• 原题如下:

    Suppose that P1 is an infinite-height prism whose axis is parallel to the z-axis, and P2 is also an infinite-height prism whose axis is parallel to the y-axis. P1 is defined by the polygon C1 which is the cross section of P1 and the xy-plane, and P2is also defined by the polygon C2 which is the cross section of P2 and the xz-plane.

    Figure I.1 shows two cross sections which appear as the first dataset in the sample input, and Figure I.2 shows the relationship between the prisms and their cross sections.

    Figure I.1: Cross sections of Prisms

    Figure I.2: Prisms and their cross sections

    Figure I.3: Intersection of two prisms

    Figure I.3 shows the intersection of two prisms in Figure I.2, namely, P1 and P2.

    Write a program which calculates the volume of the intersection of two prisms.


    The input is a sequence of datasets. The number of datasets is less than 200.

    Each dataset is formatted as follows.

    m n
    x11 y11
    x12 y12 
    x1m y1m 
    x21 z21
    x22 z22
    x2n z2n

    m and n are integers (3 ≤ m ≤ 100, 3 ≤ n ≤ 100) which represent the numbers of the vertices of the polygons, C1 and C2, respectively.

    x1iy 1 ix 2j and z 2j are integers between -100 and 100, inclusive. ( x 1iy 1i) and ( x 2j , z 2j) mean the i-th and j-th vertices' positions of C 1 and C 2respectively.

    The sequences of these vertex positions are given in the counterclockwise order either on the xy-plane or the xz-plane as in Figure I.1.

    You may assume that all the polygons are convex, that is, all the interior angles of the polygons are less than 180 degrees. You may also assume that all the polygons are simple, that is, each polygon's boundary does not cross nor touch itself.

    The end of the input is indicated by a line containing two zeros.


    For each dataset, output the volume of the intersection of the two prisms, P1 and P2, with a decimal representation in a line.

    None of the output values may have an error greater than 0.001. The output should not contain any other extra characters.

    Sample Input

    4 3
    7 2
    3 3
    0 2
    3 1
    4 2
    0 1
    8 1
    4 4
    30 2
    30 12
    2 12
    2 2
    15 2
    30 8
    13 14
    2 8
    8 5
    13 5
    21 7
    21 9
    18 15
    11 15
    6 10
    6 8
    8 5
    10 12
    5 9
    15 6
    20 10
    18 12
    3 3
    5 5
    10 3
    10 10
    20 8
    10 15
    10 8
    4 4
    -98 99
    -99 -99
    99 -98
    99 97
    -99 99
    -98 -98
    99 -99
    96 99
    0 0

    Output for the Sample Input

  • 题解:朴素想法,求出公共部分的凸多面体的顶点坐标,然后再计算其体积。公共部分的凸多面体的顶点都是一个棱柱的侧面与另一个棱柱的侧棱的交点,可以通过O(nm)时间的枚举求得,但因为涉及三维空间的几何运算,实现起来是非常麻烦的。


  • 代码:
    #include<vector> using namespace std; const int INF=0x3f3f3f3f;
    const double EPS=1e-;
    const int MAX_N=;
    int N,M;
    int X1[MAX_N], Y1[MAX_N], X2[MAX_N], Z2[MAX_N]; double max(double x, double y)
    if (x>y+EPS) return x;
    return y;
    } double min(double x, double y)
    if (x<y-EPS) return x;
    return y;
    } double width(int * X, int * Y, int n, double x)
    double lb=INF, ub=-INF;
    for (int i=; i<n; i++)
    double x1=X[i], y1=Y[i], x2=X[(i+)%n], y2=Y[(i+)%n];
    if ((x1-x)*(x2-x)<= && x1!=x2)
    double y=y1+(y2-y1)*(x-x1)/(x2-x1);
    lb=min(lb, y);
    ub=max(ub, y);
    return max(0.0, ub-lb);
    } int main()
    while (~scanf("%d %d", &M, &N))
    if (M== && N==) break;
    for (int i=; i<M; i++)
    scanf("%d %d", &X1[i], &Y1[i]);
    for (int i=; i<N; i++)
    scanf("%d %d", &X2[i], &Z2[i]);
    int min1=*min_element(X1, X1+M), max1=*max_element(X1, X1+M);
    int min2=*min_element(X2, X2+N), max2=*max_element(X2, X2+N);
    vector<int> xs;
    for (int i=; i<M; i++) xs.push_back(X1[i]);
    for (int i=; i<N; i++) xs.push_back(X2[i]);
    sort(xs.begin(), xs.end());
    double res=;
    for (int i=; i+<xs.size(); i++)
    double a=xs[i], b=xs[i+], c=(a+b)/;
    if (min1<=c && c<=max1 && min2<=c && c<=max2)
    double fa=width(X1, Y1, M, a)*width(X2, Z2, N, a);
    double fb=width(X1, Y1, M, b)*width(X2, Z2, N, b);
    double fc=width(X1, Y1, M, c)*width(X2, Z2, N, c);
    printf("%.10f\n", res);

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