[root@bogon tmp]# cat data.txt
this is a test of the test script.
this is a test of the test script.
this is a test of the test script.
this is a test of the test script.
this is a test of the test script.
this is a test of the test script.
this is a test of the test script.
this is a test of the test script.
this is a test of the test script.
[root@bogon tmp]# sed 's/test/aaa/' data.txt
this is a aaa of the test script.
this is a aaa of the test script.
this is a aaa of the test script.
this is a aaa of the test script.
this is a aaa of the test script.
this is a aaa of the test script.
this is a aaa of the test script.
this is a aaa of the test script.
this is a aaa of the test script.
[root@bogon tmp]# cat data.txt
this is a test of the test script.
this is a test of the test script.
this is a test of the test script.
this is a test of the test script.
this is a test of the test script.
this is a test of the test script.
this is a test of the test script.
this is a test of the test script.
this is a test of the test script.
- 数字,表明新文本将替换第几处模式匹配的地方;
- g,表明新文本将会替换所有匹配的文本;
- p,表明原先行的内容要打印出来;
- w file,将替换的结果写到文件中。
[root@bogon tmp]# sed 's/test/hhhh/2' data.txt
this is a test of the hhhh script.
this is a test of the hhhh script.
this is a test of the hhhh script.
this is a test of the hhhh script.
this is a test of the hhhh script.
this is a test of the hhhh script.
this is a test of the hhhh script.
this is a test of the hhhh script.
this is a test of the hhhh script.
[root@bogon tmp]# sed 's/test/aaa/g' data.txt
this is a aaa of the aaa script.
this is a aaa of the aaa script.
this is a aaa of the aaa script.
this is a aaa of the aaa script.
this is a aaa of the aaa script.
this is a aaa of the aaa script.
this is a aaa of the aaa script.
this is a aaa of the aaa script.
this is a aaa of the aaa script.
3)w file,将替换的结果写到新文件中,不会替换原文件
[root@bogon tmp]# sed 's/test/aaa/w aaa.txt' data.txt
this is a aaa of the test script.
this is a aaa of the test script.
this is a aaa of the test script.
this is a aaa of the test script.
this is a aaa of the test script.
this is a aaa of the test script.
this is a aaa of the test script.
this is a aaa of the test script.
this is a aaa of the test script.
[root@bogon tmp]# ls
aaa.txt keyring-nBhNRc orbit-gdm pulse-PDnM11f40MzK VMwareDnD
data.txt keyring-o1ipCa orbit-root pulse-tvQCaCozIrxH
[root@bogon tmp]# cat aaa.txt
this is a aaa of the test script.
this is a sss of the test script.
[root@bogon tmp]# sed 's/aaa/test/p' aaa.txt
this is a test of the test script.
this is a test of the test script.
this is a sss of the test script.
$ cat data5.txt
This is a test line.
This is a different line.
$ sed -n 's/test/trial/p' data5.txt
This is a trial line.
- 以数字形式表示行区间
- 用文本模式来过滤出行
[address] command
address {
[root@localhost tmp]# sed '2s/test/hhh/' aaa.txt
this is a aaa of the test script.
this is a sss of the hhh script.
[root@localhost tmp]# sed '2,4s/test/hhh/2' data.txt
this is a test of the test script.
this is a test of the hhh script.
this is a test of the hhh script.
this is a test of the hhh script.
this is a test of the test script.
this is a test of the test script.
this is a test of the test script.
this is a test of the test script.
this is a test of the test script.
[root@localhost tmp]# sed '2,$s/test/hhh/2' data.txt
this is a test of the test script.
this is a test of the hhh script.
this is a test of the hhh script.
this is a test of the hhh script.
this is a test of the hhh script.
this is a test of the hhh script.
this is a test of the hhh script.
this is a test of the hhh script.
this is a test of the hhh script.
[root@localhost ~]# sed '2,4{ 修改2-4行的内容
> s/test/hhh/2 修改每行的第2次匹配的内容
> s/a test/1111/ 修改每行的第1次匹配的内容
> }' /tmp/data.txt
this is a test of the test script.
this is 1111 of the hhh script.
this is 1111 of the hhh script.
this is 1111 of the hhh script.
this is a test of the test script.
this is a test of the test script.
this is a test of the test script.
this is a test of the test script.
this is a test of the test script.
[root@localhost ~]#
$ sed '/number 1/d' data6.txt
This is line number 2.
This is line number 3.
This is line number 4.
- sed的应用
h3 { color: rgb(255, 255, 255); background-color: rgb(30,144,255); padding: 3px; margin: 10px 0px } ...
- 文本处理三剑客之sed命令
第十八章.文本处理三剑客之sed命令 目录 sed介绍 sed命令常用选项 sed常用编辑命令 sed使用示例 sed高级语法 18.1.sed简介 sed全名stream editor,流编辑器,s ...
- 6-2 sed 命令
1. sed : stream editor,流编辑器 是处理纯ASICC纯文本,按行琢行操作的. 编辑器有两种,行编辑器和全屏编辑器 sed:默认不编辑原文件,仅对模式空间中的数据做处理,而后.处理 ...
- 基本shell编程【3】- 常用的工具awk\sed\sort\uniq\od
awk awk是个很好用的东西,大量使用在linux系统分析的结果展示处理上.并且可以使用管道, input | awk '' | output 1.首先要知道形式 awk 'command' fi ...
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- linux shell 用sed命令在文本的行尾或行首添加字符
转自 昨天写一个脚本花了一天的2/3的时间,而且大部分时间都耗在了sed ...
- Sed、Awk单行脚本快速参考
文本间隔: # 在每一行后面增加一空行 sed G awk '{printf("%s\n\n",$0)}' # 将原来的所有空行删除并在每一行后面增加一空行. # 这样在输出的文本 ...
- sed awk 样例
sed [options] '[action]' filename options: -n:一般sed命令会把所有数据都输出到屏幕,如果加入此选项,则只会把经过sed命令处理的行输出到屏幕. -e:允 ...
- linux sed命令详解
简介 sed 是一种在线编辑器,它一次处理一行内容.处理时,把当前处理的行存储在临时缓冲区中,称为“模式空间”(pattern space),接着用sed命令处理缓冲区中的内容,处理完成后,把缓冲区的 ...
- sed命令详解
搜索 纠正错误 添加实例 sed 功能强大的流式文本编辑器 补充说明 sed 是一种流编辑器,它是文本处理中非常中的工具,能够完美的配合正则表达式使用,功能不同凡响.处理时,把当前处理的行存储在临时 ...
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原文地址: 2014年10月19日在哈尔滨工业大学举办了CSDN高校俱乐部全国巡讲. 此次邀请到了微软七届 ...