在顺序存储结构的线性表中,union算法(将所有在线性表Lb但不在线性表La中的数据元素插入到La,即La=La U Lb), 其时间复杂度为La.length X Lb.length; 但是如果La,Lb是有序的,另外新建Lc存放结果,其时间复杂度将变为MAX(La.length+Lb.length).
// Created by lady on 19-1-26.
// /*
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h> //-------------线性表的动态分配顺序存储结构------------------
#define LIST_INIT_SIZE 100 //线性表存储空间的初始分配量
#define LIST_INCREMENT 10 //线性表存储空间的分配增量
typedef int ElemType;
typedef struct{
ElemType *elem; //存储空间基址
int length; //当前长度
int listsize; //当前分配的存储容量(以sizeof(ElemType)为单位)
}SqList; /*构造一个空的线性表*/
static int InitList_Sq(SqList *L)
return -;
if((L->elem=(ElemType*)malloc(LIST_INIT_SIZE*sizeof(ElemType))) == NULL){
return -;
L->length = ;
L->listsize = LIST_INIT_SIZE;
return ;
} /*在L中第i个位置之前插入新的数据元素e,L的长度增1*/
static int ListInsert_Sq(SqList *L, int i, ElemType e)
//i的合法值为1 <= i <= ListLength_Sq(L)+1
if((i<) || (i>L->length+))
return -;
if(L->length >= L->listsize){
ElemType *newbase = NULL;
if((newbase=(ElemType*)realloc(L->elem, (L->listsize+LIST_INCREMENT)*sizeof(ElemType))) == NULL){
return -;
L->elem = newbase;
L->listsize += LIST_INCREMENT;
ElemType *q = (L->elem+i-);
ElemType *p;
for(p=(L->elem+L->length-); p>=q; --p){
*(p+) = *p;
*q = e;
L->length += ;
return ;
} /*删除L中的第i个数据元素,并用e返回其值, L的长度减1*/
static int ListDelete_Sq(SqList *L, int i, ElemType *e)
//i的合法值为1 <= i <= ListLength_Sq(L)
if((i<) || (i>L->length)){
return -;
ElemType *p;
ElemType *q;
p = L->elem+i-;
*e = *p;
q = L->elem+L->length-;
*(p-) = *p;
L->length -= ;
return ;
} /*依次对L的每个数据元素调用函数fun。一旦fun失败,则操作失败*/
static int ListTraverse_Sq(SqList L, int (*fun)(ElemType,int), char info[])
printf("顺序存储的线性表%s", info);
int i = ;
for(i=; i<L.length; i++)
if(fun(L.elem[i],i+) < ){
printf("Err:when traverse(e,%d) wrong!\n",i);
return -;
return ;
} /*
* 在顺序表L中查找第1个值与e满足fun的元素的位序
* 若找到, 则返回其在L中的位置, 否则返回0
static int LocateElem_Sq(SqList L, ElemType e, int (*fun)(ElemType,ElemType))
int i = ;
ElemType *p;
p = L.elem;
while(i<=L.length && (fun(*p++,e)))
return i;
return ;
} /*销毁线性表L*/
static int DestroyList_Sq(SqList *L)
if(L == NULL)
return -;
L->elem = NULL;
L->length = ;
L->listsize = ;
return ;
} /*
* 已知顺序线性表La和Lb的元素按照非递减排列
* 归并La和Lb得到新的顺序线性表Lc,Lc的元素也按值非递减排列
* 时间复杂度为MAX(La.length, Lb.length)
static int MergeList_Sq(SqList La, SqList Lb, SqList *Lc)
if(Lc == NULL){
return -;
} ElemType *pa = La.elem, *pa_last;
ElemType *pb = Lb.elem, *pb_last; Lc->length = La.length + Lb.length;
Lc->listsize = La.length + Lb.length; if((Lc->elem = (ElemType*)malloc(Lc->listsize * sizeof(ElemType))) == NULL){
Lc->length = ;
Lc->listsize = ;
return -;
ElemType *pc = Lc->elem; pa_last = La.elem+La.length-;
pb_last = Lb.elem+Lb.length-;
while((pa<=pa_last) && (pb<=pb_last)){
if(*pa <= *pb){
*pc++ = *pa++;
*pc++ = *pb++;
*pc++ = *pa++;
*pc++ = *pb++;
return ;
} //打印位置loc和其数据元素e
static int printE(ElemType e, int loc)
printf("%3d=%-3d", loc, e);
return ;
} //比较元素e1和e2是否相等, 相等返回0,否则返回-1
static int equal(ElemType e1, ElemType e2)
return ;
return -;
} int main(int argc, char *argv[])
SqList L;
if(InitList_Sq((&L)) < ){
printf("Err:init sqList wrong!\n");
goto End;
} ElemType e;
int location;
int data; //以插入法构造一个线性表·[12,13,21,24,28,30,42,77]
ListInsert_Sq(&L, , );
ListInsert_Sq(&L, , );
ListInsert_Sq(&L, , );
ListInsert_Sq(&L, , );
ListInsert_Sq(&L, , );
ListInsert_Sq(&L, , );
ListInsert_Sq(&L, , );
ListInsert_Sq(&L, , );
ListTraverse_Sq(L, printE, "L:");
printf("\n"); //insert a data and print
printf("insert a data and print, please input (locatioon, data):");
scanf("%d,%d", &location, &data);
ListInsert_Sq(&L, location, data);
ListTraverse_Sq(L, printE, "L:");
printf("\n"); //delete a data and print
printf("delete a data and print, please input (location):");
scanf("%d", &location);
ListDelete_Sq(&L, location, &e);
ListTraverse_Sq(L, printE, "L:");
printf("\n"); //locate a data and print
printf("locata a data and print, please input (data):");
scanf("%d", &data);
location = LocateElem_Sq(L, data, equal);
printf("the location of the first data who equals to %d is %d!\n\n", data, location); printf("Merge LA and LB to LC!\n");
SqList La, Lb, Lc;
if(InitList_Sq(&La) || InitList_Sq(&Lb)){
printf("Err:init sqList wrong!\n");
goto End;
//构造一个值非递减的线性表:LA [3,5,8,11]
ListInsert_Sq(&La, , );
ListInsert_Sq(&La, , );
ListInsert_Sq(&La, , );
ListInsert_Sq(&La, , );
ListTraverse_Sq(La, printE, "LA"); //构造一个值非递减的线性表:LB [2,6,8,9,11,15,20]
ListInsert_Sq(&Lb, , );
ListInsert_Sq(&Lb, , );
ListInsert_Sq(&Lb, , );
ListInsert_Sq(&Lb, , );
ListInsert_Sq(&Lb, , );
ListInsert_Sq(&Lb, , );
ListInsert_Sq(&Lb, , );
ListTraverse_Sq(Lb, printE, "LB"); //将线性表La和Lb按照非递减形式归并成线性表Lc
if(MergeList_Sq(La, Lb, &Lc))
printf("Err:when merge(La,Lb) wrong!\n");
goto End;
ListTraverse_Sq(Lc, printE, "LC"); End:
return ;
顺序存储的线性表L: 1=12 2=13 3=21 4=24 5=28 6=30 7=42 8=77 insert a data and print, please input (locatioon, data):5,25
顺序存储的线性表L: 1=12 2=13 3=21 4=24 5=25 6=28 7=30 8=42 9=77 delete a data and print, please input (location):5
顺序存储的线性表L: 1=12 2=13 3=21 4=24 5=28 6=30 7=42 8=77 locata a data and print, please input (data):42
the location of the first data who equals to 42 is 7! Merge LA and LB to LC!
顺序存储的线性表LA 1=3 2=5 3=8 4=11
顺序存储的线性表LB 1=2 2=6 3=8 4=9 5=11 6=15 7=20
顺序存储的线性表LC 1=2 2=3 3=5 4=6 5=8 6=8 7=9 8=11 9=11 10=15 11=20 Process finished with exit code 0
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