1 需求
模拟实现一个ATM + 购物商城程序
2 程序目录
- ├── ATM+购物商城
- ├── core #入口程序目录
- │ ├──
- │ └── #入口程序(启动程序)
- ├── conf #配置文件目录
- │ ├──
- │ └── README.txt
- ├── modules #程序核心目录
- │ ├──
- │ ├── #管理模块
- │ ├── #认证模块
- │ ├── #信用卡模块
- │ ├── #购物模块
- ├── database #程序数据库
- │ ├── creditcard_info #信用卡数据库
- │ ├── creditcard_record #信用卡流水记录数据库
- │ ├── production_list #商城产品数据库
- │ |── user #用户数据库
- │ └── shopping_cart #购物车数据库
- │ ├── shopping_record #购物记录
- │
- └── log
- ├──
- └── user_flowlog #用户操作日志
3 modules目录文件
- from . import creditcard_center, shopping_center, admin_center, authenticate
- import os, sys, json, time
- BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
- sys.path.append(BASE_DIR)
- from modules import creditcard_center, admin_center
- logger = admin_center.get_logger()
- db_produ_list = BASE_DIR + r'/database/production_list'
- db_shopping_cart = BASE_DIR + r'/database/shopping_cart'
- shopping_record = BASE_DIR + r'/database/shopping_record'
- db_user = BASE_DIR + r'/database/user'
- db_credit_info = BASE_DIR + r'/database/creditcard_info'
- user_log = BASE_DIR + r'/log/user_flowlog'
- # 购物
- def shopping_mall():
- shopping_list = []
- buy_list = []
- with open(db_produ_list, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
- for item in f:
- shopping_list.append(item.split('\n').split())
- while True:
- print('商城在售商品清单'.center(50, '-'))
- for index, item in enumerate(shopping_list):
- print('%d %s %s' % (index+1, item[0], item[1]))
- choice_id = input('选择要购买的商品编号或返回b')
- if choice_id.isdigit():
- choice_id = int(choice_id)
- if choice_id <= len(shopping_list) and choice_id >= 0:
- buy_item = shopping_list[(int(choice_id) - 1)]
- print('商品[%s]加入购物车,价格[¥%s]' % (buy_item[0], buy_item[1]))
- buy_list.append(buy_item)
- shopping_log = ['商品', buy_item[0], '价格', buy_item[1]]
- message = '--'.join(shopping_log)
- else:
- print('无效编号,请重新输入')
- elif choice_id == 'b':
- with open(db_shopping_cart, 'r+') as f1:
- list = json.loads(
- list.extend(buy_list)
- list = json.dumps(list)
- f1.truncate(0) # 截断数据
- f1.write(list)
- break
- else:
- print('无效的字符,请重新输入')
- # 购物车
- def shopping_cart():
- while True:
- with open(db_shopping_cart, 'r+', encoding='utf-8') as f1:
- shopping_list = json.loads(
- sum = 0
- print('购物车信息清单'.center(50, '-'))
- for index, item in enumerate(shopping_list):
- print(index, item[0], item[1])
- sum += int(item[1])
- print('商品总额共计:' % sum)
- choice = input('清空购物车c或返回按b请选择:')
- if choice == 'c':
- with open(db_shopping_cart, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f2:
- list = json.dumps([])
- f2.write(list)
- elif choice == 'b':
- break
- # 购物结算
- def shopping_pay(login_user):
- while True:
- with open(db_shopping_cart, 'r+', encoding='utf-8') as f:
- shopping_list = json.loads(
- sum = 0
- for item in shopping_list:
- sum += int(item[1])
- choice = input('当前商品总额为:¥%s,是否进行支付,是y,返回b,请选择' % sum)
- if choice == 'y':
- with open(db_user, 'r+', encoding='utf-8') as f1:
- user_dic = json.loads(
- if user_dic[login_user]['creditcard'] == 0:
- print('该用户%s未绑定信用卡,请到个人中心绑定信用卡' % login_user)
- # 绑定的信用卡
- else:
- creditcard_center.credit_pay(sum, login_user)
- shop_record(login_user, shopping_list)
- break
- elif choice == 'b':
- break
- # 历史购物记录写入
- def shop_record(login_user,shopping_list):
- with open(shopping_record, 'r+') as f:
- record_dict = json.loads(
- month = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d', time.localtime())
- times = time.strftime('%H:%M:%S')
- if str(login_user) not in record_dict.keys():
- record_dict[login_user] = {month:{times:shopping_list}}
- else:
- if month not in record_dict[login_user].keys():
- record_dict[login_user][month] = {time: shopping_list}
- else:
- record_dict[login_user][month][times] = shopping_list
- dict = json.dumps(record_dict)
- f.write(dict)
- # 历史购物记录查询
- def check_record(login_user):
- while True:
- with open(shopping_record, 'r+') as f1:
- record_dict = json.loads(
- if login_user not in record_dict.keys():
- print('没有该用户%s购物记录' % login_user)
- else:
- data = record_dict[login_user]
- for month in data:
- times = record_dict[login_user][month]
- for t in times:
- print('时间%s %s' % (month, t))
- list1 = record_dict[login_user][month][t]
- print('商品 价格')
- for value in list1:
- print('%s %s' % (value[0], value[1]))
- choice = input('是否返回b')
- if choice == 'b':
- break
- import os
- import sys
- import json
- import time
- from modules import shopping_center, admin_center
- BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
- sys.path.append(BASE_DIR)
- logger = admin_center.get_logger()
- db_user = BASE_DIR + r'/database/user'
- db_credit_info = BASE_DIR + r'/database/creditcard_info'
- credit_record = BASE_DIR + r'/database/credicard_record'
- user_log = BASE_DIR + r'/database/user_flowlog'
- # 卡信息
- def creditcard_info():
- while True:
- with open(db_credit_info, 'r+') as f:
- creditcard_data = json.loads(
- creditcard_num = input('请输入需要查询的信用卡卡号(6位数字)').strip()
- if creditcard_num in creditcard_data.keys():
- print('您要查询的信用卡信息如下:'.center(50, '-'))
- print('信用卡卡号:%s\n个人信息:%s\n可用额度:%s\n取现额度:%s\n' % (
- creditcard_num, creditcard_data[creditcard_num]['personalinfo'],
- creditcard_data[creditcard_num]['limit'],
- creditcard_data[creditcard_num]['limitcash']
- ))
- break
- else:
- print('信用卡卡号:%s不存在' % creditcard_num)
- # 提现
- def withdraw():
- while True:
- with open(db_credit_info, 'r+') as f:
- creditcard_data = json.loads(
- creditcard_num = input('请输入需要提现的信用卡卡号(6位数字):').strip()
- if creditcard_num in creditcard_data.keys():
- password = input('请输入需要提现的信用卡密码(6位数字):').strip()
- if password == creditcard_data[creditcard_num]['password']:
- print('可用额度:% s\n取现额度:% s\n' % (creditcard_data[creditcard_num]['limit'],
- int((creditcard_data[creditcard_num]["limitcash"]*0.95))
- ))
- withdraw_money = input('请输入需要提现的金额(收取%5手续费)或返回b')
- withdraw_money = int(withdraw_money)
- if withdraw_money == 'b':
- break
- elif int(withdraw_money) <= creditcard_data[creditcard_num]['limitcash']:
- with open(db_credit_info, 'r') as f1:
- new_limitcash = creditcard_data[creditcard_num]['limitcash'] - \
- (withdraw_money + 0.05 * withdraw_money)
- new_limit = creditcard_data[creditcard_num]['limit'] - (withdraw_money+0.05*withdraw_money)
- print('您已经成功提现人民币:¥%s,手续费:%s,可用额度:%s,取现额度:%s' %
- (withdraw_money, 0.05 * withdraw_money, new_limit, new_limitcash)
- )
- creditcard_data[creditcard_num]['limit'] = new_limit
- creditcard_data[creditcard_num]['limitcash'] = int(new_limitcash)
- data = json.dumps(creditcard_data)
- f1.write(data)
- withdraw_log = [str(creditcard_data[creditcard_num]), '金额', str(withdraw_money), '提现成功']
- message = "--".join(withdraw_log)
- break
- elif int(withdraw_money) >= creditcard_data[creditcard_num]['limitcash']:
- print("已经超出最大提现金额,请重试")
- else:
- print('提现密码不正确,重新输入')
- else:
- print('系统没有次卡号,重新输入')
- # 转账
- def transfer():
- while True:
- with open(db_credit_info, 'r+') as f:
- creditcard_data = json.loads(
- creditcard_num = input('请输入信用卡卡号(6位数字):').strip()
- if creditcard_num in creditcard_data.keys():
- trans_creditcard_num = input('请输入对方的信用卡卡号:')
- if trans_creditcard_num in creditcard_data.keys():
- transfer_money = input('请输入转账金额:')
- transfer_money = int(transfer_money)
- if transfer_money <= creditcard_data[creditcard_num]['limint']:
- password = input('请输入您的信用卡密码(6位数字):').strip()
- if password == creditcard_data[creditcard_num]['password']:
- creditcard_data[creditcard_num]['limit'] -= transfer_money
- creditcard_data[creditcard_num]['limitcash'] = \
- creditcard_data[creditcard_num]['limit'] // 2
- creditcard_data[trans_creditcard_num]['limit'] += transfer_money
- creditcard_data[trans_creditcard_num]['limitcash'] = \
- creditcard_data[trans_creditcard_num]['limit'] // 2
- print('您已成功向信用卡:%s转账:%s\n可用额度:%s\n取现额度:%s\n'
- % (trans_creditcard_num, transfer_money,
- creditcard_data[creditcard_num]['limit'],
- creditcard_data[creditcard_num]['limitcash']
- )
- )
- data = json.dumps(creditcard_data)
- f.write(data)
- transfer_log = ['对方卡号', trans_creditcard_num, '金额',
- str(transfer_money), '信用卡转账成功'
- ]
- creditcard_record(creditcard_num, '转账%s' % transfer_money)
- message = '--'.join(transfer_log)
- break
- else:
- print('您的密码不正确,重新输入')
- else:
- print('该卡号%s 不存在,请重新输入' % trans_creditcard_num)
- else:
- print('该卡号%s不存在,重新输入' % creditcard_num)
- # 还款
- def repay():
- while True:
- with open(db_credit_info, 'r+') as f:
- creditcard_data = json.loads(
- creditcard_num = input('请输入需要还款的信用卡卡号(6位数字):').strip()
- if creditcard_num in creditcard_data.keys():
- repay_money = input('请输入您的还款金额:')
- if repay_money.isdigit():
- repay_money = int(repay_money)
- password = input('请输入您的信用卡的还款密码')
- if password == creditcard_data[creditcard_num]['password']:
- with open(db_credit_info, 'r+') as f2:
- creditcard_data[creditcard_num]['limit'] += repay_money
- creditcard_data[creditcard_num]['limitcash'] = creditcard_data\
- [creditcard_num]['limit'] // 2
- print('信用卡:%s已经成功还款,金额:%s\n新的可用额度:%s,新的取现额度:%s' %
- (creditcard_num, repay_money, creditcard_data[creditcard_num]['limit'],
- creditcard_data[creditcard_num]['limitcash']
- )
- )
- data = json.dumps(creditcard_data)
- f2.write(data)
- repay_log = [creditcard_data[creditcard_num]['personalinfo'],
- creditcard_num, '还款', str(repay_money)
- ]
- credit_record(creditcard_num, '还款%s' % repay_money)
- message = '--'.join(repay_log)
- break
- else:
- print("您的还款密码不正确,重新输入")
- else:
- print('金额为数字,重新输入')
- else:
- print('该号%s不存在,重新输入' % creditcard_num)
- # 申请信用卡
- def apply_creditcard(limit=15000, locked='true'):
- while True:
- with open(db_credit_info, 'r+', encoding='utf-8') as f:
- creditcard_dic = json.loads(
- for key in creditcard_dic.keys():
- print('系统已有信用卡:%s,持卡人:%s' % (key, creditcard_dic[key]['personalinfo']))
- choice = input('是否申请信用卡,是y否b:')
- if choice == 'y':
- creditcard = input('请输入要申请的信用卡卡号(6位数字):').strip()
- if creditcard not in creditcard_dic:
- if creditcard.isdigit() and len(creditcard) == 6:
- password = input('输入要申请的信用卡密码(6位数字):')
- if len(password) == 6:
- personalinfo = input('输入要申请的信用卡持卡人姓名:')
- if personalinfo.isalpha():
- creditcard_dic[creditcard] = {'creditcard': creditcard,
- 'password': password,
- 'personalinfo': personalinfo,
- 'limit': limit,
- 'limitcash': limit // 2,
- 'locked': locked
- }
- dic = json.dumps(creditcard_dic)
- f.write(dic)
- print('信用卡:%s\n持卡人:%s\n可用额度:%s\n取现额度:%s申请成功' %
- (creditcard, personalinfo, limit, limit//2)
- )
- apply_creditcard_log = [creditcard, personalinfo, '信用卡申请成功']
- message = '--'.join(apply_creditcard_log)
- else:
- print('无效字符')
- else:
- print('密码规则不符合')
- else:
- print('卡号不符合规则')
- elif choice == 'b':
- break
- # 信用卡绑定API
- def credit_api():
- while True:
- with open(db_user, 'r+', encoding='utf-8') as f, open(db_credit_info, 'r+', encoding='utf-8') as f1:
- user_dic = json.loads(
- credit_dic = json.loads(
- username = input('请输入需要绑定的信用卡用户名或返回b')
- if username in user_dic.keys():
- creditcard_num = user_dic[username]['creditcard']
- if creditcard_num == 0:
- print('当前用户%s没有绑定信用卡' % username)
- attach_creditcard = input("请输入需要绑定的信用卡卡号:")
- if username == credit_dic[attach_creditcard]['personalinfo']:
- attach_password = input('请输入需要绑定的信用卡密码:')
- with open(db_user, 'r+', encoding='utf-8') as f:
- if attach_password == credit_dic[attach_password]['password']:
- user_dic[username]['creditcard'] = attach_password
- dic = json.dumps(user_dic)
- f.write(dic)
- print('持卡人:%s\n信用卡号:%s\n已成功绑定' % (username, attach_password))
- attach_log = [username, attach_creditcard, '信用卡绑定成功']
- message = '--'.join(attach_log)
- break
- else:
- print('密码错误,请重新输入')
- else:
- print('信用卡用户名不存在,请重新输入')
- else:
- print('当前用户%s有绑定信用卡' % username)
- break
- # 信用卡付款API
- def credit_pay(sum, login_user):
- print('尊敬的信用卡绑定用户,欢迎来到信用卡结算中心'.center(50, '-'))
- with open(db_credit_info, 'r+', encoding='utf-8') as credit_payment, open(db_user, 'r+', encoding='utf-8') as f:
- credit_dic = json.loads(
- user_dic = json.loads(
- pwd = input('请输入信用卡密码完成支付:')
- creditcard_num = str(user_dic[login_user]['creditcard'])
- limit = credit_dic[creditcard_num]['limit']
- limitcash = credit_dic[creditcard_num]['limitcash']
- if pwd == credit_dic[creditcard_num]['password']:
- credit_dic[creditcard_num]['limit'] = limit - sum
- credit_dic[creditcard_num]['limitcash'] = limitcash - sum
- print('信用卡:%s已经付款成功:¥%s' % (creditcard_num, sum))
- data = json.dumps(credit_dic)
- credit_payment.write(data)
- shopping_log = [login_user, creditcard_num, '信用卡结账', str(sum)]
- credit_record(creditcard_num, '购物支付%s' % sum)
- message = '--'.join(shopping_log)
- else:
- print('支付密码不对,请重新输入')
- # 信用卡流水创建
- def creditcard_record(creditcard_num, record):
- with open(credit_record, 'r+') as f1:
- record_dict = json.loads(
- month = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d', time.localtime())
- times = time.strftime('%H:%M:%S')
- if str(creditcard_num) not in record_dict.keys():
- record_dict[creditcard_num] = {month: {times:record}}
- else:
- if month not in record_dict[creditcard_num].keys():
- record_dict[creditcard_num][month]= {times: record}
- else:
- record_dict[creditcard_num][month][times] = record
- dict = json.dumps(record_dict)
- f1.write(dict)
- # 信用卡流水查询
- def credit_check(creditcard_num):
- while True:
- print('信用卡流水单'.center(50, '-'))
- with open(credit_record, 'r+') as f1:
- record_dict = json.loads(
- print('流水单日期')
- if creditcard_num in record_dict.keys():
- for key in record_dict[creditcard_num]:
- print(key)
- date = input('流水单查询,返回b, 输入流水单日期2018-06-03')
- if date == 'b': break
- if date in record_dict[creditcard_num].keys():
- keys = record_dict[creditcard_num][date]
- print('当前信用卡 %s 交易记录>>>' % creditcard_num)
- for key in keys:
- print('时间:%s %s' % (key, record_dict[creditcard_num][date][key]))
- else:
- print('输入日期有误')
- else:
- print('信用卡%s还没有进行过消费' % creditcard_num)
- break
- import os, sys, json, logging
- BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
- sys.path.append(BASE_DIR)
- db_user = BASE_DIR + r"/database/user" # 存放用户信息
- db_credit_info = BASE_DIR + r"/database/creditcard_info" # 存放信用卡信息
- user_log = BASE_DIR + r"/log/user_flowlog" # 存放日志信息
- # 添加用户
- def add_user(creditcard=0, locked='true'):
- while True:
- print("添加用户".center(50, '-'))
- with open(db_user, 'r+', encoding='utf-8') as f: # encoding为编码的操作,将数据按照utf-8加载到内存
- user_dic = json.loads(
- for key in user_dic:
- print("系统已经有用户%s" % key)
- choice = input("是否添加用户,是y,返回b")
- if choice == "y":
- username = input('请输入要注册的用户名:').strip() # 去除输入后的空格
- if username not in user_dic:
- if username.isalpha():
- password = input("请输入密码:")
- if len(password) > 0:
- user_dic[username] = {'username': username, 'password': password,
- 'creditcard': creditcard, 'locked': locked}
- dic = json.dumps(user_dic)
- f.write(dic)
- print('用户:%s添加成功' % username)
- else:
- print('密码不能为空')
- else:
- print('账户只能为字母组合')
- else:
- print('该账户已经注册')
- elif choice == 'b':
- break
- # 锁定用户
- def lock_user():
- while True:
- print('锁定用户'.center(50, '-'))
- with open(db_user, 'r+', encoding='utf-8') as f:
- user_dic = json.loads(
- for key in user_dic:
- if user_dic[key]['locked'] == 'false':
- print('用户%s未锁定' % key)
- else:
- print('用户%s未锁定' % key)
- choice = input("是否进行锁定,是y或返回b")
- if choice == 'y':
- loc_user = input("请输入要锁定的用户名:")
- if loc_user in user_dic.keys:
- if user_dic[loc_user]['locked'] == 'false':
- user_dic[loc_user]['locked'] = 'true'
- dic = json.dumps(user_dic)
- f.write(dic)
- print('用户 %s 锁定成功' % loc_user)
- else:
- print('用户 %s 锁定失败,已经锁定!' % loc_user)
- else:
- print('用户 %s 不存在' % loc_user)
- elif choice == 'b':
- break
- # 冻结信用卡
- def lock_creditcard():
- while True:
- print('冻结信用卡'.center(50, '-'))
- with open(db_credit_info, 'r+', encoding='utf-8') as f:
- creditcard_dic = json.loads(
- for key in creditcard_dic:
- if creditcard_dic[key]['locked'] == 'false':
- print('信用卡 %s 未冻结' % key)
- else:
- print('信用卡 %s 已冻结' % key)
- choice = input('是否对信用卡进行冻结操作,是y或返回b:')
- if choice == 'y':
- loc_creditcard = input('请输入要冻结的信用卡卡号(6位数字)')
- if loc_creditcard in creditcard_dic.keys() and len(loc_creditcard) == 6:
- if creditcard_dic[loc_creditcard]['locked'] == 'false':
- creditcard_dic[loc_creditcard]['locked'] = 'true'
- dic = json.dumps(creditcard_dic)
- f.write(dic)
- print('信用卡 %s 冻结成功' % loc_creditcard)
- else:
- print('信用卡 %s 冻结失败,已经冻结' % loc_creditcard)
- else:
- print('信用卡 %s 不存在!' % loc_creditcard)
- elif choice == 'b':
- break
- # 解冻信用卡
- def unlock_creditcard():
- while True:
- print('解冻信用卡'.center(50, '-'))
- with open(db_credit_info, 'r+', encoding='utf-8') as f:
- creditcard_dic = json.loads(
- for key in creditcard_dic:
- if creditcard_dic[key]['locked'] == 'false':
- print('信用卡 %s 未冻结' % key)
- else:
- print('信用卡 %s 已冻结' % key)
- choice = input('是否对信用卡进行解冻操作,是y或返回b:')
- if choice == 'y':
- unloc_creditcard = input('请输入要解冻的信用卡号(6位数字):')
- if unloc_creditcard in creditcard_dic.keys() and len(unloc_creditcard) == 6:
- if creditcard_dic[unloc_creditcard]['locked'] == 'true':
- creditcard_dic[unloc_creditcard]['locked'] = 'false'
- dic = json.dumps(creditcard_dic)
- f.write(dic)
- print('信用卡 %s 解冻成功!' % unloc_creditcard)
- else:
- print('信用卡 %s 解冻失败,已经解冻!' % unloc_creditcard)
- else:
- print('信用卡 %s 不存在' % unloc_creditcard)
- elif choice == 'b':
- break
- # 更新密码
- def update_password(login_user):
- while True:
- with open(db_user, 'r+', encoding='utf-8') as f:
- user_dic = json.loads(
- print('当前用户账户:%s\n当前用户密码:%s' % (login_user, user_dic[login_user]['password']))
- choice = input('是否修改当前密码,是y,返回按b:')
- if choice == 'y':
- old_pwd = input('请输入%s的原密码:' % login_user)
- if old_pwd == user_dic[login_user]['password']:
- new_pwd = input('请输入%s的新密码:' % login_user)
- user_dic[login_user]['password'] = new_pwd
- user = json.dumps(user_dic)
- f.write(user)
- print('%s密码修改成功' % login_user)
- break
- else:
- print('%s 原密码不正确,请重新输入!' % login_user)
- elif choice == 'b':
- break
- # 日志文件
- def get_logger():
- logger = logging.getLogger()
- logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)
- fh = logging.FileHandler(user_log)
- fh.setLevel(logging.INFO)
- formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(message)s')
- fh.setFormatter(formatter)
- logger.addHandler(fh)
- return logger
- import os, sys, json
- BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
- db_user = BASE_DIR + r'/database/user'
- db_credit_info = BASE_DIR + r'/database/creditcard_info'
- db_credit_record = BASE_DIR +r'/database/creditcard_record'
- db_user_log = BASE_DIR + r'/database/user_flowlog'
- # 认证装饰器
- def auth(auth_type):
- def outer_wrapper(func):
- if auth_type == 'user_auth':
- def wrapper():
- #用户认证
- func()
- with open(db_user, 'r') as f_user:
- user_list = json.loads(
- while True:
- user = input('请输入用户名:').strip()
- pwd = input('请输入密码:').strip()
- if user and pwd:
- for key in user_list:
- if user == user_list[key]['username'] and pwd == user_list[key]['password']:
- if user_list[user]['locked'] == 'false':
- print('用户%s认证成功' % user)
- return user
- else:
- print('用户%s已经被锁定,认证失败' % user)
- else:
- print('用户名或密码错误,认证失败')
- else:
- print('用户名和密码不能为空')
- return wrapper
- elif auth_type == 'creditcard_auth':
- def wrapper():
- func()
- with open(db_credit_info, 'r') as f:
- creditcard_data = json.loads(
- while True:
- credit_card = input('请输入信用卡号(6位数字):').strip()
- password = input('请输入信用卡密码(6位数字):').strip()
- if credit_card and password:
- for key in creditcard_data:
- if credit_card == creditcard_data[key]['creditcard']:
- if password == creditcard_data[key]['password']:
- if creditcard_data[key]['locked'] == 'false':
- print('信用卡%s验证成功' % credit_card)
- return credit_card
- else:
- print('信用卡%s已经被冻结,请使用其它信用卡' % credit_card)
- else:
- print('信用卡卡号或密码输入错误')
- else:
- print('信用卡账号输入不能为空')
- return wrapper
- elif auth_type == 'admin_auth': # 管理员认证
- def wrapper():
- func()
- admin_dic = {'admin': 'admin', 'password': 'admin'}
- while True:
- admin_name = input('请输入管理员账号:').strip()
- admin_pwd = input('请输入密码:').strip()
- if admin_name and admin_pwd:
- if admin_name in admin_dic and admin_pwd == admin_dic['password']:
- print('管理员账号%s登陆成功' % admin_name)
- return admin_name
- else:
- print('账号或密码错误')
- else:
- print('管理员账号不能为空')
- return wrapper
- return outer_wrapper
- @auth(auth_type='user_auth')
- def user_auth():
- print('用户登录认证'.center(50, '-'))
- @auth(auth_type='creditcard_auth')
- def creditcard_auth():
- print('信用卡登录认证'.center(50, '-'))
- @auth(auth_type='admin_auth')
- def admin_auth():
- print('管理员登录认证'.center(50, '-'))
4 core目录中的文件
- import os, sys
- # 获取程序的主目录
- BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
- # 将主目录添加到环境变量
- sys.path.append(BASE_DIR)
- from modules import admin_center, creditcard_center, shopping_center, authenticate
- db_user = BASE_DIR + r'/database/user'
- def option_personal(login_user):
- while True:
- option_list = ['历史购物记录', '修改登录密码', '信用卡绑定', '返回']
- count = 0
- for option in option_list:
- count += 1
- print(str(count) + '.' + option)
- user_choice = input('>>>:')
- if user_choice.isdecimal():
- if int(user_choice) == 1:
- print('历史购物记录'.center(50, '-'))
- shopping_center.check_record(login_user)
- break
- elif int(user_choice) == 2:
- print('修改登录密码'.center(50, '-'))
- admin_center.update_password(login_user)
- elif int(user_choice) == 3:
- print('信用卡绑定'.center(50, '-'))
- creditcard_center.credit_api()
- break
- elif int(user_choice) == 4:
- print('返回'.center(40, '-'))
- else:
- print('无效的字符')
- # 购物
- def option_shopping(login_user):
- while True:
- print('购物中心'.center(40, '-'))
- option_list = ["购物", "查看购物车", "购物结算", "个人中心", "返回"]
- count = 0
- for option in option_list:
- count += 1
- print(str(count) + '.' + option)
- user_choice = input('>>>:')
- if user_choice.isdecimal():
- if int(user_choice) == 1:
- print('购物'.center(50, '-'))
- shopping_center.shopping_mall()
- elif int(user_choice) == 2:
- print('查看购物车'.center(50, '-'))
- shopping_center.shopping_cart()
- elif int(user_choice) == 3:
- print('购物结算'.center(50, '-'))
- shopping_center.shopping_pay(login_user)
- elif int(user_choice) == 4:
- print('个人中心'.center(50, '-'))
- option_personal(login_user)
- elif int(user_choice) == 5:
- print('返回'.center(50, '-'))
- break
- else:
- print('无效字符')
- # 信用卡
- def option_creditcard(credit_card):
- while True:
- print('信用卡中心'.center(50, '-'))
- option_list = ["信用卡信息", "提现", "转账", "还款","流水记录", "申请信用卡", "返回"]
- count = 0
- for option in option_list:
- count += 1
- print(str(count) + '.' + option)
- user_choice = input('>>>:')
- if user_choice.isdecimal():
- if int(user_choice) == 1:
- print("信用卡信息".center(50, "-"))
- creditcard_center.creditcard_info()
- elif int(user_choice) == 2:
- print("提现".center(50, "-"))
- creditcard_center.withdraw()
- elif int(user_choice) == 3:
- print("转账".center(50, "-"))
- creditcard_center.transfer()
- elif int(user_choice) == 4:
- print("还款".center(50, "-"))
- creditcard_center.repay()
- elif int(user_choice) == 5:
- print("流水记录".center(50, "-"))
- creditcard_center.credit_check(credit_card)
- elif int(user_choice) == 6:
- print("申请信用卡".center(50, ""))
- creditcard_center.apply_creditcard(limit=15000, locked="true")
- elif int(user_choice) == 7:
- print("返回".center(50, "-"))
- break
- else:
- print("无效的字符")
- # 后台管理
- def option_backadmin(user):
- while True:
- print('后台管理'.center(50, '-'))
- option_list = ["添加账户", "锁定账户", "解锁账户", "冻结信用卡","解冻信用卡", "返回"]
- count = 0
- for option in option_list:
- count += 1
- print(str(count) + '.' + option)
- user_choice = input('>>>:')
- if user_choice.isdecimal():
- if int(user_choice) == 1:
- print("添加账户".center(50, "-"))
- admin_center.add_user()
- elif int(user_choice) == 2:
- print("锁定账户".center(50, "-"))
- admin_center.lock_user()
- elif int(user_choice) == 3:
- print("解锁账户".center(50, "-"))
- admin_center.unlock_user()
- elif int(user_choice) == 4:
- print("冻结信用卡".center(50, "-"))
- admin_center.lock_creditcard()
- elif int(user_choice) == 5:
- print("解冻信用卡".center(50, "-"))
- admin_center.unlock_creditcard()
- elif int(user_choice) == 6:
- print("返回".center(50, "-"))
- break
- else:
- print("无效的字符")
- # 认证模块
- while True:
- print("欢迎进入信用卡网购程序".center(50, "-"))
- option_list = ["购物中心", "信用卡中心", "后台管理", "退出"]
- count = 0
- for option in option_list:
- count += 1
- print(str(count) + '.' + option)
- user_choice = input(">>>:")
- if user_choice.isdecimal():
- if int(user_choice) == 1:
- option_shopping(authenticate.user_auth())
- elif int(user_choice) == 2:
- option_creditcard(authenticate.creditcard_auth())
- elif int(user_choice) == 3:
- option_backadmin(authenticate.admin_auth())
- elif int(user_choice) == 4:
- print("再见!")
- break
- else:
- print("无效的字符")
5 database目录中文件
- { }
- # 默认为空
- # 默认为空
- IPhone 8800
- Mac-Pro 12388
- IPad 4999
- Mouse 181
- Bike 800
- keyboard 199
- Dell-Screen 5999
- Nike-Watch 999
- # 默认为空
- { }
6 log目录文件
- # 默认为空
7 个人理解
8 思路来源
- 毕业设计代做,各种系统微服务项目ssm项目,员工管理系统,微信小程序,购物商城,二手商城系统,销售系统,等等
毕业设计代做,各种系统,微服务项目,ssm项目 小程序,商城等,期末作业等都可以,价格好说,长期接单, 有项目说明书,软件介绍相关文档,答辩的时候包过,知识点对接好,给你讲解等, 毕业设计代做,各种系 ...
- 微信小程序购物商城系统开发系列
微信小程序购物商城系统开发系列 微信小程序开放公测以来,一夜之间在各种技术社区中就火起来啦.对于它 估计大家都不陌生了,对于它未来的价值就不再赘述,简单一句话:可以把小程序简单理解为一个新的操作系统. ...
- 2.2 - ATM+购物商城程序
要求:模拟实现一个ATM + 购物商城程序1.额度 15000或自定义2.实现购物商城,买东西加入 购物车,调用信用卡接口结账3.可以提现,手续费5%4.支持多账户登录5.支持账户间转账6.记录每月日 ...
- java 购物商城小项目训练
java web 模拟购物车练习(项目一) 首页(index.jsp) <div align="center" class="index"> < ...
- 项目1:ATM+购物商城项目
项目1:ATM+购物商城 1.项目介绍 项目需求: # 项目需求如下:'''- 额度 15000或自定义- 实现购物商城,买东西加入购物车,调用信用卡接口结账- 可以提现,手续费5%- 支持多账 ...
- 微信小程序购物商城系统开发系列-目录结构
上一篇我们简单介绍了一下微信小程序的IDE(微信小程序购物商城系统开发系列-工具篇),相信大家都已经蠢蠢欲试建立一个自己的小程序,去完成一个独立的商城网站. 先别着急我们一步步来,先尝试下写一个自己的 ...
- Python开发程序:ATM+购物商城
一.程序要求 模拟实现一个ATM + 购物商城程序 额度 15000或自定义 实现购物商城,买东西加入 购物车,调用信用卡接口结账 可以提现,手续费5% 每月22号出账单,每月10号为还款日,过期未还 ...
- 模拟实现一个ATM+购物商城程序
记得上次小编上传了一个购物车程序,这次呢稍微复杂一点,还是那句话,上传在这里不是为了炫耀什么,只是督促小编学习,如果大神有什么意见和建议,欢迎指导.(PS:本次主要参考学习为主,自己原创的很少) 要求 ...
- 模拟实现ATM+购物商城程序
流程图: 需求: ATM:模拟实现一个ATM + 购物商城程序额度 15000或自定义实现购物商城,买东西加入 购物车,调用信用卡接口结账可以提现,手续费5%支持多账户登录支持账户间转账记录每月日常消 ...
- 怎样检测TCP/UDP端口的连通性
1 TCP端口的连通性 TC端口的连通性,一般通过telnet检测: TCP协议是面向连接的,可以直接通过telnet命令连接 telnet host-ip port 2 UDP端口的连通性 因为公司 ...
- MYSQL列表中常用语句代码块
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- Power BI 关注博客更新
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