GNU C的一大特色就是__attribute__机制。__attribute__机制可以设置函数属性(Function Attribute)、变量属性(Variable Attribute)和类型属性(Type Attribute)。






  1. aligned(alignment):


struct S {
short b[];
}__attribute__((aligned ()));
typedef int int32_t __attribute__((aligned(8)));
* 该声明将强制编译器确保(尽可能)变量类型为structS或者int32_t的变量在分配空间时采用8字节对齐方式。


struct S {
short b[];
} __attribute__((aligned)); // 使用默认对齐方式,依据目标机器,使用最大最有益的对齐方式
#include <stdio.h>

struct S1 {
short b[];
}; struct S2 {
short b[];
} __attribute__((aligned())); struct S3 {
short b[];
} __attribute__((aligned())); struct S4 {
short b[];
} __attribute__((aligned())); struct S5 {
short b[];
} __attribute__((aligned())); struct S6 {
short b[];
} __attribute__((aligned)); int main(int argc, char** argv)
printf("sizeof(struct S1) = %ld\n", sizeof(struct S1));
printf("sizeof(struct S2) = %ld\n", sizeof(struct S2));
printf("sizeof(struct S3) = %ld\n", sizeof(struct S3));
printf("sizeof(struct S4) = %ld\n", sizeof(struct S4));
printf("sizeof(struct S5) = %ld\n", sizeof(struct S5));
printf("sizeof(struct S6) = %ld\n", sizeof(struct S6)); return ;
* 输出结果:
* sizeof(struct S1) = 6
* sizeof(struct S2) = 8
* sizeof(struct S3) = 16
* sizeof(struct S4) = 32
* sizeof(struct S5) = 64
* sizeof(struct S6) = 16


#include <stdio.h>

struct A {
int a;
char b;
short c;
} aa; struct AP {
int a;
char b;
short c;
} __attribute__((aligned())) ap; struct B {
char a;
int b;
short c;
} bb; struct BP {
char a;
int b;
short c;
} __attribute__((aligned())) bp; struct C {
int a;
char b;
struct AP px;
short c;
} cc; struct CP1 {
int a;
char b;
struct AP px;
short c;
} __attribute__((aligned())) cp1; struct CP2 {
int a;
char b;
struct AP px;
short c;
} __attribute__((aligned())) cp2; int main(int argc, char** argv)
printf("sizeof(aa) = %lu, sizeof(ap) = %lu\n", sizeof(aa), sizeof(ap));
printf("sizeof(bb) = %lu, sizeof(bp) = %lu\n", sizeof(bb), sizeof(bp));
printf("sizeof(cc) = %lu, sizeof(cp1) = %lu\n", sizeof(cc), sizeof(cp1));
printf("sizeof(cc) = %lu, sizeof(cp2) = %lu\n", sizeof(cc), sizeof(cp2)); return ;
* 输出结果:
* sizeof(aa) = 8, sizeof(ap) = 16
* sizeof(bb) = 12, sizeof(bp) = 12
* sizeof(cc) = 48, sizeof(cp1) = 48
* sizeof(cc) = 48, sizeof(cp2) = 48

关于内存对齐:(其中的#pragma pack()在gcc中很少见,具体用法需确认)

  ① 什么是内存对齐?


#include <stdio.h>

struct Test1 {
char c1;
short s;
char c2;
int i;
}; struct Test2 {
char c1;
char c2;
short s;
int i;
}; int main(int argc, char** argv)
printf("sizeof(struct Test1) = %lu\n", sizeof(struct Test1));
printf("sizeof(struct Test2) = %lu\n", sizeof(struct Test2)); return ;
} /* 输出结果
* sizeof(struct Test1) = 12
* sizeof(struct Test2) = 8


    • CPU对内存的读取不是连续的,而是分块读取的,块的大小只能是1、2、4、8、16字节
    • 当读取操作的数据未对齐,则需要两次总线周期来访问内存,因此性能会大打折扣
    • 某些硬件平台只能从规定的地址处取某些特定类型的数据,否则则抛出硬件异常      

  #pragma pack能够改变编译器的默认对齐方式

#include <stdio.h>

#pragma pack(2)
struct Test1 {
char c1;
short s;
char c2;
int i;
#pragma pack() #pragma pack(4)
struct Test2 {
char c1;
char c2;
short s;
int i;
#pragma pack() int main(int argc, char** argv)
printf("sizeof(struct Test1) = %lu\n", sizeof(struct Test1));
printf("sizeof(struct Test2) = %lu\n", sizeof(struct Test2)); return ;
} /*
* 输出结果:
* sizeof(struct Test1) = 10
* sizeof(struct Test2) = 8
  • struct 占用的内存大小

    • 第一个成员起始于0偏移处
    • 每个成员按其类型大小和指定对齐参数n中较小的一个进行对齐
      • 偏移地址和成员占用大小均需对齐
      • 结构体成员的对齐参数为其所有成员使用的对其参数的最大值    
    • 结构体的总长度必须为所有对其参数的整数倍      
#include <stdio.h>

#pragma pack(8)

struct S1 {
short a;
long b;
}; struct S2 {
char c;
struct S1 d;
double e;
}; #pragma pack() int main()
struct S2 s2; printf("sizeof(struct S1) = %lu\n", sizeof(struct S1));
printf("sizeof(struct S2) = %lu\n", sizeof(struct S2)); printf("%d\n", sizeof(long)); printf("%d\n", (int)&(s2.d) - (int)&(s2.c)); return ;
} /*
* 输出结果:
* sizeof(struct S1) = 16
* sizeof(struct S2) = 32
* 8
* 8


  2. packed:

    使用该属性对struct或union类型进行定义,设定其类型的每一个变量的内存约束。当用在enum类型定义时,暗示了应该使用最小完整的类型(it indicates that the smallest integral type should be used)。

#include <stdio.h>

struct unpacked_struct {
char c;
int i;
}; struct packed_struct_1 {
char c;
int i;
} __attribute__((__packed__)); struct packed_struct_2 {
char c;
int i;
struct unpacked_struct us;
} __attribute__((__packed__)); int main(int argc, char** argv)
printf("sizeof(struct unpacked_struct) = %lu\n", sizeof(struct unpacked_struct));
printf("sizeof(struct packed_struct_1) = %lu\n", sizeof(struct packed_struct_1));
printf("sizeof(struct packed_struct_2) = %lu\n", sizeof(struct packed_struct_2)); return ;
} /*
* 输出:
* sizeof(struct unpacked_struct) = 8
* sizeof(struct packed_struct_1) = 5
* sizeof(struct packed_struct_2) = 13



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