requirement :

connecting to remote oracle server . now I know  the connectionURL :connectionUrl :jdbc:oracle:thin:LUXPRODUCTION/LUXPRODUCTION@//

I don't have to install oracle server in local environment.

I need to install plsql tools

after I install plsql tools

it couldn't work,  at the logon dialog, the database is invalid for inputing, as well as the "Connect as" properties disappeared. of course , the following dialog is normal because I finally  configure it successfully.

the reason for that, I didn't know now, but regarding material from internet, it told me I should install Oracle client  for plsql.

yes , I install it.

because my OS is based on 64 bits. so I chose the version of it with x64.

after installation, oracle client finally prompt me to configure tnsnames.ora setting file.

but when I confirm the prompt dialog. it tips me path is invalid.


because I used the normal user previlige when I run the setup program. then I reinstall the setup with administive previlege. it was ok eventually.

tnsnames.ora was set up rightly.

then I need to set the windows environmental variable

TNS_ADMIN = {installation path}\network\admin

then I open the plsql which I have already installed

Tools -> preferences  ,then to set the Oracle Home  and OCI library path.

then restart the plsql.

then, the logon dialog would became as following.

we need to input valid username and password. and database.

after that . OK.

you might meet a problem, the plsql perhaps notice you "Initialization error could not initialize ....\oci,dll, make sure you have the 32 bits Oracle client installed"

I didn't know why it happened. but , I tried to download another oracle client with 32bit version, and installed it replacing the previous one.

the issue was settled.

but then I met another problem.

the PLSql prompt me character set was different.

then .I added an environmental variable in windows. the issue was resolved.


I didn't know if other parameter value are applicable for the issue. I didn't try.

PL/SQL FAQ in installation "make sure you have the 32 bits Oracle client installed" and "Database character set(AL32UTF8) and Client character set (GBK) are different"的更多相关文章

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