apostrophe 者,', 0x27, 十进制39,ASCII里的single quote (单引号) 也。one of the 'inverted commas'.


音标里的'可以叫apostrophe: a colon (:) is used to represent a long vowel, but there are also symbols on the word level, such as the apostrophe (') which shows where the stress is in the word.

Primary stress: the loudest syllable in the word.
Secondary stress: syllables which aren't completely unstressed, but aren't as loud as the primary stress. Secondary stress is marked with a lowered vertical line [ˌ] at the beginning of the syllable.
Unstressed syllables: syllables that have no stress at all.

请参考[verbling稻糠亩] (International Phonetic Alphabet and Phonemic Alphabets), [restaurantnorman稻糠亩] (How do you know which syllable is accented?) [servicescape稻糠亩] (Apostrophes: Nature's Wildcards)

god的音标有标/ga:d/的。百度翻译就能发音,试试god far fart :-)


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