Customer Problems & Needs

  • People may take a large number of photos and their phone don't have enough space to store them, however some of the photos are duplicated and low-quality, which should be removed.
  • They have difficulty in searching the photos and it is very boring to browser the photos one by one.
  • The user have no time to cluster the photos and a photo classifying tool is available, and if the tool can tell a story about the album, it will be amazing

key Features And Requirments

  • User register, login and upload photos
  • Event segmentation and album naming
  • Duplicate photos detection
  • Photos quality estimation
  • Photos Search by semantic queries (time, location, tag)
  • Search result ranking
  • Visual query suggestion
  • Privacy-level classification
  • Storytelling


The user can't tolerate a installer of 1GB, we need to transplant the learning model from server to mobile phone(Compression and encoding)

The private and interesting need to be well defined

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