






qy@IAT-QYVPN:~/Documents/kenlm/lm$ ../bin/query -n test.arpa






  1. Query<ProbingModel>(file, config, sentence_context, show_words);


  1. #ifdef WITH_NPLM
  2. } else if (lm::np::Model::Recognize(file)) {
  3. lm::np::Model model(file);
  4. if (show_words) {
  5. Query<lm::np::Model, lm::ngram::FullPrint>(model, sentence_context);
  6. } else {
  7. Query<lm::np::Model, lm::ngram::BasicPrint>(model, sentence_context);
  8. }
  9. #endif


  • 最基类virtual_interface.hh lm::base::Model
  • 次基类facade.hh lm::base::ModelFacade : public Model
  • 子类model.hh lm::ngram::GenericModel : public base::ModelFacade<GenericModel<Search, VocabularyT>, State, VocabularyT>



可以从官网下载最新版本,参考Documentation分类中的Cython Wiki和Cython FAQ了解一些知识。


Wrapping C++ Classes in Cython

cython wrapping of base and derived class

std::string arguments in cython

Cython and constructors of classes





  • 安装kenlm.so模块到python的目录下,默认直接运行kenlm目录下的setup.py文件即可安装成功sudo python setup.py install --record log
  • 安装成功后,即可运行python example.py文件,查看运行结果。



  • cython编译命令cython --cplus kenlm.pyx


  1. from libcpp.string cimport string
  2. cdef extern from "lm/word_index.hh":
  3. ctypedef unsigned WordIndex
  4. cdef extern from "lm/return.hh" namespace "lm":
  5. cdef struct FullScoreReturn:
  6. float prob
  7. unsigned char ngram_length
  8. cdef extern from "lm/state.hh" namespace "lm::ngram":
  9. cdef struct State:
  10. pass
  11. ctypedef State const_State "const lm::ngram::State"
  12. cdef extern from "lm/virtual_interface.hh" namespace "lm::base":
  13. cdef cppclass Vocabulary:
  14. WordIndex Index(char*)
  15. WordIndex BeginSentence()
  16. WordIndex EndSentence()
  17. WordIndex NotFound()
  18. ctypedef Vocabulary const_Vocabulary "const lm::base::Vocabulary"
  19. cdef extern from "lm/model.hh" namespace "lm::ngram":
  20. cdef cppclass Model:
  21. const_Vocabulary& GetVocabulary()
  22. const_State& NullContextState()
  23. void Model(char* file)
  24. FullScoreReturn FullScore(const_State& in_state, WordIndex new_word, const_State& out_state)
  25. void BeginSentenceWrite(void *)
  26. void NullContextWrite(void *)
  27. unsigned int Order()
  28. const_Vocabulary& BaseVocabulary()
  29. float BaseScore(void *in_state, WordIndex new_word, void *out_state)
  30. FullScoreReturn BaseFullScore(void *in_state, WordIndex new_word, void *out_state)
  31. void * NullContextMemory()


  1. import os
  2. cdef bytes as_str(data):
  3. if isinstance(data, bytes):
  4. return data
  5. elif isinstance(data, unicode):
  6. return data.encode('utf8')
  7. raise TypeError('Cannot convert %s to string' % type(data))
  8. cdef int as_in(int &Num):
  9. (&Num)[0] = 1
  10. cdef class LanguageModel:
  11. cdef Model* model
  12. cdef public bytes path
  13. cdef const_Vocabulary* vocab
  14. def __init__(self, path):
  15. self.path = os.path.abspath(as_str(path))
  16. try:
  17. self.model = new Model(self.path)
  18. except RuntimeError as exception:
  19. exception_message = str(exception).replace('\n', ' ')
  20. raise IOError('Cannot read model \'{}\' ({})'.format(path, exception_message))\
  21. from exception
  22. self.vocab = &self.model.GetVocabulary()
  23. def __dealloc__(self):
  24. del self.model
  25. property order:
  26. def __get__(self):
  27. return self.model.Order()
  28. def score(self, sentence):
  29. cdef list words = as_str(sentence).split()
  30. cdef State state
  31. self.model.BeginSentenceWrite(&state)
  32. cdef State out_state
  33. cdef float total = 0
  34. for word in words:
  35. total += self.model.BaseScore(&state, self.vocab.Index(word), &out_state)
  36. state = out_state
  37. total += self.model.BaseScore(&state, self.vocab.EndSentence(), &out_state)
  38. return total
  39. def full_scores(self, sentence):
  40. cdef list words = as_str(sentence).split()
  41. cdef State state
  42. self.model.BeginSentenceWrite(&state)
  43. cdef State out_state
  44. cdef FullScoreReturn ret
  45. cdef float total = 0
  46. for word in words:
  47. ret = self.model.BaseFullScore(&state,
  48. self.vocab.Index(word), &out_state)
  49. yield (ret.prob, ret.ngram_length)
  50. state = out_state
  51. ret = self.model.BaseFullScore(&state,
  52. self.vocab.EndSentence(), &out_state)
  53. yield (ret.prob, ret.ngram_length)
  54. def full_scores_n(self, sentence):
  55. cdef list words = as_str(sentence).split()
  56. cdef State state
  57. state = self.model.NullContextState()
  58. cdef State out_state
  59. cdef FullScoreReturn ret
  60. cdef int ovv = 0
  61. for word in words:
  62. ret = self.model.FullScore(state,
  63. self.vocab.Index(word), out_state)
  64. yield (ret.prob, ret.ngram_length)
  65. state = out_state
  66. """""""""""
  67. """count scores when not included <s> and </s>"""
  68. """""""""""
  69. def score_n(self, sentence):
  70. cdef list words = as_str(sentence).split()
  71. cdef State state
  72. state = self.model.NullContextState()
  73. cdef State out_state
  74. cdef float total = 0
  75. for word in words:
  76. ret = self.model.FullScore(state,
  77. self.vocab.Index(word), out_state)
  78. total += ret.prob
  79. """print(total)"""
  80. state = out_state
  81. return total
  82. def __contains__(self, word):
  83. cdef bytes w = as_str(word)
  84. return (self.vocab.Index(w) != 0)
  85. def __repr__(self):
  86. return '<LanguageModel from {0}>'.format(os.path.basename(self.path))
  87. def __reduce__(self):
  88. return (LanguageModel, (self.path,))

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