvePath( "Logs\\main.log" ).nativePath;
// File.applicationDirectory
public static function get logFilePath():String
return _logFilePath;
} public static function set logFilePath(value:String):void
if (checkFileTarget())
_fileTarget = null;
_logFilePath = value;
} private static function getLogger(category:String):ILogger
return Log.getLogger(category);
} private static function initLogging():void
if (checkFileTarget())
var file:File = new File(_logFilePath);
var filestrm:FileStream = new FileStream;
trace("清除日志"+file.exists+""+file.nativePath); _fileTarget = new FileTarget(file);
_fileTarget.level = _level;
_fileTarget.includeDate = true;
_fileTarget.includeTime = true;
_fileTarget.includeCategory = true;
_fileTarget.includeLevel = true; Log.addTarget(_fileTarget);
} private static function checkFileTarget():Boolean
return (_fileTarget) ? true : false;
} private static function generateMessage(message:String,rest:Array):String
for (var i:int = ; i < rest.length; i++)
message = message.replace(new RegExp("\\{"+i+"\\}", "g"), rest[i]);
return message;
} /**
* Logs the specified data using the <code>LogEventLevel.DEBUG</code>
* level.
* <code>LogEventLevel.DEBUG</code> designates informational level
* messages that are fine grained and most helpful when debugging
* an application.
* <p>The string specified for logging can contain braces with an index
* indicating which additional parameter should be inserted
* into the string before it is logged.
* For example "the first additional parameter was {0} the second was {1}"
* will be translated into "the first additional parameter was 10 the
* second was 15" when called with 10 and 15 as parameters.</p>
* @param category The category for which this log sends messages.
* @param message The information to log.
* This string can contain special marker characters of the form {x},
* where x is a zero based index that will be replaced with
* the additional parameters found at that index if specified.
* @param rest Additional parameters that can be subsituted in the str
* parameter at each "{<code>x</code>}" location, where <code>x</code>
* is an integer (zero based) index value into the Array of values
* specified.
public static function debug(category:String, message:String, ... rest):void
initLogging(); if (Log.isDebug())
var logger:ILogger = getLogger(category);
} /**
* Logs the specified data using the <code>LogEvent.INFO</code> level.
* <code>LogEventLevel.INFO</code> designates informational messages that
* highlight the progress of the application at coarse-grained level.
* <p>The string specified for logging can contain braces with an index
* indicating which additional parameter should be inserted
* into the string before it is logged.
* For example "the first additional parameter was {0} the second was {1}"
* will be translated into "the first additional parameter was 10 the
* second was 15" when called with 10 and 15 as parameters.</p>
* @param category The category for which this log sends messages.
* @param message The information to log.
* This String can contain special marker characters of the form {x},
* where x is a zero based index that will be replaced with
* the additional parameters found at that index if specified.
* @param rest Additional parameters that can be subsituted in the str
* parameter at each "{<code>x</code>}" location, where <code>x</code>
* is an integer (zero based) index value into the Array of values
* specified.
public static function info(category:String, message:String, ... rest):void
initLogging(); if (Log.isInfo())
var logger:ILogger = getLogger(category);
} /**
* Logs the specified data using the <code>LogEventLevel.WARN</code> level.
* <code>LogEventLevel.WARN</code> designates events that could be harmful
* to the application operation.
* <p>The string specified for logging can contain braces with an index
* indicating which additional parameter should be inserted
* into the string before it is logged.
* For example "the first additional parameter was {0} the second was {1}"
* will be translated into "the first additional parameter was 10 the
* second was 15" when called with 10 and 15 as parameters.</p>
* @param category The category for which this log sends messages.
* @param message The information to log.
* This String can contain special marker characters of the form {x},
* where x is a zero based index that will be replaced with
* the additional parameters found at that index if specified.
* @param rest Aadditional parameters that can be subsituted in the str
* parameter at each "{<code>x</code>}" location, where <code>x</code>
* is an integer (zero based) index value into the Array of values
* specified.
public static function warn(category:String, message:String, ... rest):void
initLogging(); if (Log.isWarn())
var logger:ILogger = getLogger(category);
} /**
* Logs the specified data using the <code>LogEventLevel.ERROR</code>
* level.
* <code>LogEventLevel.ERROR</code> designates error events
* that might still allow the application to continue running.
* <p>The string specified for logging can contain braces with an index
* indicating which additional parameter should be inserted
* into the string before it is logged.
* For example "the first additional parameter was {0} the second was {1}"
* will be translated into "the first additional parameter was 10 the
* second was 15" when called with 10 and 15 as parameters.</p>
* @param category The category for which this log sends messages.
* @param message The information to log.
* This String can contain special marker characters of the form {x},
* where x is a zero based index that will be replaced with
* the additional parameters found at that index if specified.
* @param rest Additional parameters that can be subsituted in the str
* parameter at each "{<code>x</code>}" location, where <code>x</code>
* is an integer (zero based) index value into the Array of values
* specified.
public static function error(category:String, message:String, ... rest):void
initLogging(); if (Log.isError())
var logger:ILogger = getLogger(category);
} /**
* Logs the specified data using the <code>LogEventLevel.FATAL</code>
* level.
* <code>LogEventLevel.FATAL</code> designates events that are very
* harmful and will eventually lead to application failure
* <p>The string specified for logging can contain braces with an index
* indicating which additional parameter should be inserted
* into the string before it is logged.
* For example "the first additional parameter was {0} the second was {1}"
* will be translated into "the first additional parameter was 10 the
* second was 15" when called with 10 and 15 as parameters.</p>
* @param category The category for which this log sends messages.
* @param message The information to log.
* This String can contain special marker characters of the form {x},
* where x is a zero based index that will be replaced with
* the additional parameters found at that index if specified.
* @param rest Additional parameters that can be subsituted in the str
* parameter at each "{<code>x</code>}" location, where <code>x</code>
* is an integer (zero based) index value into the Array of values
* specified.
public static function fatal(category:String, message:String, ... rest):void
initLogging(); if (Log.isFatal())
var logger:ILogger = getLogger(category);
} /**
* Clear all logs.
public static function clear():void



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