First ,you should download all zips you need

  1. Anriod 9.0 rom

    link: ... Jdk&export=download

  2. 3rdparty recovery(include twrp)

    link: Extration code:heg4

  3. fireware

    link: ... g/stable-25.01.2019

Second,flash the rom you download

  1. use usb to connect your mobile phone with PC ,select MTP
  2. press the volume down and power button until entering fastboot
  3. unzip the 3rdparty recovery you have download,then click the red one

  1. if succeed ,reboot to recovery,just like this

  2. if your miui's data partition is locked ,click wipe to clean ,format data/

  3. transfer Anriod 9.0 rom's zip and fireware's zip to your phone from PC

  4. click install ,enter sdcard,there should be your zips

  5. flash fireware's zip first ,slide to flash,succeed.

  6. then flash Anriod 9.0 rom ,if succeed,reboot to see what you have done!

Third ,addition modules

  1. flash google apps

    link: stock and super variants are not recommended!!! )

  2. flash magisk to access root previleges
    link: ... .1/
    (if not matched go to github to select :
    this process is the same as the flash on rom above, I'll not say again

Fourth,if you want to install xposed framework

  1. please go to this tutorial


  2. maybe this will also be helpful if known Chinese

​ link:

(better to use suitable version)

what I use

  • EdXposedInstaller_v2.2.0-release.apk

It works


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