


  1. import re
  2. pattern = 'this'
  3. text = 'Does this text match the pattern?'
  4. match = re.search(pattern, text)
  5. s = match.start()
  6. e = match.end()
  7. print('Found "{}"\nin "{}"\nfrom {} to ("{}")'.format(match.re.pattern, match.string, s, e, text[s:e]))
  8. _____________________输出___________________________________________
  9. Found "this"
  10. in "Does this text match the pattern?"
  11. from 5 to ("9")




  1. import re
  2. regexes = [
  3. re.compile(p)
  4. for p in ['this', 'that']
  5. ]
  6. text = 'Does this text match the pattern?'
  7. print('Text: {!r}\n'.format(text))
  8. for regex in regexes:
  9. print('Seeking "{}" ->'.format(regex.pattern),end=' ')
  10. if regex.search(text):
  11. print('match')
  12. else:
  13. print('no match')
  14. _________________________输出_________________________________
  15. Text: 'Does this text match the pattern?'
  16. Seeking "this" -> match
  17. Seeking "that" -> no match




  1. import re
  2. text = 'abbaaabbbbaaaaaa'
  3. pattern = 'ab'
  4. for match in re.findall(pattern, text):
  5. print('Found {!r}'.format(match))
  6. _______________________输出_____________________
  7. Found 'ab'
  8. Found 'ab'


  1. import re
  2. text = 'abbaaabbbbaaaaaa'
  3. pattern = 'ab'
  4. for match in re.finditer(pattern, text):
  5. s = match.start()
  6. e = match.end()
  7. print('Found {!r} at {:d}:{:d}'.format(text[s:e],s,e))
  8. _______________________输出_______________________________
  9. Found 'ab' at 0:2
  10. Found 'ab' at 5:7



  1. import re
  2. def test_pattern(text,patterns):
  3. for pattern, desc in patterns:
  4. print("'{}' ({})\n".format(pattern,desc))
  5. print(" '{}'".format(text))
  6. for match in re.finditer(pattern, text):
  7. s = match.start()
  8. e = match.end()
  9. substr = text[s:e]
  10. n_backslashes = text[:s].count('\\')
  11. prefix = '.' * (s+n_backslashes)
  12. print(" {}'{}'".format(prefix,substr))
  13. print()
  14. return
  15. if __name__ == "__main__":
  16. test_pattern('abbaaabbbbaaaaaa',[('ab',"'a' follow by 'b'"),])
  17. ________________________输出_______________________________________
  18. 'ab' ('a' follow by 'b')
  19. 'abbaaabbbbaaaaaa'
  20. 'ab'
  21. .....'ab'




  1. test_pattern('abbaabbba',[('ab*','a followed by zero or more b'),
  2. ('ab+','a followed by one or more b'),
  3. ('ab?','a followed by zero or one b'),
  4. ('ab{3}','a followed by three b'),
  5. ('ab{2,3}','a followed by two or three b')],
  6. )
  7. __________________________输出__________________________________
  8. 'ab*' (a followed by zero or more b)
  9. 'abbaabbba'
  10. 'abb'
  11. ...'a'
  12. ....'abbb'
  13. ........'a'
  14. 'ab+' (a followed by one or more b)
  15. 'abbaabbba'
  16. 'abb'
  17. ....'abbb'
  18. 'ab?' (a followed by zero or one b)
  19. 'abbaabbba'
  20. 'ab'
  21. ...'a'
  22. ....'ab'
  23. ........'a'
  24. 'ab{3}' (a followed by three b)
  25. 'abbaabbba'
  26. ....'abbb'
  27. 'ab{2,3}' (a followed by two or three b)
  28. 'abbaabbba'
  29. 'abb'
  30. ....'abbb'


  1. test_pattern('abbaabbba',[('ab*?','a followed by zero or more b'),
  2. ('ab+?','a followed by one or more b'),
  3. ('ab??','a followed by zero or one b'),
  4. ('ab{3}?','a followed by three b'),
  5. ('ab{2,3}?','a followed by two or three b')],
  6. )
  7. ______________________________输出________________________________
  8. 'ab*?' (a followed by zero or more b)
  9. 'abbaabbba'
  10. 'a'
  11. ...'a'
  12. ....'a'
  13. ........'a'
  14. 'ab+?' (a followed by one or more b)
  15. 'abbaabbba'
  16. 'ab'
  17. ....'ab'
  18. 'ab??' (a followed by zero or one b)
  19. 'abbaabbba'
  20. 'a'
  21. ...'a'
  22. ....'a'
  23. ........'a'
  24. 'ab{3}?' (a followed by three b)
  25. 'abbaabbba'
  26. ....'abbb'
  27. 'ab{2,3}?' (a followed by two or three b)
  28. 'abbaabbba'
  29. 'abb'
  30. ....'abb'



  1. test_pattern('abbaabbba',[('[ab]','either a or b'),
  2. ('a[ab]+','a followed by one or more a or b'),
  3. ('a[ab]+?','a followed by one or more a or b, not greedy')],
  4. )
  5. ________________________________输出__________________________________________
  6. '[ab]' (either a or b)
  7. 'abbaabbba'
  8. 'a'
  9. .'b'
  10. ..'b'
  11. ...'a'
  12. ....'a'
  13. .....'b'
  14. ......'b'
  15. .......'b'
  16. ........'a'
  17. 'a[ab]+' (a followed by one or more a or b)
  18. 'abbaabbba'
  19. 'abbaabbba'
  20. 'a[ab]+?' (a followed by one or more a or b, not greedy)
  21. 'abbaabbba'
  22. 'ab'
  23. ...'aa'


  1. test_pattern('This is some text -- with punctuation',[('[^-. ]+','sequences without -, ., or space')],)
  2. __________________________________输出__________________________________
  3. '[^-. ]+' (sequences without -, ., or space)
  4. 'This is some text -- with punctuation'
  5. 'This'
  6. .....'is'
  7. ........'some'
  8. .............'text'
  9. .....................'with'
  10. ..........................'punctuation'


  1. test_pattern('This is some text -- with punctuation',
  2. [('[a-z]+','sequences of lowercase letters'),
  3. ('[A-Z]+','sequences of uppercase letters'),
  4. ('[a-zA-Z]+','sequences of lower- or uppercase letters'),
  5. ('[a-z][A-Z]+','one uppercase followed by lowercase')],
  6. )
  7. ————————————————————————————————————输出————————————————————————————————————
  8. '[a-z]+' (sequences of lowercase letters)
  9. 'This is some text -- with punctuation'
  10. .'his'
  11. .....'is'
  12. ........'some'
  13. .............'text'
  14. .....................'with'
  15. ..........................'punctuation'
  16. '[A-Z]+' (sequences of uppercase letters)
  17. 'This is some text -- with punctuation'
  18. 'T'
  19. '[a-zA-Z]+' (sequencesof lower- or uppercase letters)
  20. 'This is some text -- with punctuation'
  21. 'This'
  22. .....'is'
  23. ........'some'
  24. .............'text'
  25. .....................'with'
  26. ..........................'punctuation'
  27. '[a-z][A-Z]+' (one uppercase followed by lowercase)
  28. 'This is some text -- with punctuation'


  1. test_pattern('This is some text -- with punctuation',
  2. [('a.','a followed by any one character'),
  3. ('b.','b follwed by any one character'),
  4. ('a.*b','a followed by anything ending in b'),
  5. ('a.*?b','a followed by anything, ending in b')],
  6. )
  7. ____________________________输出_____________________________________
  8. 'a.' (a followed by any one character)
  9. 'This is some text -- with punctuation'
  10. ................................'at'
  11. 'b.' (b follwed by any one character)
  12. 'This is some text -- with punctuation'
  13. 'a.*b' (a followed by anything ending in b)
  14. 'This is some text -- with punctuation'
  15. 'a.*?b' (a followed by anything, ending in b)
  16. 'This is some text -- with punctuation'


转义码 含义




\s 空白符(制表符、空格、换行等)
\S 非空白符


\W 非字母数字
  1. test_pattern('A prime #1 example!',
  2. [(r'\d+','sequence of digits'),
  3. (r'\D+','sequence of non-digits'),
  4. (r'\s+','sequence of whitespqce'),
  5. (r'\S+','sequence of non-whitespqce'),
  6. (r'\w+','alphanumeric characters'),
  7. (r'\W+','non-alphanumeric'],
  8. )
  9. ___________________________输出_______________________________
  10. '\d+' (sequence of digits)
  11. 'A prime #1 example!'
  12. .........'1'
  13. '\D+' (sequence of non-digits)
  14. 'A prime #1 example!'
  15. 'A prime #'
  16. ..........' example!'
  17. '\s+' (sequence of whitespqce)
  18. 'A prime #1 example!'
  19. .' '
  20. .......' '
  21. ..........' '
  22. '\S+' (sequence of non-whitespqce)
  23. 'A prime #1 example!'
  24. 'A'
  25. ..'prime'
  26. ........'#1'
  27. ...........'example!'
  28. '\w+' (alphanumeric characters)
  29. 'A prime #1 example!'
  30. 'A'
  31. ..'prime'
  32. .........'1'
  33. ...........'example'
  34. '\W+' (non-alphanumeric)
  35. 'A prime #1 example!'
  36. .' '
  37. .......' #'
  38. ..........' '
  39. ..................'!'


  1. test_pattern(r'\d+ \D+ \s+',[(r'\\.\+','escape code')],)
  2. ________________________输出_____________________________
  3. '\\.\+' (escape code)
  4. '\d+ \D+ \s+'
  5. '\d+'
  6. .....'\D+'
  7. ..........'\s+'




锚定码 含义
^ 字符串或行开头
$ 字符串或行末尾
\A 字符串开头
\Z 字符串末尾
\b 单词开头或末尾的空串
\B 不在的单词开头或末尾的空串
  1. test_pattern('This is some text -- with punctuation',
  2. [(r'^\w+','word at start of string'),
  3. (r'\A\w+','word at start of string'),
  4. (r'\w+\S*$','word near end of string'),
  5. (r'\w+\S*\Z','word near end of string'),
  6. (r'\bt\w+','t at end of word'),
  7. (r'\Bt\B','not start or end of word')],
  8. )
  9. _____________________________输出__________________________________
  10. '^\w+' (word at start of string)
  11. 'This is some text -- with punctuation'
  12. 'This'
  13. '\A\w+' (word at start of string)
  14. 'This is some text -- with punctuation'
  15. 'This'
  16. '\w+\S*$' (word near end of string)
  17. 'This is some text -- with punctuation'
  18. ..........................'punctuation'
  19. '\w+\S*\Z' (word near end of string)
  20. 'This is some text -- with punctuation'
  21. ..........................'punctuation'
  22. '\bt\w+' (t at end of word)
  23. 'This is some text -- with punctuation'
  24. .............'text'
  25. '\Bt\B' (not start or end of word)
  26. 'This is some text -- with punctuation'
  27. .......................'t'
  28. ..............................'t'
  29. .................................'t'


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