
1.more 能做什么?

2.more 是如何实现的?

3.实现 more

1.more 能做什么?

more 可以分页显示文件的内容。正常运行后 more 会显示文件第一屏的内容,在屏幕的底部,more 用反白字体显示文件的百分比,这时如果按空格键,文件的下一屏内容会显示出来,如果按回车键,显示的则是下一行,如果输入“q”,结束显示,如果输入“h”,显示出来的是 more 的联机帮助。

more 有三种用法:

more filename


command | more

more 将 command 命令的输出分页显示。

more < filename

从标准输入获取要分页显示的内容,而这时 more 的标准输入被重定向到文件 filename。

2.more 是如何实现的?


more 命令展示:
执行命令more test.c




3.实现 more

3.1 more01.c

/* more01.c - version 0.1 of more
 * read and print 24 lines then pause for a few special commands

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define PAGELEN 24
#define LINELEN 512

void do_more(FILE *);
int see_more();

int main( int ac, char *av[] )
    FILE *fp;

    if ( ac == 1 )
        do_more( stdin );
        while ( --ac )
            if ( (fp = fopen( *++av, "r" )) != NULL )
                do_more( fp );
                fclose( fp );
    return 0;

void do_more( FILE *fp )
 * read PAGELEN lines, then call see_more() for further instructions
    char line[LINELEN];
    int num_of_lines = 0;
    int see_more(), reply;

    while ( fgets( line, LINELEN, fp ) ) {     /* more input */
        if ( num_of_lines == PAGELEN ) {       /* full screen? */
            reply = see_more();                /* y: ask user */
            if ( reply == 0 )                  /* n: done */
            num_of_lines -= reply;             /* reset count */
        if ( fputs( line, stdout ) == EOF )    /* show line */
            exit(1);                           /* or die */
        num_of_lines++;                        /* count it */

int see_more()
 * print message, wait for response, return # of lines to advance
 * q means no, space means yes, CR means one line
    int c;

    printf("\033[7m more? \033[m");            /* reverse on a vt100 */
    while( (c=getchar()) != EOF )              /* get response */
        if ( c == 'q' )                        /* q -> N */
            return 0;
        if ( c == ' ' )                        /* ' ' => next page */
            return PAGELEN;                    /* how many to show */
        if ( c == '\n' )                       /* Enter key => 1 line */
            return 1;
    return 0;



按空格 + 回车:

按q + 回车:

这段代码有 3 个函数,在主函数中判断应该从文件还是标准输人中获取数据,并打开相应的数据源,然后调用 do_more 函数,do_more 将数据显示在显示器上,满一屏后,调用 see_more 函数接收用户的输入,以决定下一步的动作。

先来看对数据源的处理,在 main 函数中检查命令参数的个数,如果没有参数,那就从标准输入读取数据,这样一来 more 就可以通过管道重定向来得到数据,如:
who | more
who 命令列出当前系统中活动的用户,管道命令“|”将 who 的输出重定向到 more 的输入,结果是每次显示 24 个用户后暂停,在有很多用户的情况下,用 more 来对 who 的输出进行分页就会很有必要。
ls /bin | more01
期望的结果是将 /bin 目录下的文件分页,显示 24 行以后暂停。
然而实际的运行结果并不是这样的,24 行以后并没有暂停而是继续输出,问题在哪里呢?

已经将 more01 的标准输入重定向到 ls 的标准输出,这样 more01 将从同一个数据流中读用户的输入,这显然有问题。


  1. more01.c 只实现了查看一个文件( more filename ),当标准输入输出被重定向到其他管道时,程序无法正常接受来自键盘的信息(无法使用管道命令「|」、重定向「<」「>」)。
  2. 无法输入立即响应,需要按回车。

3.2 more02.c


  1. /dev/tty是键盘和显示器的设备描述文件,程序可以从/dev/tty得到键盘数据,避免因为重定向管道造成无法正常接收键盘数据。
  2. getchar() 相当于 getc(stdin)
/* more02.c - version 0.2 of more
 * read and print 24 lines then pause for a few special commands
 * feature of version 0.2: reads from /dev/tty for commands
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define PAGELEN 24
#define LINELEN 512

void do_more(FILE *);
int see_more(FILE *);

int main( int ac, char *av[] )
    FILE *fp;

    if ( ac == 1 )
        do_more( stdin );
        while ( --ac )
            if ( (fp = fopen( *++av, "r" )) != NULL )
                do_more( fp );
                fclose( fp );
    return 0;

void do_more( FILE *fp )
 * read PAGELEN lines, then call see_more() for further instructions
    char line[LINELEN];
    int num_of_lines = 0;
    int see_more(FILE *), reply;
    FILE *fp_tty;

    fp_tty = fopen( "/dev/tty", "r" );          /* NEW: cmd stream */
    if ( fp_tty == NULL )                       /* if open fails */
        exit(1);                                /* no use in running */

    while ( fgets( line, LINELEN, fp ) ) {      /* more input */
        if ( num_of_lines == PAGELEN ) {        /* full screen? */
            reply = see_more( fp_tty );         /* NEW: pass FILE * */
            if ( reply == 0 )                   /* n: done */
            num_of_lines -= reply;              /* reset count */
        if ( fputs( line, stdout ) == EOF )     /* show line */
            exit(1);                            /* or die */
        num_of_lines++;                         /* count it */

int see_more(FILE *cmd)                         /* NEW: accepts arg */
 * print message, wait for response, return # of lines to advance
 * q means no, space means yes, CR means one line
    int c;

    printf("\033[7m more? \033[m");             /* reverse on a vt100 */
    while( (c=getc(cmd)) != EOF )               /* NEW: reads from tty */
        if ( c == 'q' )                         /* q -> N */
            return 0;
        if ( c == ' ' )                         /* ' ' => next page */
            return PAGELEN;                     /* how many to show */
        if ( c == '\n' )                        /* Enter key => 1 line */
            return 1;
    return 0;


3.3 more03.c


/* more03.c - version 0.3 of more
 * read and print 24 lines then pause for a few special commands
 * feature of version 0.3: no need to press return
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <termios.h>

#define PAGELEN 24
#define LINELEN 512

void do_more(FILE *);
int see_more(FILE *);
void set_crmode();
tty_mode(int how);

int main( int ac, char *av[] )
    FILE *fp;

    tty_mode(0);                                /* save tty mode */
    set_crmode();                               /* set chr-by-chr mode */

    if ( ac == 1 )
        do_more( stdin );
        while ( --ac )
            if ( (fp = fopen( *++av, "r" )) != NULL )
                do_more( fp );
                fclose( fp );

    tty_mode(1);                                /* restore tty mode */
    return 0;

void do_more( FILE *fp )
 * read PAGELEN lines, then call see_more() for further instructions
    char line[LINELEN];
    int num_of_lines = 0;
    int see_more(FILE *), reply;
    FILE *fp_tty;

    fp_tty = fopen( "/dev/tty", "r" );          /* NEW: cmd stream */
    if ( fp_tty == NULL )                       /* if open fails */
        exit(1);                                /* no use in running */

    while ( fgets( line, LINELEN, fp ) ) {      /* more input */
        if ( num_of_lines == PAGELEN ) {        /* full screen? */
            reply = see_more( fp_tty );         /* NEW: pass FILE * */
            if ( reply == 0 )                   /* n: done */
            num_of_lines -= reply;              /* reset count */
        if ( fputs( line, stdout ) == EOF )     /* show line */
            exit(1);                            /* or die */
        num_of_lines++;                         /* count it */

int see_more(FILE *cmd)                         /* NEW: accepts arg */
 * print message, wait for response, return # of lines to advance
 * q means no, space means yes, CR means one line
    int c;

    printf("\033[7m more? \033[m");             /* reverse on a vt100 */
    while( (c=getc(cmd)) != EOF )               /* NEW: reads from tty */
        if ( c == 'q' )                         /* q -> N */
            return 0;
        if ( c == ' ' )                         /* ' ' => next page */
            return PAGELEN;                     /* how many to show */
        if ( c == '\n' )                        /* Enter key => 1 line */
            return 1;
    return 0;

void set_crmode()
 * purpose: put file descriptor 0 (i.e. stdin) into chr-by-chr mode
 * method: use bits in termios
    struct termios ttystate;

    tcgetattr( 0, &ttystate);                   /* read curr. setting */
    ttystate.c_lflag    &= ~ICANON;             /* no buffering */
    ttystate.c_cc[VMIN] = 1;                    /* get 1 char at a time */
    tcsetattr( 0, TCSANOW, &ttystate);          /* install settings */

/* how == 0 => save current mode; how == 1 => restore mode */
tty_mode(int how)
    static struct termios original_mode;
    if ( how == 0 )
        tcgetattr(0, &original_mode);
        return tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &original_mode);


可以看到,输入 “q” 后直接退出,不需要按回车。

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