
  在之前的关于MC算法与SMC算法的博文中介绍了算法的实现,文章主要围绕算法的核心问题,即三角片如何产生的问题进行了详细的描述。但由于实际应用中需要的等值面Mesh数据不是三角片的简单并集,所以需要进行所谓的顶点焊接(Vertex Welding)来生成正确的拓扑结构以反应三角片之间的共用顶点关系。顶点焊接,简单的说就是把三角片中重合的顶点算作一个顶点加入顶点集。在之前博文中的代码实现里,采用了一种MeshBuilder类来实现这样的顶点焊接。其核心思想是采用哈希表来避免顶点的重复加入,逻辑简单点说就是下面这几步:

  1. 对三角片集合中的所有三角形
    1. 对三角形的三个顶点
      1. 若顶点P在哈希表中不存在
        1. 将顶点P加入顶点列表
        2. 将P加入哈希表
  2. 结束循环



MC算法的焊接顶点 SMC算法的焊接顶点





  1. 抽取第i层体元的三角片并焊接之
  2. 抽取第i+1层体元的三角片并焊接之
  3. 焊接第i层三角片与第i+1层三角片



class SMCTriangleNetHashTable
public int CurrentLayerIndex; int stx;
int sty;
int width;
int height;
List<int[,]> mapList;
public SMCTriangleNetHashTable(int minx, int miny, int width, int height)
this.stx = minx - 1;
this.sty = miny - 1;
this.width = width + 2;
this.height = height + 2;
mapList = new List<int[,]>(2);
mapList.Add(new int[this.width, this.height]);
mapList.Add(new int[this.width, this.height]);
public void SetDefaultValue(int index0_1)
for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < height; j++)
mapList[index0_1][i, j] = -1;
public void IncreaseIndex()
int[,] temp = mapList[0];
mapList[0] = mapList[1];
mapList[1] = temp;
public void SetHashValue(int x, int y, int z, int value)
int index0_1 = z - CurrentLayerIndex;
mapList[index0_1][x - stx, y - sty] = value;
public int GetHashValue(int x, int y, int z)
int index0_1 = z - CurrentLayerIndex;
return mapList[index0_1][x - stx, y - sty];


public class SMCProcessor
struct OriginalTriangle
public Int16Triple P0;
public Int16Triple P1;
public Int16Triple P2;
public OriginalTriangle(int p0x, int p0y, int p0z, int p1x, int p1y, int p1z, int p2x, int p2y, int p2z)
P0.X = p0x;
P0.Y = p0y;
P0.Z = p0z;
P1.X = p1x;
P1.Y = p1y;
P1.Z = p1z;
P2.X = p2x;
P2.Y = p2y;
P2.Z = p2z;
public static byte VULF = 1 << 0;
public static byte VULB = 1 << 1;
public static byte VLLB = 1 << 2;
public static byte VLLF = 1 << 3;
public static byte VURF = 1 << 4;
public static byte VURB = 1 << 5;
public static byte VLRB = 1 << 6;
public static byte VLRF = 1 << 7;
public static Int16Triple[] PointIndexToPointDelta = new Int16Triple[8]
new Int16Triple(0, 1, 1 ),
new Int16Triple(0, 1, 0 ),
new Int16Triple(0, 0, 0 ),
new Int16Triple(0, 0, 1 ),
new Int16Triple(1, 1, 1 ),
new Int16Triple(1, 1, 0 ),
new Int16Triple(1, 0, 0 ),
new Int16Triple(1, 0, 1 )
public static byte[] PointIndexToFlag = new byte[8]
BitMap3d bmp;
int d;
int h;
int w;
int wh;
public SMCProcessor(BitMap3d bitmap)
this.bmp = bitmap;
public Mesh GenerateSurface()
d = bmp.depth;
h = bmp.height;
w = bmp.width;
wh = w * h;
Int16Triple[] temp = new Int16Triple[8];
Mesh m = new Mesh();
OriginalTriangle[] tempTriangles = new OriginalTriangle[4];
SMCTriangleNetHashTable hash = new SMCTriangleNetHashTable(0, 0, w, h); for (int k = 0; k <= d - 1; k++)
for (int j = 0; j <= h - 1; j++)
for (int i = 0; i <= w - 1; i++)
byte value = GetConfig(temp, bmp, i, j, k);
if (value == 0 || value == 255)
int tcount = ExtractTriangles(temp, value, i, j, k, tempTriangles);
for (int tindex = 0; tindex < tcount; tindex++)
MergeTriangleIntoMesh(m, hash, tempTriangles[tindex]);
return m;
} private byte GetConfig(Int16Triple[] temp, BitMap3d flagsMap, int indexInWidth, int indexInHeight, int indexInDepth)
byte value = 0;
for (int pi = 0; pi < 8; pi++)
temp[pi].X = indexInWidth + PointIndexToPointDelta[pi].X;
temp[pi].Y = indexInHeight +PointIndexToPointDelta[pi].Y;
temp[pi].Z = indexInDepth + PointIndexToPointDelta[pi].Z;
if (temp[pi].X < w && temp[pi].X >= 0
&& temp[pi].Y < h && temp[pi].Y >= 0
&& temp[pi].Z < d && temp[pi].Z >= 0
&&[temp[pi].X + w * (temp[pi].Y) + wh * (temp[pi].Z)] == BitMap3d.WHITE)
value |= PointIndexToFlag[pi];
return value;
} private int ExtractTriangles(Int16Triple[] temp, byte value, int indexInWidth, int indexInHeight, int indexInDepth, OriginalTriangle[] result)
int tcount = 0;
if (SMCTable.TableFat[value, 0] != -1)
int index = 0;
while (SMCTable.TableFat[value, index] != -1)
Int16Triple t0 = temp[SMCTable.TableFat[value, index]];
Int16Triple t1 = temp[SMCTable.TableFat[value, index + 1]];
Int16Triple t2 = temp[SMCTable.TableFat[value, index + 2]];
result[tcount] = new OriginalTriangle(t0.X, t0.Y, t0.Z, t1.X, t1.Y, t1.Z, t2.X, t2.Y, t2.Z);
index += 3;
return tcount;
} private void MergeTriangleIntoMesh(Mesh mesh, SMCTriangleNetHashTable hashMap, OriginalTriangle ot)
int p0x = ot.P0.X;
int p0y = ot.P0.Y;
int p0z = ot.P0.Z;
int p1x = ot.P1.X;
int p1y = ot.P1.Y;
int p1z = ot.P1.Z;
int p2x = ot.P2.X;
int p2y = ot.P2.Y;
int p2z = ot.P2.Z;
int p0i;
int p1i;
int p2i;
int index = 0;
index = hashMap.GetHashValue(p0x, p0y, p0z);
if (index == -1)
p0i = mesh.AddVertex(new Point3d(p0x, p0y, p0z));
hashMap.SetHashValue(p0x, p0y, p0z, p0i);
p0i = index;
} index = hashMap.GetHashValue(p1x, p1y, p1z);
if (index == -1)
p1i = mesh.AddVertex(new Point3d(p1x, p1y, p1z));
hashMap.SetHashValue(p1x, p1y, p1z, p1i);
p1i = index;
} index = hashMap.GetHashValue(p2x, p2y, p2z);
if (index == -1)
p2i = mesh.AddVertex(new Point3d(p2x, p2y, p2z));
hashMap.SetHashValue(p2x, p2y, p2z, p2i);
p2i = index;
} Triangle t = new Triangle(p0i, p1i, p2i);


class MCTriangleNetHashTable
public int CurrentLayerIndex; int stx;
int sty;
int width;
int height;
List<int[,,]> mapList;
public MCTriangleNetHashTable(int minx, int miny, int width, int height)
this.stx = minx - 1;
this.sty = miny - 1;
this.width = width + 2;
this.height = height + 2;
mapList = new List<int[,,]>(2);
mapList.Add(new int[this.width, this.height,3]);
mapList.Add(new int[this.width, this.height,3]);
public void SetDefaultValue(int index0_1)
for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < height; j++)
mapList[index0_1][i, j, 0] = -1;
mapList[index0_1][i, j, 1] = -1;
mapList[index0_1][i, j, 2] = -1;
public void IncreaseIndex()
int[,,] temp = mapList[0];
mapList[0] = mapList[1];
mapList[1] = temp;
public void SetHashValue(int x, int y, int z,int d, int value)
int index0_1 = z - CurrentLayerIndex;
mapList[index0_1][x - stx, y - sty,d] = value;
public int GetHashValue(int x, int y, int z,int d)
int index0_1 = z - CurrentLayerIndex;
return mapList[index0_1][x - stx, y - sty,d];


public class MCProcessor
struct OriginalTriangle
public Int16Triple CellCoord;
public int E0;
public int E1;
public int E2;
public OriginalTriangle(int x, int y, int z, int ei0, int ei1, int ei2)
CellCoord.X = x;
CellCoord.Y = y;
CellCoord.Z = z;
E0 = ei0;
E1 = ei1;
E2 = ei2;
public static byte VULF = 1 << 0;
public static byte VULB = 1 << 1;
public static byte VLLB = 1 << 2;
public static byte VLLF = 1 << 3;
public static byte VURF = 1 << 4;
public static byte VURB = 1 << 5;
public static byte VLRB = 1 << 6;
public static byte VLRF = 1 << 7;
public static Int16Triple[] PointIndexToPointDelta = new Int16Triple[8]
new Int16Triple(0, 1, 1 ),
new Int16Triple(0, 1, 0 ),
new Int16Triple(0, 0, 0 ),
new Int16Triple(0, 0, 1 ),
new Int16Triple(1, 1, 1 ),
new Int16Triple(1, 1, 0 ),
new Int16Triple(1, 0, 0 ),
new Int16Triple(1, 0, 1 )
public static byte[] PointIndexToFlag = new byte[8]
public static int[,] EdgeIndexToEdgeVertexIndex = new int[12, 2]
{0,1}, {1,2},
{6,7}, {7,4},
{0,4}, {1,5},
{2,6}, {3,7}
public static Int16Quad[] CubeEdgeMapTable = new Int16Quad[12]
new Int16Quad(0,1,0,1),
new Int16Quad(0,0,0,0),
new Int16Quad(0,0,0,1),
new Int16Quad(0,0,1,0), new Int16Quad(1,1,0,1),
new Int16Quad(1,0,0,0),
new Int16Quad(1,0,0,1),
new Int16Quad(1,0,1,0), new Int16Quad(0,1,1,2),
new Int16Quad(0,1,0,2),
new Int16Quad(0,0,0,2),
new Int16Quad(0,0,1,2),
}; protected BitMap3d bmp;
protected int d;
protected int h;
protected int w;
protected int wh;
public MCProcessor(BitMap3d bitmap)
this.bmp = bitmap;
public Mesh GenerateSurface()
d = bmp.depth;
h = bmp.height;
w = bmp.width;
wh = w * h;
Int16Triple[] temp = new Int16Triple[8];
Mesh m = new Mesh();
OriginalTriangle[] tempTriangles = new OriginalTriangle[6];
MCTriangleNetHashTable hash = new MCTriangleNetHashTable(0, 0, w, h); for (int k = 0; k <= d - 1; k++)
for (int j = 0; j <= h - 1; j++)
for (int i = 0; i <= w - 1; i++)
byte value = GetConfig(temp, bmp, i, j, k);
if (value == 0 || value == 255)
int tcount = ExtractTriangles(temp, value, i, j, k, tempTriangles);
for (int tindex = 0; tindex < tcount; tindex++)
MergeTriangleIntoMesh(m, hash, tempTriangles[tindex]);
return m;
} private byte GetConfig(Int16Triple[] temp, BitMap3d flagsMap, int indexInWidth, int indexInHeight, int indexInDepth)
byte value = 0;
for (int pi = 0; pi < 8; pi++)
temp[pi].X = indexInWidth + PointIndexToPointDelta[pi].X;
temp[pi].Y = indexInHeight + PointIndexToPointDelta[pi].Y;
temp[pi].Z = indexInDepth + PointIndexToPointDelta[pi].Z;
if (temp[pi].X < w && temp[pi].X >= 0
&& temp[pi].Y < h && temp[pi].Y >= 0
&& temp[pi].Z < d && temp[pi].Z >= 0
&& IsInsideIsoSurface(temp[pi].X,temp[pi].Y,temp[pi].Z))
value |= PointIndexToFlag[pi];
return value;
} private int ExtractTriangles(Int16Triple[] temp, byte value, int indexInWidth, int indexInHeight, int indexInDepth, OriginalTriangle[] result)
int tcount = 0;
if (MCTable.TriTable[value, 0] != -1)
int index = 0;
while (MCTable.TriTable[value, index] != -1)
int e0index = MCTable.TriTable[value, index];
int e1index = MCTable.TriTable[value, index + 1];
int e2index = MCTable.TriTable[value, index + 2];
result[tcount] = new OriginalTriangle(indexInWidth, indexInHeight, indexInDepth,e0index,e1index,e2index);
index += 3;
return tcount;
} private void MergeTriangleIntoMesh(Mesh mesh, MCTriangleNetHashTable hashMap, OriginalTriangle ot)
int e0i= CubeEdgeMapTable[ot.E0].D;
int p0x = ot.CellCoord.X + CubeEdgeMapTable[ot.E0].A;
int p0y = ot.CellCoord.Y + CubeEdgeMapTable[ot.E0].B;
int p0z = ot.CellCoord.Z + CubeEdgeMapTable[ot.E0].C; int e1i = CubeEdgeMapTable[ot.E1].D;
int p1x = ot.CellCoord.X + CubeEdgeMapTable[ot.E1].A;
int p1y = ot.CellCoord.Y + CubeEdgeMapTable[ot.E1].B;
int p1z = ot.CellCoord.Z + CubeEdgeMapTable[ot.E1].C; int e2i = CubeEdgeMapTable[ot.E2].D;
int p2x = ot.CellCoord.X + CubeEdgeMapTable[ot.E2].A;
int p2y = ot.CellCoord.Y + CubeEdgeMapTable[ot.E2].B;
int p2z = ot.CellCoord.Z + CubeEdgeMapTable[ot.E2].C; int p0i;
int p1i;
int p2i;
int index = 0;
index = hashMap.GetHashValue(p0x, p0y, p0z,e0i);
if (index == -1)
Point3d interp = GetIntersetedPoint(ot.CellCoord.X, ot.CellCoord.Y, ot.CellCoord.Z, ot.E0);
p0i = mesh.AddVertex(interp);
hashMap.SetHashValue(p0x, p0y, p0z,e0i,p0i);
p0i = index;
} index = hashMap.GetHashValue(p1x, p1y, p1z,e1i);
if (index == -1)
Point3d interp = GetIntersetedPoint(ot.CellCoord.X, ot.CellCoord.Y, ot.CellCoord.Z, ot.E1);
p1i = mesh.AddVertex(interp);
hashMap.SetHashValue(p1x, p1y, p1z,e1i ,p1i);
p1i = index;
} index = hashMap.GetHashValue(p2x, p2y, p2z,e2i);
if (index == -1)
Point3d interp = GetIntersetedPoint(ot.CellCoord.X, ot.CellCoord.Y, ot.CellCoord.Z, ot.E2);
p2i = mesh.AddVertex(interp);
hashMap.SetHashValue(p2x, p2y, p2z,e2i ,p2i);
p2i = index;
} Triangle t = new Triangle(p0i, p1i, p2i);
} protected virtual Point3d GetIntersetedPoint(int cx,int cy,int cz, int ei)
int p0i = EdgeIndexToEdgeVertexIndex[ei, 0];
int p1i = EdgeIndexToEdgeVertexIndex[ei, 1]; int p0X = cx+PointIndexToPointDelta[p0i].X;
int p0Y = cy + PointIndexToPointDelta[p0i].Y;
int p0Z = cz + PointIndexToPointDelta[p0i].Z; int p1X = cx + PointIndexToPointDelta[p1i].X;
int p1Y = cy + PointIndexToPointDelta[p1i].Y;
int p1Z = cz + PointIndexToPointDelta[p1i].Z; return new Point3d((p0X+p1X)/2.0f,(p0Y+p1Y)/2.0f,(p0Z+p1Z)/2.0f);
} protected virtual bool IsInsideIsoSurface(int x,int y,int z)
return[x+ w * y + wh * z] == BitMap3d.WHITE;
} protected virtual bool InRange(int x, int y, int z)
if (x < w && x >= 0
&& y < h && y >= 0
&& z < d && z >= 0)
return true;
return false;






















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