using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using UnityEngine; namespace Game
public enum NodeType
Movable, //可移动区域
Obstacle, //障碍物
Boundary, //边界
Route //路径
} public enum NodeState
None, //默认
Open, //开放列表
Close //封闭列表
} public class SearchPath
private readonly Dictionary<Vector2, Node> m_nodes = new Dictionary<Vector2, Node>(); private readonly List<Node> list_close = new List<Node>();
private readonly List<Node> list_open = new List<Node>(); private Vector2 position_target; private Node[,] t_nodes; /// <summary>
/// 初始化地图信息
/// </summary>
/// <param name="width">宽</param>
/// <param name="height">高</param>
/// <param name="slant">斜向关联</param>
/// <returns>地图数据</returns>
public void InitMap(int width, int height, bool slant = false)
t_nodes = new Node[width, height]; m_nodes.Clear(); for (int i = ; i < width; i++)
for (int j = ; j < height; j++)
t_nodes[i, j] = new Node(i, j); if (i == || i == width - ||
j == || j == height - )
t_nodes[i, j].type = NodeType.Boundary;
} m_nodes.Add(new Vector2(i, j), t_nodes[i, j]);
} Vector2 key; //关联周边节点
for (int i = ; i < width; i++)
for (int j = ; j < height; j++)
if (slant)
for (int h = -; h <= ; h++)
for (int v = -; v <= ; v++)
if (h != || v != )
key = new Vector2(i + h, j + v); if (m_nodes.ContainsKey(key))
t_nodes[i, j].neighbour.Add(m_nodes[key]);
for (int k = -; k <= ; k++)
if (k != )
key = new Vector2(i + k, j); if (m_nodes.ContainsKey(key))
t_nodes[i, j].neighbour.Add(m_nodes[key]);
} key = new Vector2(i, j + k); if (m_nodes.ContainsKey(key))
t_nodes[i, j].neighbour.Add(m_nodes[key]);
} /// <summary>
/// 设置障碍物
/// </summary>
/// <param name="points">位置</param>
public void Obstacle(params Vector2[] points)
foreach (var key in points)
if (m_nodes.ContainsKey(key))
m_nodes[key].type = NodeType.Obstacle;
} /// <summary>
/// 寻路
/// </summary>
/// <param name="nodes">地图信息</param>
/// <param name="start">起点</param>
/// <param name="end">终点</param>
/// <returns>路径是否存在</returns>
public bool Search(Vector2 start, Vector2 end)
bool result = false; if (!m_nodes.ContainsKey(start) || !m_nodes.ContainsKey(end))
return result;
if (m_nodes[start].type != NodeType.Movable || m_nodes[end].type != NodeType.Movable)
return result;
} //设置终点
position_target = end; //重置路径
for (int i = ; i < t_nodes.GetLength(); i++)
for (int j = ; j < t_nodes.GetLength(); j++)
t_nodes[i, j].Reset();
} list_close.Clear();
list_open.Clear(); Node A = t_nodes[(int)start.x, (int)start.y];
A.G = ;
A.H = Vector2.Distance(position_target, A.position);
A.F = A.G + A.H;
A.parent = null;
A.state = NodeState.Close; list_close.Add(A); do
if (list_open.Count > )
A = list_open[];
for (int i = ; i < list_open.Count; i++)
if (list_open[i].F < A.F)
A = list_open[i];
} if (A.Compare(position_target))
result = true;
} Node B = Search(A); if (B != null)
B.type = NodeType.Route;
B = B.parent;
while (B != null);
A.state = NodeState.Close;
while (list_open.Count > ); return result;
} private Node Search(Node A)
Node B; for (int i = ; i < A.neighbour.Count; i++)
if (A.neighbour[i] != null &&
A.neighbour[i].type == NodeType.Movable)
B = A.neighbour[i]; if (B.state == NodeState.None)//更新B的父节点为A,并相应更新B.G; 计算B.F,B.H; B加入OpenList
B.parent = A;
B.G = Vector2.Distance(A.position, B.position) + A.G;
B.H = Vector2.Distance(B.position, position_target);
B.F = B.G + B.H;
B.state = NodeState.Open; list_open.Add(B); if (B.H < Mathf.Epsilon)//B的所有父节点既是路径
return B;
else if (B.state == NodeState.Open)
float curG = Vector2.Distance(A.position, B.position); if (B.G > curG + A.G)//更新B的父节点为A,并相应更新B.G,B.H
B.parent = A;
B.G = curG + A.G;
B.F = B.G + B.H;
} return null;
} /// <summary>
/// 路径数据
/// </summary>
public List<Vector2> Output
List<Vector2> route = new List<Vector2>(); if (m_nodes.ContainsKey(position_target))
Node node = m_nodes[position_target]; while (node != null)
node = node.parent;
} StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = ; i < route.Count; i++)
} Debug.LogFormat("<color=yellow>{0}</color>", sb.ToString()); return route;
} public Node[,] GetNodes()
return t_nodes;
} public class Node
public Vector2 position; public NodeState state; public NodeType type; public float F; // F = G + H
public float G; //从起点移动到指定方格的移动代价
public float H; //从指定方格移动到终点的移动代价 public Node parent; public List<Node> neighbour = new List<Node>(); public Node(int x, int y)
position = new Vector2(x, y);
} public void Reset()
F = G = H = ; parent = null; state = NodeState.None; if (type.Equals(NodeType.Route))
type = NodeType.Movable;
} public bool Compare(Vector2 position)
return this.position.x == position.x &&
this.position.y == position.y;
using Game;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine; public class Test : MonoBehaviour
private SearchPath path_ctr; private Dictionary<Vector2, Renderer> m_map = new Dictionary<Vector2, Renderer>(); private void Awake()
path_ctr = new SearchPath();
} private void Start()
path_ctr.InitMap(, , true); for (int i = ; i < ; i++)
path_ctr.Obstacle(new Vector2(, i));
} for (int i = ; i < ; i++)
path_ctr.Obstacle(new Vector2(i, ));
} for (int i = ; i < ; i++)
path_ctr.Obstacle(new Vector2(i, ));
} Node[,] nodes = path_ctr.GetNodes(); InitMap(nodes); Search(new Vector2(, ), new Vector2(, ));
} private void Update()
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.P))
Vector2 start = new Vector2(Random.Range(, ), Random.Range(, )); Vector2 end = new Vector2(Random.Range(, ), Random.Range(, )); Search(start, end);
} private void Search(Vector2 start, Vector2 end)
bool result = path_ctr.Search(start, end); if (result)
Debug.Log("<color=green>成功寻找到路径!</color>" + path_ctr.Output.Count);
Debug.LogFormat("<color=red>未寻找到路径,起始点:{0} 结束点{1}</color>", start, end);
} Node[,] nodes = path_ctr.GetNodes(); RefreshMap(nodes);
} public void InitMap(Node[,] nodes)
for (int i = ; i < nodes.GetLength(); i++)
for (int j = ; j < nodes.GetLength(); j++)
GameObject curCube = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube);
curCube.transform.position = new Vector3(i, j, );
m_map.Add(new Vector2(i, j), curCube.GetComponent<Renderer>());
} public void RefreshMap(Node[,] nodes)
for (int i = ; i < nodes.GetLength(); i++)
for (int j = ; j < nodes.GetLength(); j++)
Vector2 key = new Vector2(i, j); if (m_map.ContainsKey(key))
if (nodes[i, j].type == NodeType.Boundary)
m_map[key].material.SetColor("_Color", Color.black);
else if (nodes[i, j].type == NodeType.Obstacle)
m_map[key].material.SetColor("_Color", Color.red);
else if (nodes[i, j].type == NodeType.Route)
m_map[key].material.SetColor("_Color", Color.yellow);
m_map[key].material.SetColor("_Color", Color.white);
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