1  精确描述问题

第一章强调的重点在于精确的描述问题,这是程序开发的第一步 -- "Problem definition"

1.1  Precise problem statement

1) input: a file containing at most 107 positive intergers (each < 107); any interger occurs twice is an error; no other data is associated with the interger

2) output: a sorted list in increasing order

3) constraints:  at most 1MB available in main memory; ample disk storage; 10s ≤ runtime < several minutes (at most)

1.2  Program design

1) mergesort with work files

read the file once from the input, sort it with the aid of work files that are read and written many times, and then write it once

2) 40-pass algorithm

if we store each number in 4 bytes (32-bit int), we can store 250,000 numbers in 1MB (1 megabytes/4 bytes).

we use a program that makes 40 passes over the input files. The first pass reads 0 ~ 249,999, and the 40th pass reads 9,750,000 ~ 9,999,999

3) read once without intermediate files

only if we could represent all the integers in the input file in 1MB of main memory (即使利用下文 bitmap 结构,107个整数仍需要1.25MB > 1MB)

 1.3  Implementation sketch

we use bitmap data structure to represent the file by a string of 107 bits in which the ith bit is on only if the interger i is in the file

E.g. store the set {1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13} in a string of 20 bits

0  1  1  1  0  1  0  0  1   0   0   0  0   1   0   0   0  0   0  0

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20

// n is the number of bits in the vector (in this case 10,000,000)
// 1) initialize set to empty
, n)
  bit[i] = 

// 2) insert present elements into the set
for each i in the input file
  bit[i] = 

// 3) write sorted output
, n)

    write i on the output file

1.4  Principles

design = right problem + bitmap data structure + multiple-pass algorithm + time-space tradeoff

2  三个算法


2.1  Binary search

Given a sequential file that contain at most 4x109 integers(32-bit) in random order, find a 32-bit integer that is not in the file.

How would you solve it with ample main memory?  -- bitmap (232bits)

or using several external "scratch" files but only a few hundred bytes of main memory? -- binary search 二分查找

the insight is that we can probe a range by counting the elements above
and below its midpoint: either the upper or the lower range has at most
half the elements in the total range. Because the total range has a
missing element, the smaller half must also have a missing element.

its only drawback is that the entire table must be known and sorted in advance.

2.2  Rotate -> reverse

Rotate a one-dimensional vector x of n elements left by i positions. For instance, with n=8 and i=3, the vector abcdefgh is rotated into defghabc.

Can you rotate the vector in time proportional to n using only a few dozen extra bytes of storage?

starting with ab, we reverse a to get arb, reverse b to get arbr, and then reverse the whole thing to get (arbr)r, which is exactly ba

reverse(, i-)    // cbadefgh
reverse(i, n-)    // cbahgfed
reverse(, n-)    // defghabc

2.3  Signatures

Given a dictionary of English words, find all sets of anagram. For instance, "pots", "stop" and "tops" are all anagrams of each other.

3  四条原则

第三章作者给出了四条原则,并重点阐述一种编程观念 “data does indeed structure programs”

1) rework repeated code into arrays

a long stretch of similar code is often best expressed by the array

2) encapsulate complex structures 封装复杂结构

define a sophisticated data structure in abstract terms, and express those operations as a class

3) use advanced tools when possible

Hypertext, name-value pairs, spreadsheets, databases, languages are powerful tools

4) let the data structure the program

before writing code, thoroughly understand the input, the output and the intermediate data structures

4  验证正确性

在芯片设计(IC)领域有专门的职位叫做芯片验证工程师,他们常用的一种方法叫形式验证(Formal Verification),具体包括等价性检查,模型检查和定理证明。


4.1  Binary search

determine whether the sorted array x[0..n-1] contains the target element t

mustbe(range): the key idea is that we always know that if t is anywhere in x[0..n-1], then it must be in a certain range of x

1) sketch

/* sketch */
initialize range to ..n-
    { invariation: mustbe(range) }
    if range is empty,
        break and report that t is not in the array
    compute m, the middle of the range
    use m as a probe to shrink the range
        if t is found during the shrinking process,
        break and report its position

2) refine

/* refine */
lo = ; hi = n-
    { mustbe(lo, hi) }
    if lo > hi
        p = -; break
    mid = lo + (hi-lo)/
        x[mid] < t:   lo = mid +
        x[mid] == t:  p = m; break
        x[mid] > t:   hi = mid -

3) program

 /* program */
 { mustbe(, n-) }
 lo = ; hi = n -
 { mustbe(lo,hi) }
     { mustbe(lo,hi) }
     if lo > hi
         { lo > hi && mustbe(lo,hi) }
         { t is not in the array }
             p = -; break
         { mustbe(lo,hi) && lo <= hi }
         m = lo + (hi-lo)/
         { mustbe(lo,hi) && lo <= mid <= hi }
             x[mid] < t:
                     { mustbe(lo,hi) && cantbe(,mid) }
                     { mustbe(mid+,hi) }
                     lo = mid +
                     { mustbe(lo,hi) }
             x[mid] == t:
                     { mustbe(lo,hi) }
                      p = mid; break
             x[m] > t:
                     { mustbe(lo,hi) && cantbe(mid, n-) }
                     { mustbe(lo,mid-) }
                     hi = mid-
                     { mustbe(lo,hi) }
         { mustbe(lo,hi) }

4.2  Program verification

1) assertions (inputs, variables and outputs)

2) sequential control structures

"do this statement and then that statement" -- place assertions between them and analyze each step of the program' progress individually

3) selection control structures

"if", "case": one of many choices is selected -- consider each of the several choices individually

4) iteration control structures

initialization: invariation is true when the loop is executed the first time

preservation: invariation is true before and after each iteration of loop

termination: the desired result is true whenever execution of the loop terminates

5) functions

precondition: the state(inputs, variables) must be true before it is called

postcondition: what the function will guarantee on termination

int  bsearch( int t, int x[], int n )
/*  precondition: x[0] <= x[1] <= ... <= x[n-1]
          result == -1       => t not present in x
          0 <= result < n  => x[result] == t

5  编程实现


5.1  coding

/* return (any) position if t is in sorted x[0..n-1]
    or -1 if t is not present */
int binarysearch(DataType t)
    int lo, hi, mid;
    lo = ;
    hi = n-;

    while(lo < hi)
        mid = lo + (hi-lo)/;
        if(x[mid] < t)
            lo = mid + ;
        else if(x[mid] == t)
            return mid;
        else /* x[mid] > t */
            hi = mid -;

5.2  testing

5.3  debugging

5.4  timing

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