
public ListNode deleteDuplicates(ListNode head) {
if (head==null||head.next==null) return head;
ListNode res = head;
while (head.next!=null){
if (head.val==head.next.val)
if (head.next.next!=null) head.next = head.next.next;
else head.next = null;
else head = head.next;
return res;


public ListNode deleteDuplicates(ListNode head) {
if(head==null||head.next==null) return head;
ListNode res = new ListNode(0);
res.next = head;
ListNode list = res;
while (res.next!=null&&res.next.next!=null)
ListNode temp = res.next.next;
if (res.next.val==res.next.next.val)
while (temp.next!=null&&temp.next.val==temp.val)
temp = temp.next;
if (temp.next!=null) res.next = temp.next;
else res.next = null;
else res =res.next;
return list.next;


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