


class NumArray(object):

    def __init__(self, nums):
:type nums: List[int]
self.nl = nums
self.tree = []
if len(nums) == 0:
for i in xrange((4*len(nums)+1)):
#print self.tree def build(self,l,r,k,nums):
self.tree[k] = [l,r]
if l == r: #leaf
return nums[l-1]
wl = self.build(l,(l+r)/2,2*k,nums)
wr = self.build((l+r)/2+1,r,2*k+1,nums)
#print l,r,wl,wr
return self.tree[k][2] def update(self, i, val):
:type i: int
:type val: int
:rtype: void
if i > len(self.nl):
diff = self.nl[i] - val
#for j in range(i,len(self.sl)):
# self.sl[j] -= diff
self.nl[i] = val
k = 1
i += 1
while True:
self.tree[k][2] -= diff
m = (self.tree[k][0] + self.tree[k][1])/2
if self.tree[k][0] == self.tree[k][1]:
if i <= m:
k = 2*k
k = 2*k + 1 #print self.tree def calcRange(self,i,j,k):
#print i,j,k
if i == self.tree[k][0] and j == self.tree[k][1]:
return self.tree[k][2]
m = (self.tree[k][0] + self.tree[k][1])/2
if j <= m:
return self.calcRange(i,j,2*k)
elif i > m:
return self.calcRange(i,j,2*k+1)
return self.calcRange(i,m,2*k) + self.calcRange(m+1,j,2*k+1) def sumRange(self, i, j):
:type i: int
:type j: int
:rtype: int
#print self.sl
#print self.nl
return self.calcRange(i+1,j+1,1) # Your NumArray object will be instantiated and called as such:
# obj = NumArray(nums)
# obj.update(i,val)
# param_2 = obj.sumRange(i,j)

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