booksleeve 使用
By offering pipelined, asynchronous, multiplexed and thread-safe access to redis, BookSleeve enables efficient redis access even for the busiest applications.
How can I get started?
The easiest way is via nuget; in VS2010, add a "Library Package Reference"; make sure you are looking at the Online gallery and enter "booksleeve". Then just click "Install" and you should get everything you need:
Why does it exist?
For full details, see
Note the API may change a little going to 1.0, but is stable enough to drive Stack Exchange...
How do I use it?
The entire API is async; if you don't need the result, just queue it up:
using(var conn =newRedisConnection("localhost"))
You can query the result of an operation as a future, by:
var value = conn.GetString(12,"foo");
// do something else, perhaps some TSQL, while
// that flies over the network and back
string s = conn.Wait(value);
Note that the value variable here is a Task<string>; we could also use the Task API to wait (or add a continuation), but the conn.Wait(value) approach simplifies timeout-handling (waiting forever is very rarely a good idea), aggregate-exception handling, and obtaining the result value. Wait acts as a blocking call.
Alternatively, if you are using the Async CTP, continuations are a breeze:
var value = conn.GetString(12,"foo");
string s = await value;
A connection is thread-safe and (with the exception of Wait) non-blocking, so you can share the connection between as many callers as you need - this allows a web-site to make very effective use of just a single redis connection. Additionally, database-switching (the 12 in the examples above) is handled at the message level, so you don't need to issue separate SELECT commands - this allows multi-tenancy usage over a set of databases without having to synchronize operations.
But what if something goes badly wrong? How do I see the exceptions?
If you capture the result and use it in a Wait or a continuation, then you'll get the exception then. Otherwise the Task API exposes the exception on the TaskScheduler.UnobservedTaskException event; even if the data is "nice to have", you should handle this event, do something useful (like log it to your failure logs), and mark the exception as observed. If you don't do this unobserved exceptions will kill your process. Which sucks, but:
TaskScheduler.UnobservedTaskException+=(sender, args)=>
(I should note that this is nothing to do with BookSleeve; this is a feature of the Task API; if you are doing async work you should be familiar with this already)
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