import re
pattern = 'this'
text = 'Does this text match the pattern?'
match =, text)
s = match.start()
e = match.end()
print('Found "{}"\nin "{}"\nfrom {} to ("{}")'.format(, match.string, s, e, text[s:e]))
Found "this"
in "Does this text match the pattern?"
from 5 to ("9")
import re
regexes = [
for p in ['this', 'that']
text = 'Does this text match the pattern?'
print('Text: {!r}\n'.format(text))
for regex in regexes:
print('Seeking "{}" ->'.format(regex.pattern),end=' ')
print('no match')
Text: 'Does this text match the pattern?'
Seeking "this" -> match
Seeking "that" -> no match
import re
text = 'abbaaabbbbaaaaaa'
pattern = 'ab'
for match in re.findall(pattern, text):
print('Found {!r}'.format(match))
Found 'ab'
Found 'ab'
import re
text = 'abbaaabbbbaaaaaa'
pattern = 'ab'
for match in re.finditer(pattern, text):
s = match.start()
e = match.end()
print('Found {!r} at {:d}:{:d}'.format(text[s:e],s,e))
Found 'ab' at 0:2
Found 'ab' at 5:7
import re
def test_pattern(text,patterns):
for pattern, desc in patterns:
print("'{}' ({})\n".format(pattern,desc))
print(" '{}'".format(text))
for match in re.finditer(pattern, text):
s = match.start()
e = match.end()
substr = text[s:e]
n_backslashes = text[:s].count('\\')
prefix = '.' * (s+n_backslashes)
print(" {}'{}'".format(prefix,substr))
if __name__ == "__main__":
test_pattern('abbaaabbbbaaaaaa',[('ab',"'a' follow by 'b'"),])
'ab' ('a' follow by 'b')
test_pattern('abbaabbba',[('ab*','a followed by zero or more b'),
('ab+','a followed by one or more b'),
('ab?','a followed by zero or one b'),
('ab{3}','a followed by three b'),
('ab{2,3}','a followed by two or three b')],
'ab*' (a followed by zero or more b)
'ab+' (a followed by one or more b)
'ab?' (a followed by zero or one b)
'ab{3}' (a followed by three b)
'ab{2,3}' (a followed by two or three b)
test_pattern('abbaabbba',[('ab*?','a followed by zero or more b'),
('ab+?','a followed by one or more b'),
('ab??','a followed by zero or one b'),
('ab{3}?','a followed by three b'),
('ab{2,3}?','a followed by two or three b')],
'ab*?' (a followed by zero or more b)
'ab+?' (a followed by one or more b)
'ab??' (a followed by zero or one b)
'ab{3}?' (a followed by three b)
'ab{2,3}?' (a followed by two or three b)
test_pattern('abbaabbba',[('[ab]','either a or b'),
('a[ab]+','a followed by one or more a or b'),
('a[ab]+?','a followed by one or more a or b, not greedy')],
'[ab]' (either a or b)
'a[ab]+' (a followed by one or more a or b)
'a[ab]+?' (a followed by one or more a or b, not greedy)
test_pattern('This is some text -- with punctuation',[('[^-. ]+','sequences without -, ., or space')],)
'[^-. ]+' (sequences without -, ., or space)
'This is some text -- with punctuation'
test_pattern('This is some text -- with punctuation',
[('[a-z]+','sequences of lowercase letters'),
('[A-Z]+','sequences of uppercase letters'),
('[a-zA-Z]+','sequences of lower- or uppercase letters'),
('[a-z][A-Z]+','one uppercase followed by lowercase')],
'[a-z]+' (sequences of lowercase letters)
'This is some text -- with punctuation'
'[A-Z]+' (sequences of uppercase letters)
'This is some text -- with punctuation'
'[a-zA-Z]+' (sequencesof lower- or uppercase letters)
'This is some text -- with punctuation'
'[a-z][A-Z]+' (one uppercase followed by lowercase)
'This is some text -- with punctuation'
test_pattern('This is some text -- with punctuation',
[('a.','a followed by any one character'),
('b.','b follwed by any one character'),
('a.*b','a followed by anything ending in b'),
('a.*?b','a followed by anything, ending in b')],
'a.' (a followed by any one character)
'This is some text -- with punctuation'
'b.' (b follwed by any one character)
'This is some text -- with punctuation'
'a.*b' (a followed by anything ending in b)
'This is some text -- with punctuation'
'a.*?b' (a followed by anything, ending in b)
'This is some text -- with punctuation'
转义码 | 含义 |
\d |
数字 |
\D |
非数字 |
\s | 空白符(制表符、空格、换行等) |
\S | 非空白符 |
\w |
字母数字 |
\W | 非字母数字 |
test_pattern('A prime #1 example!',
[(r'\d+','sequence of digits'),
(r'\D+','sequence of non-digits'),
(r'\s+','sequence of whitespqce'),
(r'\S+','sequence of non-whitespqce'),
(r'\w+','alphanumeric characters'),
'\d+' (sequence of digits)
'A prime #1 example!'
'\D+' (sequence of non-digits)
'A prime #1 example!'
'A prime #'
..........' example!'
'\s+' (sequence of whitespqce)
'A prime #1 example!'
.' '
.......' '
..........' '
'\S+' (sequence of non-whitespqce)
'A prime #1 example!'
'\w+' (alphanumeric characters)
'A prime #1 example!'
'\W+' (non-alphanumeric)
'A prime #1 example!'
.' '
.......' #'
..........' '
test_pattern(r'\d+ \D+ \s+',[(r'\\.\+','escape code')],)
'\\.\+' (escape code)
'\d+ \D+ \s+'
锚定码 | 含义 |
^ | 字符串或行开头 |
$ | 字符串或行末尾 |
\A | 字符串开头 |
\Z | 字符串末尾 |
\b | 单词开头或末尾的空串 |
\B | 不在的单词开头或末尾的空串 |
test_pattern('This is some text -- with punctuation',
[(r'^\w+','word at start of string'),
(r'\A\w+','word at start of string'),
(r'\w+\S*$','word near end of string'),
(r'\w+\S*\Z','word near end of string'),
(r'\bt\w+','t at end of word'),
(r'\Bt\B','not start or end of word')],
'^\w+' (word at start of string)
'This is some text -- with punctuation'
'\A\w+' (word at start of string)
'This is some text -- with punctuation'
'\w+\S*$' (word near end of string)
'This is some text -- with punctuation'
'\w+\S*\Z' (word near end of string)
'This is some text -- with punctuation'
'\bt\w+' (t at end of word)
'This is some text -- with punctuation'
'\Bt\B' (not start or end of word)
'This is some text -- with punctuation'
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