
yum -y install cyrus-sasl cyrus-sasl-devel cyrus-sasl-lib  # 解决报错:sasl/sasl.h: No such file or directory

pip install sasl

pip install thrift

pip install thrift_sasl

pip install pyhive


1、同步DB API
from pyhive import presto
cursor = presto.connect('localhost').cursor()
cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM my_awesome_data LIMIT 10')
print cursor.fetchone()
print cursor.fetchall()

2、异步DB API
from pyhive import hive
from TCLIService.ttypes import TOperationState
cursor = hive.connect('localhost').cursor()
cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM my_awesome_data LIMIT 10', async=True) status = cursor.poll().operationState
while status in (TOperationState.INITIALIZED_STATE, TOperationState.RUNNING_STATE):
logs = cursor.fetch_logs()
for message in logs:
# 可随时取消异步查询
# cursor.cancel()
status = cursor.poll().operationState print(cursor.fetchall())


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  7. pyhive

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  8. pyhive连接hive(失败)

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  9. 初识python 之 离线搭建pyhive环境(含python3安装)

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