1、In a bar

Do you come here often?

I've never seen you here before. What do you think of this bar?

Are you drinking___?I love that drink!

Great___!(comment on something the person is wearing)

I like the way you dance!

2,At a party

So, how do you know __Alice_?(mention the host's name)

I'm really diggin's the music here.What kind of music do you like?

The food here is pretty good.


Travelling is alse good time to pick up people.

This resort is fabulous! Are you enjoying your stay?

So what do you think of ___?(comment on the sight you are at)

Have you checked out ___,yet ?( ask about a famous site you already saw) I went there yesterday and it was amazing.

Hey! Have you been travelling around ___ (say city or country you are in)  long? Which places/What sights have seen so far?

You don't look local here.Where are you from?

4,Bad Pick Up Lines you Shouldn't Use


If I could arrange the alphabet, I'd put 'U' and 'I' together.

You must be tired because you've been running through my mind all night.

I lost my phone number.Can I have yours?

If being sexy was a crime,you'd be guilty as charged!

Is it hot in here or is it just you?

That dress is beautiful, but it would book even better on my bedroom floor!


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