
Take for granted是一句地道的英语口语,意思是to expect someone to always be there and do things for you even when you do not show that you are grateful,即“认为……理所当然”、“想当然”的意思。


2.1 不要把别人为你做的事情当作理所当然,你应该心怀感激。

2.2 电影桥段《幸福来敲门》


Chris: just wanna take this opportunity to say thank you for your time. I know you probably waited for me.

客户:Little bit.

Chris:I want you to know that I do not take that for granted.

客户:Come ni...

  • 我就是想借这个机会跟您道谢,谢谢您抽时间。我知道您当时可能在等我。
  • 只等了一会儿。
  • 我想让您知道我没有把它当作理所当然的意思。
  • 噢,没事没事……


Assume that something is true without questioning it.认为。。。理所当然(事实并非如此)


  1. George had taken it for granted that they had married,.想当然地以为他们已经结婚了

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