You are given a point set with nn points on the 2D-plane, your task is to find the smallest number of points you need to add to the point set, so that all the points in the set are center symmetric.

All the points are center symmetric means that you can find a center point (X_c,Y_c)(Xc​,Yc​)(not necessarily in the point set), so that for every point (X_i,Y_i)(Xi​,Yi​) in the set, there exists a point (X_j,Y_j)(Xj​,Yj​) (ii can be equal to jj) in the set satisfying X_c=(X_i+X_j)/2Xc​=(Xi​+Xj​)/2 and Y_c=(Y_i+Y_j)/2Yc​=(Yi​+Yj​)/2.


The first line contains an integer n(1 \le n \le 1000)n(1≤n≤1000).

The next nn lines contain nn pair of integers (X_i,Y_i)(Xi​,Yi​) (-10^6 \le X_i,Y_i \le 10^6)(−106≤Xi​,Yi​≤106) -- the points in the set


Output a single integer -- the minimal number of points you need to add.


2 0
-3 1
0 -2




For sample 11, add point (5,-3)(5,−3) into the set, the center point can be (1,-1)(1,−1) .



using namespace std;
#define LL long long
#define MAXN 1100
#define esp 1e-2
map<pair<long long ,long long >,int>m;
int x[MAXN],y[MAXN];
int main()
double a,b;
int n,i,j,maxx=0;
if(n==1||n==2) return cout<<0<<endl,0;
for(i=1; i<=n; i++)
for(i=1; i<=n; i++)
for(j=i+1; j<=n; j++)
int cnt=0;
for(auto po=m.begin(); po!=m.end(); po++)
int a=po->first.first;
int b=po->first.second;
int w=0;
for(i=1; i<=n; i++)
if(a==2*x[i]&&b==2*y[i]) w++;
return 0;


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