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The purpose of Applied Mathematics Letters is to provide a means of rapid publication for important but brief applied mathematical papers. The brief descriptions of any work involving a novel application or utilization of mathematics, or a development in the methodology of applied mathematics, is a potential contribution for this journal. This journal's focus is on applied mathematics topics based on differential equations and linear algebra. Priority will be given to submissions that are likely to appeal to a wide audience.

Submission Limitations

Due to publishing constraints, only two submissions per author per year will be considered, at the discretion of the Editor-in-Chief. Once a paper is under review or has been accepted, all co-authors need to wait 6 months from the submission date before submitting another paper to this journa

Types of paper

There is a limit of 6 (six) typeset pages for all papers published by Applied Mathematics Letters.

Research Announcements
This rapid-publication journal now accepts Research Announcements along with short papers. The Research Announcements should be 3-4-page summaries of important results in a longer paper recently submitted to a leading journal by a well-established researcher. Applied Mathematics Letters will have the research announcement in print in about 3 months with the online version appearing in a month.

Contact details for submission

During the submission process you will be asked to choose a member of the Editorial Board of the journal whose field of interest is closest to the work submitted. For a complete and up to date listing of the members of the Editorial Board of the journal, please consult the journal's webpage at:

Failure to meet the requirements will result in the rejection of your article.


(1) Please prepare a list of 8 (eight) proposed reviewers. You MUST include Full Names, Department, University, Country and Email Addresses for each proposed reviewer. It should be a globally geographically diverse list of potential reviewers; there should be no more than two suggested referees from any particular area/region/country.

If you, or any of your co-authors, have submitted to our offices previously, please note that should not include reviewers on lists for your manuscripts in the last 2 years.

All proposed reviewers MUST be fluent in English to ensure the integrity of each review and the correct processing of all manuscripts.

(2) Proposed reviewers MUST BE experienced, well published researchers who are knowledgeable in your area of research. The editor-in-chief depends heavily on your suggestions for the choice of reviewers and a list of weak reviewers can be the basis for rejecting a submission. (Also minimize the number of leaders in the field who are typically too busy to be reviewers.) In addition, proposed reviewers MUST NOT BE former co-authors, instructors, co-workers, advisors, students, nor have had any other personal/working/professional relationship with you or any of your co-authors.

(3) Reviewers MUST NOT BE a member of our Journal's Editorial Board:


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