



    def handle_exception(self, e):
"""Default exception handling that kicks in when an exception
occurs that is not caught. In debug mode the exception will
be re-raised immediately, otherwise it is logged and the handler
for a 500 internal server error is used. If no such handler
exists, a default 500 internal server error message is displayed. .. versionadded:: 0.3
exc_type, exc_value, tb = sys.exc_info() got_request_exception.send(self, exception=e)
handler = self._find_error_handler(InternalServerError()) if self.propagate_exceptions:
# if we want to repropagate the exception, we can attempt to
# raise it with the whole traceback in case we can do that
# (the function was actually called from the except part)
# otherwise, we just raise the error again
if exc_value is e:
reraise(exc_type, exc_value, tb)
raise e self.log_exception((exc_type, exc_value, tb))
if handler is None:
return InternalServerError()
return self.finalize_request(handler(e), from_error_handler=True)


class InternalServerError(HTTPException):



class HTTPException(Exception):
"""Baseclass for all HTTP exceptions. This exception can be called as WSGI
application to render a default error page or you can catch the subclasses
of it independently and render nicer error messages.
""" code = None
description = None def __init__(self, description=None, response=None):
super(HTTPException, self).__init__()
if description is not None:
self.description = description
self.response = response @classmethod
def wrap(cls, exception, name=None):
"""Create an exception that is a subclass of the calling HTTP
exception and the ``exception`` argument. The first argument to the class will be passed to the
wrapped ``exception``, the rest to the HTTP exception. If
``e.args`` is not empty and ``e.show_exception`` is ``True``,
the wrapped exception message is added to the HTTP error
description. .. versionchanged:: 0.15.5
The ``show_exception`` attribute controls whether the
description includes the wrapped exception message. .. versionchanged:: 0.15.0
The description includes the wrapped exception message.
""" class newcls(cls, exception):
_description = cls.description
show_exception = False def __init__(self, arg=None, *args, **kwargs):
super(cls, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if arg is None:
exception.__init__(self, arg) @property
def description(self):
if self.show_exception:
return "{}\n{}: {}".format(
self._description, exception.__name__, exception.__str__(self)
) return self._description @description.setter
def description(self, value):
self._description = value newcls.__module__ = sys._getframe(1).f_globals.get("__name__")
name = name or cls.__name__ + exception.__name__
newcls.__name__ = newcls.__qualname__ = name
return newcls @property
def name(self):
"""The status name."""
from .http import HTTP_STATUS_CODES return HTTP_STATUS_CODES.get(self.code, "Unknown Error") def get_description(self, environ=None):
"""Get the description."""
return u"<p>%s</p>" % escape(self.description).replace("\n", "<br>") def get_body(self, environ=None):
"""Get the HTML body."""
return text_type(
u'<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN">\n'
u"<title>%(code)s %(name)s</title>\n"
% {
"code": self.code,
"name": escape(self.name),
"description": self.get_description(environ),
) def get_headers(self, environ=None):
"""Get a list of headers."""
return [("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8")] def get_response(self, environ=None):
"""Get a response object. If one was passed to the exception
it's returned directly. :param environ: the optional environ for the request. This
can be used to modify the response depending
on how the request looked like.
:return: a :class:`Response` object or a subclass thereof.
from .wrappers.response import Response if self.response is not None:
return self.response
if environ is not None:
environ = _get_environ(environ)
headers = self.get_headers(environ)
return Response(self.get_body(environ), self.code, headers) ......
  • 截取这个类比较重要的几个方法分析,get_headers方法定义了这个返回的响应头,返回的是html文档。

  • get_body方法定义了返回的响应体,对应也是一段html的内容。

  • 最后在Response中将响应体,状态码,响应头定义好返回。




  • 需要定义我们自己想要返回的错误信息的json格式,比如内部错误码、错误信息等我们想记录的信息。
  • 需要更改返回的响应头,返回json格式的信息响应头就应该设为'Content-Type': 'application/json'
  • 同样需要和HTTPException一样定义好状态码


class APIException(HTTPException):
code = 500
msg = 'sorry, we made a mistake!'
error_code = 999 def __init__(self, msg=None, code=None, error_code=None, headers=None):
if code:
self.code = code
if error_code:
self.error_code = error_code
if msg:
self.msg = msg
super(APIException, self).__init__(msg, None) def get_body(self, environ=None):
body = dict(
request=request.method + ' ' + self.get_url_no_param()
text = json.dumps(body)
return text def get_headers(self, environ=None):
"""Get a list of headers."""
return [('Content-Type', 'application/json')] @staticmethod
def get_url_no_param():
full_path = str(request.full_path)
main_path = full_path.split('?')
return main_path[0]



class Success(APIException):
code = 201
msg = 'ok'
error_code = 0 class DeleteSuccess(APIException):
code = 202
msg = 'delete ok'
error_code = 1 class UpdateSuccess(APIException):
code = 200
msg = 'update ok'
error_code = 2 class ServerError(APIException):
code = 500
msg = 'sorry, we made a mistake!'
error_code = 999 class ParameterException(APIException):
code = 400
msg = 'invalid parameter'
error_code = 1000 class NotFound(APIException):
code = 404
msg = 'the resource are not found'
error_code = 1001 class AuthFailed(APIException):
code = 401
msg = 'authorization failed'
error_code = 1005 class Forbidden(APIException):
code = 403
error_code = 1004
msg = 'forbidden, not in scope'



user = User.query.first()
if not user:
raise NotFound()



# 全局错误AOP处理
def framework_error(e):
api_logger.error("error info: %s" % e) # 对错误进行日志记录
if isinstance(e, APIException):
return e
if isinstance(e, HTTPException):
code = e.code
msg = e.description
error_code = 1007
return APIException(msg, code, error_code)
if not app.config['DEBUG']:
return ServerError()
return e



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