Inceptor Parse error [Error 1110] line 102,24 SQL问题
去掉cast as
最初以为是Inceptor不兼容ORACLE语句Cast as 导致的,做的以下测试
发现都能跑通,说明Cast as语句在Inceptor中能正常使用。
只执行前半部分,去掉left join能正常运行,验证了Cast as没错
加上left join后又报错:
with `__all_dim__` as (
from (
unix_timestamp(`__bts__`) -1,
'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'
) as `__bts__`
from (
concat_ws(' ', `d`.`date`, `t`.`time_of_day`) as `__bts__`
from `ecmp`.`dim_date` as `d`
left join `ecmp`.`dim_time_of_day` as `t` on 1 = 1
`d`.`date` >= '2019-12-24'
and `d`.`date` <= '2019-12-25'
) as `__bts___tp1`
`__bts__` > '2019-12-24 00:00:00'
and `__bts__` <= '2019-12-25 00:00:00'
and second(`__bts__`) = 0
and minute(`__bts__`) = 0
and hour(`__bts__`) = 0
and pmod(day(`__bts__`), 1) = 0
) as `__time_model__`
cross join (
`dd_60139`.`ci_pk` as `ci_pk`,
`dd_60139`.`ci_id` as `ci_id`,
`dd_60139`.`ci_code` as `ci_code`,
`dd_60139`.`ci_name` as `ci_name`,
`dd_60139`.`bs_pk` as `bs_pk`,
`dd_60139`.`aps_pk` as `aps_pk`,
`dd_60139`.`tenant_pk` as `tenant_pk`,
`dd_60139`.`ts_pk` as `ts_pk`,
`dd_60139`.`oc_pk` as `oc_pk`,
`dd_60139`.`bs_id` as `bs_id`,
`dd_60139`.`aps_id` as `aps_id`,
`dd_60139`.`tenant_id` as `tenant_id`,
`dd_60139`.`oc_id` as `oc_id`,
`dd_60139`.`ts_id` as `ts_id`,
`dd_60139`.`tenant_name` as `tenant_name`,
`dd_60139`.`oc_name` as `oc_name`,
`dd_60139`.`aps_dname` as `aps_dname`,
`dd_60139`.`bs_name` as `bs_name`,
`dd_60139`.`ts_name` as `ts_name`
from `ecmp`.`dim_ci` as `dd_60139`
) as `ci_pk`
cross join (
'运维A角' as incident_acceptor_role
from system.dual
union all
'运维B角' as incident_acceptor_role
from system.dual
union all
'运维1.5线' as incident_acceptor_role
from system.dual
union all
'其他' as incident_acceptor_role
from system.dual
) as `incident_acceptor_role`
,`t` as (
rank() over(
partition by `aps_pk`,
order by
`accept_incident_count` DESC
) as `accept_incident_count_rank`,
rank() over(
partition by `aps_pk`,
order by
`accept_incident_count` ASC
) as `__inverse_rank__`
from (
accept_incident_count as accept_incident_count
from `ecmp`.dws_ci_b00001t01_nd01_003
accept_incident_count is not null
and `__bts__` >= '2019-12-24 00:00:00'
AND `__bts__` <= '2019-12-24 23:59:59'
) as `t0`
--insert into `ecmp`.`dws_ci_b00001t04_nd01_018`(`__bts__`,`__cts__`,`accept_incident_count`,`accept_incident_count_rank`,`accept_incident_count_win_rate`,`aps_dname`,`aps_id`,`aps_pk`,`bs_id`,`bs_name`,`bs_pk`,`ci_code`,`ci_id`,`ci_name`,`ci_pk`,`incident_acceptor_role`,`oc_id`,`oc_name`,`oc_pk`,`tenant_id`,`tenant_name`,`tenant_pk`,`ts_id`,`ts_name`,`ts_pk`) select
`__all_dim__`.`ci_pk` as `ci_pk`,
`__all_dim__`.`incident_acceptor_role` as `incident_acceptor_role`,
CAST(round(nvl(`accept_incident_count`, 0), 0) as INT) as `accept_incident_count`,
CAST(round(`accept_incident_count_rank`, 0) as INT) as `accept_incident_count_rank`,
CAST(round(`accept_incident_count_win_rate`, 1) as DOUBLE) as `accept_incident_count_win_rate`,
`__all_dim__`.`ci_id` as `ci_id`,
`__all_dim__`.`ci_code` as `ci_code`,
`__all_dim__`.`ci_name` as `ci_name`,
`__all_dim__`.`bs_pk` as `bs_pk`,
`__all_dim__`.`aps_pk` as `aps_pk`,
`__all_dim__`.`tenant_pk` as `tenant_pk`,
`__all_dim__`.`ts_pk` as `ts_pk`,
`__all_dim__`.`oc_pk` as `oc_pk`,
`__all_dim__`.`bs_id` as `bs_id`,
`__all_dim__`.`aps_id` as `aps_id`,
`__all_dim__`.`tenant_id` as `tenant_id`,
`__all_dim__`.`oc_id` as `oc_id`,
`__all_dim__`.`ts_id` as `ts_id`,
`__all_dim__`.`tenant_name` as `tenant_name`,
`__all_dim__`.`oc_name` as `oc_name`,
`__all_dim__`.`aps_dname` as `aps_dname`,
`__all_dim__`.`bs_name` as `bs_name`,
`__all_dim__`.`ts_name` as `ts_name`,
CAST(SYSDATE as STRING) as `__cts__`,
`__all_dim__`.`__bts__` as `__bts__`
from `__all_dim__`
left join (
'2019-12-24 23:59:59' as `__bts__`,
CAST(coalesce(`tp1`.`aps_pk`) as STRING) as `aps_pk`,
CAST(coalesce(`tp1`.`ci_pk`) as STRING) as `ci_pk`,
CAST(coalesce(`tp1`.`incident_acceptor_role`) as STRING) as `incident_acceptor_role`
from (
if(`c`.ct = 1,null,(`__inverse_rank__` -1) /(`c`.ct -1) * 100) as `accept_incident_count_win_rate`
from `t`
left join (
count(*) as `ct`
from `t`
group by
) as `c`
on 1 = 1
and `t`.`aps_pk` = `c`.`aps_pk`
and `t`.`incident_acceptor_role` = `c`.`incident_acceptor_role`
) as `tp1`
) as `__dws__`
on `__all_dim__`.`__bts__` = `__dws__`.`__bts__`
and `__all_dim__`.`ci_pk` = `__dws__`.`ci_pk`
and `__all_dim__`.`incident_acceptor_role` = `__dws__`.`incident_acceptor_role`
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