[Android FrameWork 6.0源码学习] ViewGroup的addView函数分析
public interface ViewManager { /** * Assign the passed LayoutParams to the passed View and add the view to the window. * <p>Throws {@link android.view.WindowManager.BadTokenException} for certain programming * errors, such as adding a second view to a window without removing the first view. * <p>Throws {@link android.view.WindowManager.InvalidDisplayException} if the window is on a * secondary {@link Display} and the specified display can't be found * (see {@link android.app.Presentation}). * @param view The view to be added to this window. * @param params The LayoutParams to assign to view. */ public void addView(View view, ViewGroup.LayoutParams params); public void updateViewLayout(View view, ViewGroup.LayoutParams params); public void removeView(View view) }
public void addView(View child, LayoutParams params) { addView(child, -1, params); }
public void addView(View child, int index, LayoutParams params) { if (DBG) { System.out.println(this + " addView"); } if (child == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot add a null child view to a ViewGroup"); } // addViewInner() will call child.requestLayout() when setting the new LayoutParams // therefore, we call requestLayout() on ourselves before, so that the child's request // will be blocked at our level requestLayout(); invalidate(true); addViewInner(child, index, params, false); }
这个方法先是重绘了一下布局,然后调用了addViewInner(child, index, params, false);方法,来把View插入到相应的位置
private void addViewInner(View child, int index, LayoutParams params, boolean preventRequestLayout) { if (mTransition != null) { // Don't prevent other add transitions from completing, but cancel remove // transitions to let them complete the process before we add to the container mTransition.cancel(LayoutTransition.DISAPPEARING); } if (child.getParent() != null) { throw new IllegalStateException("The specified child already has a parent. " + "You must call removeView() on the child's parent first."); } if (mTransition != null) { mTransition.addChild(this, child); } if (!checkLayoutParams(params)) { params = generateLayoutParams(params); } if (preventRequestLayout) { child.mLayoutParams = params; } else { child.setLayoutParams(params); } if (index < 0) { index = mChildrenCount; } //ViewGroup用一个View类型的数组去维护下边的子view,这个方法就是把view添加到响应的位置上 addInArray(child, index); //绑定插入的view的父容器为当前group // tell our children if (preventRequestLayout) { child.assignParent(this); } else { child.mParent = this; } if (child.hasFocus()) { requestChildFocus(child, child.findFocus()); } AttachInfo ai = mAttachInfo; if (ai != null && (mGroupFlags & FLAG_PREVENT_DISPATCH_ATTACHED_TO_WINDOW) == 0) { boolean lastKeepOn = ai.mKeepScreenOn; ai.mKeepScreenOn = false; child.dispatchAttachedToWindow(mAttachInfo, (mViewFlags&VISIBILITY_MASK)); if (ai.mKeepScreenOn) { needGlobalAttributesUpdate(true); } ai.mKeepScreenOn = lastKeepOn; } if (child.isLayoutDirectionInherited()) { child.resetRtlProperties(); } dispatchViewAdded(child); if ((child.mViewFlags & DUPLICATE_PARENT_STATE) == DUPLICATE_PARENT_STATE) { mGroupFlags |= FLAG_NOTIFY_CHILDREN_ON_DRAWABLE_STATE_CHANGE; } if (child.hasTransientState()) { childHasTransientStateChanged(child, true); } if (child.getVisibility() != View.GONE) { notifySubtreeAccessibilityStateChangedIfNeeded(); } if (mTransientIndices != null) { final int transientCount = mTransientIndices.size(); for (int i = 0; i < transientCount; ++i) { final int oldIndex = mTransientIndices.get(i); if (index <= oldIndex) { mTransientIndices.set(i, oldIndex + 1); } } } }
private void addInArray(View child, int index) { View[] children = mChildren; final int count = mChildrenCount; final int size = children.length; if (index == count) { if (size == count) { mChildren = new View[size + ARRAY_CAPACITY_INCREMENT]; System.arraycopy(children, 0, mChildren, 0, size); children = mChildren; } children[mChildrenCount++] = child; } else if (index < count) { if (size == count) { mChildren = new View[size + ARRAY_CAPACITY_INCREMENT]; System.arraycopy(children, 0, mChildren, 0, index); System.arraycopy(children, index, mChildren, index + 1, count - index); children = mChildren; } else { System.arraycopy(children, index, children, index + 1, count - index); } children[index] = child; mChildrenCount++; if (mLastTouchDownIndex >= index) { mLastTouchDownIndex++; } } else { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("index=" + index + " count=" + count); } }
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