一 题面


二 分析


  这里参考并引用了TangMoon 博客。








${\overrightarrow{Q_{1}P_{2}} }\times {\overrightarrow{Q_{1}Q_{2}}}$

${\overrightarrow{Q_{1}Q_{2}} }\times {\overrightarrow{Q_{1}P_{1}}}$




三 AC代码

  1 #include <iostream>
2 #include <cstring>
3 #include <cstdio>
5 using namespace std;
6 const int MAXN = 200;
7 struct P
8 {
9 int a, b;
10 P(){}
11 P(int x, int y): a(x),b(y){}
12 P operator + (P t)
13 {
14 return P(a + t.a, b + t.b);
15 }
16 P operator - (P t)
17 {
18 return P(a - t.a, b - t.b);
19 }
20 P operator * (P t)
21 {
22 return P(a*t.a, b*t.b);
23 }
24 int dot(P t)
25 {
26 return a*t.a + b*t.b;
27 }
28 int det(P t)
29 {
30 return a*t.b - b*t.a;
31 }
32 };
33 int px[MAXN], py[MAXN];
34 int qx[MAXN], qy[MAXN];
36 bool solve(int t1, int t2)
37 {
38 if(min(px[t1], qx[t1]) > max(px[t2], qx[t2]) || min(px[t2], qx[t2]) > max(px[t1], qx[t1])
39 || min(py[t1], qy[t2]) > max(py[t2], qy[t2]) || min(py[t2], qy[t2]) > max(py[t1], qy[t1]))
40 return false;
41 P p1, p2, p3;
42 p1 = P(qx[t1]-px[t2], qy[t1]-py[t2]);
43 p2 = P(qx[t2]-px[t2], qy[t2]-py[t2]);
44 p3 = P(px[t1]-px[t2], py[t1]-py[t2]);
45 if(p1.det(p2) * p2.det(p3) < 0)
46 return false;
47 p1 = P(px[t2]-px[t1], py[t2]-py[t1]);
48 p2 = P(qx[t1]-px[t1], qy[t1]-py[t1]);
49 p3 = P(qx[t2]-px[t1], qy[t2]-py[t1]);
50 if(p1.det(p2) * p2.det(p3) < 0)
51 return false;
52 return true;
53 }
55 int par[MAXN];
57 int find(int x)
58 {
59 return par[x] == x ? x : par[x] = find(par[x]);
60 }
61 void unite(int x, int y)
62 {
63 int f1 = find(x), f2 = find(y);
64 if(f1 == f2)
65 return;
66 else
67 par[f1] = f2;
68 }
71 int main()
72 {
73 //freopen("input.txt", "r", stdin);
74 int n;
75 while(scanf("%d", &n) == 1)
76 {
78 if(n == 0) break;
79 for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
80 {
81 par[i] = i;
82 scanf("%d%d%d%d", &px[i], &py[i], &qx[i], &qy[i]);
83 }
84 for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
85 for(int j = i + 1; j <= n; j++)
86 {
87 if(solve(i, j))
88 unite(i, j);
89 }
90 int x, y;
91 while(scanf("%d%d", &x, &y) != EOF)
92 {
93 if(x == 0) break;
94 if(find(x) == find(y))
95 printf("CONNECTED\n");
96 else
97 printf("NOT CONNECTED\n");
98 }
99 }
100 return 0;
101 }

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